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Advent! It's almost Advent!


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Someone had posted a reading schedule that led up to the nativity.  Was it this board?  If you have something like that to share, I'm all ears. 


We have to set up the advent calendar with goodies...


On another non cc note, dd's elf on the shelf is due for his arrival.  Does anyone else do this?  Even my older ds enjoyed it last year. 

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This is my very favorite time of the church year...I even got to talk about it on the radio last week!


I remembered to buy my Advent candles a few weeks ago, so the Advent wreath is ready to go.


I have to put new white lights on our Jesse tree...that's on the schedule for this afternoon. I guess I should find the Jesse tree and O Antiphon ornaments, too. I think I know where they are, but I better start looking now, just in case they're not where I expect them to be! :)


We're going to be reading Bartholomew's Passage again this year...the children are really looking forward to it!


We're also excited that for once, the Lego Advent calendars actually line up with the days in Advent.


I can't wait to start singing all of the Advent hymns in church tomorrow...they're so beautiful!

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I forgot to add what we do. I just finished making a fresh Advent wreath to put around my Advent candle holder. ;) We do the Candles every Sunday evening as a family along with a devotional and usually some carol singing. My dh made a really nice Advent Calendar that the kids open daily that contains treats and a paper with a daily activity written on it. The activities are an assortment of crafts, baking, local events, church events, charity, family fun etc. Something else fun we have done for a few years is I have the kids draw a secret Christkind name and they are told to try and do secret kind things for one another and I let them pick out a gift for their Christkind. I got that idea from a Maria VonTrapp Article I read online. We also will have nightly advent readings. This year I'm using a small book called We Light the Candles. Today I just got out our nativity set and I move the pieces around the living and dining room throughout December and January. Baby Jesus and his crib do not appear until During the night on Christmas Eve and the Wise men show up on Epiphany at the crib. Right now Mary and the Angel are on the dining room table next to our Advent wreath. Oh and I bought these little book ornaments from Costco a few years ago that the kids read and hang on the tree daily. In addition to these things we celebrate St. Nicholas day with treats in the kids shoes and learning about the real St. Nicholas. We also celebrate Epiphany with an Epiphany cake and a little gift that the kids have to go on a hunt to find while wearing their crowns. :)

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Here's our DIY Advent wreath.  :)  Now I'm off to check out the other ideas.

Nice Job! I bought a metal Advent candle holder ring at the Salvation Army, it is gold. Today we helped decorate our church and I was able to bring home some trimmings from the tree, which I used to make a wreath to go around the candle holder. I used pipe cleaners and my cross stitch hoop to make it. I didn't have any money to spend on it today. My mom is going to send over a bit of ribbon that I can add to it too. I'm happy with how it looks. I have always wanted some real greenery but we have a fake tree. :)

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I finished up our advent countdown calendar last night. I filled each spot with one chocolate and one Jesse Tree ornament.  We celebrate a few feast days this month, so those spots have little-something-extras. I have about 60 little slips of paper, and each kid gets one per day. The papers suggest an advent activity or intention - like, "Today I will do a good deed for a sibling" or "Today I will pray an extra Hail Mary for the souls in Purgatory" etc. 


Last week we rolled out our advent candles. I put the appropriate colored candle in each Sunday's countdown calendar bag, and we'll add it to their wreaths on the right day.  We have a family wreath on the dinner table, plus each kid has a personal wreath.



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Took all my fall/thanksgiving decor down today after having family in town. Will be getting my wreath out tomorrow, hoping there are some candles with it!


I'll also be working on Jesse Tree ornaments (our first time doing this!) and planning for St. Nicholas Day this Friday.

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Ugh, WHY is it that I always wait until the last minute?!

I am currently up at nearly 11 pm, just starting to wrap up all the books for our book trees...yes, plural...this year dd requested for her bday next week 'loads new fun math books', by which she means living math books. I thought it would be so much fun to do them this way, sort of a math count-down. I know she is going to be thrilled, but we are also doing a Christmas around the world book tree.

So. Two down, only 48 more books to individually wrap!

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