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What Craft/Hobby Thing are you doing? week 18


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Hey everyone...


probably many of us in the US have been socked in by this weather system that moved across the midwest and east.  I'm making progress on  the projects on my two looms.  Here's the 1st of 3 scarves on my little loom:





How's everyone else doing?  Got any photos??  Please share.




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I love the colors of your scarf! Snowy, cold days are a good time to work on crafts.


I'm in the process of planning my 8 year old's twin sized quilt, and I still haven't decided which pattern to use.  Most applique patterns are time consuming, and I'd really like to be able to finish it in the next year.


Here is photo of my 5 year old's twin-sized Colorful Cars quilt I finished a few weeks ago.  It was simple to piece with rectangles and squares, but the hand-quilting took a long time (about two years total for me to finish).





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You have just inspired me to pick up my knitting.   Thanks!  :thumbup:


I was learning to knit last year, but my teacher/friend moved away.  I have a knitting store in town who offers classes, so time to get back to it. Well, for that reason and the fact that there are 3 bags with unfinished projects. . :lol:


It is also a great cold weather project that relaxes me (until I mess up!!)



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Craft sales are now over, did pretty good at one, total flop at this weekends.  But, I did have a lady come up to me yesterday and ask if I would be interested in selling my wreaths on consignment at her gift shop in the hospital.  So that is something.  My kids Sunday school teachers each got one with a candle and they really liked them. 


This week, I am starting on an idea my husband gave me.  I am making small tote bags for each kid to hang on their hook to keep hats, gloves, scarves in.  That was one of those duh moments when I was complaining about the stuff all over the mudroom.


Hopefully I get all 6 of those knocked out this week, then I can start on the side of the bed bags.  I bought cute new notebooks and pens to put In them, now I just need to sew them.

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I am slowly working on the hot pads for the ladies at Christmas.  I have 4 completely done.  All are done the embroidery stage (nearly threw the machine out the window), but are awaiting the layering and sewing.  I almost feel bad for my sister as hers were the guinea pigs.  I am also still working on a monster lovey blanket for my nephew.  It is just waiting for a face and sewing onto the blanket.  Of course I don't want to do any of those right now.  Right now I want to use up some old yarn and make some cat snuggles for the humane shelter.

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I've never joined this thread because I rarely have time to do crafty things, but I am proud to announce that I am crocheting infinity scarves for Christmas presents and they are going well. I can make one in a couple of hours, which works for me.


Do you have a pattern you can link to?


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I've never joined this thread because I rarely have time to do crafty things, but I am proud to announce that I am crocheting infinity scarves for Christmas presents and they are going well. I can make one in a couple of hours, which works for me.


welcome to the group.  A couple of hours ---- how wonderful (and satisfying).  

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Saraha - so sorry that last one was a flop.  What a disappointment.  Yay! for a potential long-term arrangement.   I love the tote bag idea too. I hate stepping on cold wet gloves/socks/scarves. 


I hope others will have time to share some photos too!  I'd love to see the embroidered hot pads and all the other things being made.

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Pictures... okay.  I will catch up with posting some of my projects.  First up, the winter wreath.  It was a PIA to do the edging like this and will probably use the wrapping in the other ones I have done next time.  That said, I think it is cute.  I based it off of this pattern but had to change the snowballs into snowflakes (just random ravelry patterns) for fear of my storm door not closing.




Here is the set of hot pads for my 90 yo Grandmother-in-law.




Okay, Photobucket and I are going round and round so the other hot pads will be in another post.


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Let's see if I can abuse Photobucket into working now.  These will be the fronts and backs of the hot pads.  8 more to stitch together tomorrow.




I also made these bunk bed buddies in 3 different prints for my boys.  This is the only one I took pictures of though.  I am hoping they will use them for storing their reading books instead of launching them to the floor when they are done.


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CountryGirl - love the minecraft idea.  C?an't wait to see how it turns out.


Jenn -- all those crafts look wonderful.  I love the monster potholders, especially.... you can keep the spiders...  (shudder))


The monster potholders are going to the mom of the kids that I made the other monster kits (my evil sil I don't like).  The story is going to be that they are big into Skylanders and Skylanders remind me of monsters so the monster theme was born.  In reality, I just think her kids are little monsters.

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I spent yesterday sewing a hip wrap for a bellydance performance. We're doing a holiday show, so this costume is delightfully tacky and theme-y. I have off-white Santa fur around my hips and a sequined cranberry fabric under it. Imagine a short wrap skirt, but over jazz pants. I still need to embellish my choli top and make a headpiece. I also really want sleigh bell ankle bracelets for the Bollywood number we're doing.

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The website is www.classycrochet.wordpress.com. Scroll down to free patterns. It's a great beginners project. I'm not a beginner, but I needed a project that wouldn't get me bogged down.


Ok, hopefully this is the link. I've never done this on my iPad before.


yes, the link worked fine and I'm going to share it with my sister, who is a crocheter.



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Saraha - so sorry that last one was a flop.  What a disappointment.  Yay! for a potential long-term arrangement.   I love the tote bag idea too. I hate stepping on cold wet gloves/socks/scarves. 


I hope others will have time to share some photos too!  I'd love to see the embroidered hot pads and all the other things being made.

Thanks.  I am new to the craft show thing, so a 50% success rate I will take.  I don't expect a lot from the hospital gift shop, but it is better than the wreaths sitting in a tote until next year! 

I wish I could post pictures.  Right now we have a card stuck in our computer, so now the camera is useless and we cant put anything on the computer.  Anybody have any advice on how to get a stuck card out of the reader?

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I just recently finished a hat for dh. It only took 2 years. :tongue_smilie:  Actually I started it when ds2 was still playing soccer and worked on it whenever he was at practice/games. Then he quit. Since the hat stayed in the car (map drawer under the passenger's seat) I'd forgotten all about it. It's just 2x2 rib in fingering weight yarn so a ton of stitches but easy and fairly quick.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Is there a more recent thread than this one? 


I think I figured out how to post links to pictures.


This is the quilt I made for my son in October. 


I made no sew quilts for two of my nephews. You can see one of them here - one of our cats tried to adopt it! 


This is the Flats Family that I made for my 3 yo great-niece. Here is one set of their clothing, and here is the other set. Why, oh why do they need ten pairs of shoes? They are so tiny!  This is the tote bag that she can use to carry them. 


Thanks for letting me share. Maybe one day I'll figure out how to put the pictures in the thread! 


I finished a quilt top for my brother, but I haven't taken a picture yet. It's at the longarmer. I should get it back Sunday. Hopefully I'll be able to bind it and get it overnighted to him for Christmas. 



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This is the Flats Family that I made for my 3 yo great-niece. Here is one set of their clothing, and here is the other set. Why, oh why do they need ten pairs of shoes? They are so tiny!  This is the tote bag that she can use to carry them. 


This. is. adorable.  Everyone's projects look great.


I've been doing some Christmas-time crafting and everything is going pretty well, so I thought I might share.


I make ornaments for my kids every year.  I *love* this year's.  They're my favorites.




I can't share the grandparent gift yet, after Christmas. 

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