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Okay, big deal for me - I finally finished Don Quixote

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I broke all of my personal rules and wrote in the margins, underlined, etc. I stopped at folding down the page corners. I still can't bring myself to do it. :o


And - I did take notes for more than half the book.


I thought it was a wonderful story, and *very* funny, too!

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I started that book a couple of years ago and I'm still working on it. :D I really enjoy it and find myself laughing a lot when I'm reading it, but it's still a long, hard read. You might have just motivated me to pick it up again....


I could have written this post. Time to get it back out.




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Thank you, everyone! :001_smile:


Instead of Oliver Twist, I am reading through David Copperfield with my dd. I just started Pride and Prejudice, and I am enjoying it thoroughly.


I read Gulliver's Travels, and I am waiting on Pilgrim's Progress so I can read P&P with my dd, who is also reading it on her own.

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Way to go! I'm reading A Tale of Two Cities for the first time for fun--I bought a "new" copy for 25 cents. But I've just ordered the first 3 books SWB recommends in WEM (same editions--thanks to others who've ordered, Amazon just brought the right ones up as soon as I clicked on the first book to buy.) WTMindy inspired me, and this thread is getting me more excited. I never read these because my parents don't own them. We didn't have a public library, so I read what was in the house (lots and lots of books, including literature, but not those very old ones.)

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Why did you choose this version? Does SWB recommend this version in WEM (which I obviously need to buy)?




Yes, this is the one recommended by SWB in WEM. It really captured quite well the interesting and humorous relationship between Quixote and his "squire" Sancho.

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Way to go! I'm reading A Tale of Two Cities for the first time for fun--I bought a "new" copy for 25 cents. But I've just ordered the first 3 books SWB recommends in WEM (same editions--thanks to others who've ordered, Amazon just brought the right ones up as soon as I clicked on the first book to buy.) WTMindy inspired me, and this thread is getting me more excited. I never read these because my parents don't own them. We didn't have a public library, so I read what was in the house (lots and lots of books, including literature, but not those very old ones.)


I love, love, love The Tale of Two Cities! I read it years ago, and I truly could not put it down. I am a true Dickens fan. :001_smile: (I couldn't get into Oliver Twist, though. I think the Movie/Musical versions ruined it for me - I *loathed* them.)

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Lisa, you are an inspiration to all of us who grew up sans a classical education or even a "pretty good books" education! Bravo!!


Why, thank you, Lisa! I'm sure there was a time when Don Quixote was read in a weekend. Can you imagine? :D

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I'm just starting it .... again. I read WEM 3 yrs ago and started DQ but then 4th kid came and that all ended. I think I read about half of part 1 but I'm starting over again. This morning I just read the prologue, I love the Spanish humor.


DH is always supportive but he does pick on me because I get up at 5:30 to read. This morning he was asking how many credits I was going to get.


I think I can, I think I can!

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Good for you! Are you doing the Well Educated Mind?


Yes, I'm using WEM.


We'll be up in your neck of the woods at the end of the month. Friends of ours have a house in Harwich, and we'll be staying there for a few days. We hadn't planned on coming up this year, but we are managing to squeeze it in.


We love, love, love the Cape!

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I'm jealous. I just cannot find time to read anything hard. I'm too tired. And I can't get up early to do it because I already do; my husband and I sit up in bed and listen to the noaa and talk about things. All the classics aren't worth that time to me GRIN. Maybe if I weren't trying to learn to draw and paint. I've found I can only do one thing at a time, these days. I don't seem to have the energy for anything more. Way to go, Lisa! I still remember how much more I got out of that short story after you and Anna and I discussed it. I hope we can do more, some day. In another two years or so, I should have some energy for more serious reading. TWEM is a long list. Maybe you'll still be working on it and I can jump and join you. : )


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