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I think my cat is dying and I don't know what to do


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For almost a week my cat, who is 14, has been alarmingly still and saucer-eyed. He's usually very active and goes outside most of the day.


We took him to the vet on Christmas Eve. They said it was a cold, possibly pneumonia (I didn't get the x-rays).  Gave him fluids and antibiotics.   That seemed to perk him up slightly.


Starting last night, he stopped eating. He just lies on his side panting.  He moans when he seems me. He had a little water but then threw up a couple of times.


The vet is closed today. I don't know what to do. What should I do ?

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I'm sorry.  :grouphug:   If you can't get hold of a vet, all you can probably do at this point is make him as comfortable as possible.  :crying:  Maybe put a heating pad on low under his bed to keep him warm.  If he stops panting, maybe try to get some fluids into him with a syringe.

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If you are in the US, then your vet is ethically (and legally, per state practice acts) required to either offer/provide emergency service to his/her clients or to refer you to a reasonably accessible emergency facility. So, call your vet's number . . .usually they have an answering system that gives you the number of emergency services.


If you can't afford the diagnostics and/or treatment the vet recommends, then request euthanasia, as that is the humane thing to do rather than allow her to suffer.



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:grouphug: I am so sorry for both of you. I agree with Stephanie that your vet should have emergency instructions. If not, check with your local animal shelter.


Hydration of course is important, but eating is too for cats. You can try using as syringe like Mergath suggested, but instead of water, try chicken broth or drain off the juices of one of those spendy little cans of cat food. Sometimes a distressed cat can take that when the water makes their nausea worse.


Will be thinking of you and wish you all the best in resolving this quickly. Again, I am so sorry. :grouphug:

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Thank you all. My husband is taking him to the emergency vet hospital. I can't believe I didn't do it hours ago- if someone had posted this question, that is the advice I would have given.

I'm so sorry about your kitty.


Don't beat yourself up. It's easy to tell someone else that it's time, it's a lot harder when it's your own pet.

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Thank you all. My husband is taking him to the emergency vet hospital. I can't believe I didn't do it hours ago- if someone had posted this question, that is the advice I would have given.


I'm so sorry about your cat, Poppy. :crying:


Don't second guess yourself about when you should have taken him to the vet -- as Amy already posted, it's easy to think clearly about what to do when you're advising someone else. It's totally different when you're the one sitting there with your cat and feeling scared and helpless and worrying about whether or not you're making the right decision. I mean, this is literally a life and death thing, and it's very emotional. You can't expect yourself to make a snap decision about something like this.


And why does this stuff always happen on the weekend when the regular vet's office is closed??? It makes it so much harder!


Again, I'm so sorry about your cat. :(

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Just want to update, my cat did indeed pass away yesterday.  The animal hospital decided within just a few minutes of looking at him that euthanizing was the most merciful course of action.  I am sad his last day was painful-but- glad that I had over a decade of his companionship. Thank all, I am grateful for the kind words.

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I am so sorry.  That is exactly what happened to my Rocky Boy.  He had kidney failure, was on iv fluids for 4 months and one day he just would not eat and was lying on his side panting.  We also took him to an animal hospital and they could do nothing.  He had to be put down, it was very sad so I understand your grief.  It seems cats can go downhill so fast.

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I'm sorry. We lost our cat last week due to kidney failure. She was about the same age. She only lost her appetite and there were no other signs, but our vet said it happens this way and it only becomes obvious that something is wrong at the very end.


:grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:

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I'm so sorry for your loss. I read that since cats are prey animals, they hide all the signs that they are feeling badly, so the predators won't pick them out as the weak one.  Which helps in the wild, but makes it so difficult to take care of them. I think you all were such a blessing to him, and he to you all.  :grouphug:

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