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Buongiorno from Bella Napoli!


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Finally, I feel awake (and rested), and ready to fill you all in on our adventures in Italy!


Our adventure began October 3rd, at IAD (Dulles Airport International).  Two friends offered up their Honda Odyssey's to carry us (and our luggage) to the airport, saving us $892 that we were quoted.  The drive to the airport was pleasant and uneventful.  We unloaded everything, grabbed a skycap, and went straight to the Delta desk (because our ticket was from Delta), Delta then sent us, and our towering cart of baggage to the Air France Desk, where they looked at this large group of crazy Americans and started weighing our carry-ons.  At this point, we were 3 hours away from our flight time.


Before I go further, I should also say, that I spent a good deal of time contacting airlines (United, Delta, Lufthansa...whose policies are like Air France), looking up FAA regs on tickets/baggage, etc.  We were told that the baggage regulations used were based upon the TICKETING airline.  So I called Delta/United and asked to clarify their baggage policies  for DoD civilians (Active Duty policies are listed, but i wanted to ensure they would apply to us, and not make any assumptions).  We had asked to get extra baggage on our orders, but that was "declined" with a, "check with the airlines" position.  So, I was told that our orders are what mattered, and that even though we weren't active duty, since we were on official orders the policy would apply.  THAT policy (which I packed our bags under) was Three bags up to 70# per person (checked), with one carry on (no weight limit), and one personal item (lap-top/purse/backpack), again...no weight limit.  We brought 2 checked bags per person, plus one extra -- and 2 carry-ons per-person.


Now, back to the Air France desk.  We were told ONE bag under 50# per person, and that we'd have to pay for the extra baggage and the over-weight fees.  We started trying to call SATO (HA!), I IM'd some people on Facebook, trying to get clarification and assistance, Air France told us Delta's baggage policies didn't matter...and this confusion with Delta happened all the time (gee, I wonder why!).  At least they honored the carry on policy.  We had to go re-pack several bags, trying to get as few over-weight bags as possible (we wound up with 3, vs. 7), and paid out of pocket ($1500) for the extra baggage.  During all of this the travel office was telling me to rent "A" van (we were authorized one), and go to Norfolk and take the Mac Flight (mind you, the Mac flight only leaves on Wednesday, which would have put us in a hotel in Norfolk for a week, on a space-available flight...with 5 kids...and this was the suggestion to save us the $1500 of baggage fees that wouldn't be reimbursed because we weren't authorized extra baggage).  Are you laughing as hard as I was at this suggestion??  And yes, at that point most of the offices are on skeleton crews due to the gov't shutdown...and some people stateside were just not available at. all.


By the time we were finally checked into our flight, we were running for the plane (we had 30 minutes to get through security with 2 carry-ons per person...I didn't pack our bags correctly for a tight schedule at security),  We literally threw things back into the carry ons and ran for our train...we were met by a guy on a radio who was looking for the family of 7 missing from the flight.  We got to the plane and the flight attendants were telling us we couldn't bring our carry ons onto the plane.  The plane was full and there was no room.  (well, there WAS plenty of room, just not in the area we were sitting).  I think I was told four times by three people just trying to get on that flight to Paris that we had too much stuff.


BUT, we made the flight.  The food on the flight was delicious (since our family hadn't eaten since breakfast...and it was about 6pm when we finally ate), I ate everything, including the soybean salad.  I didn't care.  I was hungry.  I think I finally relaxed a little after we ate.  Plenty of entertainment options for the kids (and the parents), no air conditioning (!?!), so we were hot and stinky when we deplaned at 5:45 am in Paris (11:45 am eastern).


Then, we had to haul our stuff through the airport.  Up stairs, down stairs...using elevators whenever I could...mainly because we were tired, with a tired 4yo/7yo, hauling things...I was getting dizzy...going down an escalator with all of that made me panic).  It was a long, long, way.  We got to the Border check (yes, we had to do security...unpack baggage...get out every electronic device, DVD, CD, camera, phone...little girls had to take off their shoes, because the metal on them made the metal detector go off), and then stand in another line to have our passports/visas checked.  We get to our next flight area with 90 minutes to spare...and some of us (me, with the 4yo and 7yo on me) sleep.


As we board the connecting flight to Naples...can anyone guess what happens?  If you guessed the flight attendants give us grief about our carry  ons again, you are correct.  I tell them we are on orders to move to Naples, and they tell me that it doesn't matter, we still can't bring our luggage on board.  I asked them what they would like me to do at that point....(I'm very tired and emotional at this point...trying very badly to get 5 kids and their stuff on board without bumping into people, etc.), they tell me we'd have to put it under our seats (well...duh...).  At that point I wanted to smile every so sweetly and say, "I'm very sorry, we will do our best to NEVER have the possibility of inconveniencing Air France with our presence again:...but I bit my tongue.


A couple hours later, we've landed in Naples...where security/customs doesn't exist...and where we load up our kids and our luggage pretty quickly and head to the base in Capo to eat an "American meal" (enter slight disappointment for me...lol).  Next, we go to our hotel, lug our stuff up 4 flights of stairs, and keep everyone up and entertained until 8pm Naples time (when I insist everyone go to bed). I head to the commissary around 3pm with our sponsor to pick up some food, when we get back, I unpack the food, unpack a few things from my bags, and fall asleep. I'm exhausted...and fall asleep almost immediately.  


End of our first travel day.


Day 2, I wake up at 5am, but go back to sleep and stay in bed until 8.  I'm still under a fog of sleep deprivation, but we try to muddle through the day...unpacking a few things...trying to get our bearings.  We walk to a restaurant that is close by that came highly recommended.  The food was okay.  No one else is walking anywhere...I feel weird.  We get back to our hotel and get ready for bed.  Sunday, we rest up all day, and start trying to figure out schedules, Area Orientation, getting ID's, drivers licenses, school registrations/visits, etc.


Monday-Friday is a bit of a blur.  Stuck on the support site for hours at a time some days...other days running from one end of the support site to the other...in the rain...barely making it to the appointments we had.  We were taken out to dinner by a lovely family...excellent restaurant (EXCELLENT), and meeting people...always meeting people :D


I've looked at about 15 houses thus far (I have photos in a public album on Facebook...Lisa Lundquist Kanak), if you'd like to see any of them.  I'm going out this afternoon to look at a couple more, and then again on Wednesday, and one more time this week.  I don't feel homesick yet...there are things I definitely miss, but too much to do to dwell on anything for long.


I have a lovely view of the NATO base and the giant satellite dishes from my room (hahaha...funny.), The drivers here make NYC drivers seem mild-mannered and calm (I am not kidding), the kids are making new friends (even my Pokemon seems to have found a good niche).  I'm finding a good mix of people I feel comfortable with...and things seem to be going well.


I'm taking dd(7) to enroll her in 1st grade tomorrow, and ds(10) will be checking out the 6th grade.  DS(14) will continue with homeschool, and do an elective over at the high school, DD(11) will only do "specials" at the elementary school (I really can't put her in the 6th grade, and really don't want to skip her to the 8th...), I'll be arranging for an evaluation for my 4yo (speech therapy) on Tuesday as well.  Right now, the only child I plan to enroll full time is the 7yo.  My 10yo son is really at a 4th grade level emotionally...and has moderate dysgraphia.  The more I think about his options, the more I feel like it will be too difficult to try to accommodate him well.


Not many really exciting things to share.  Still too much to do just to try to find our place and settle in.  


BUT, if you could pray...please pray about the gov't shut down.  Right now, we're on working capital fund...but in 3 weeks that runs out.  We will have no income at all (our TLA will be cut off...so no money for anything...we're in a hotel...).  I have money for one month.  This would be bad enough in the states...but here?  DH is working for the 6th fleet, so I'm pretty sure he'll be working without pay.  So, that has us a bit scared.


So, on the whole...we're doing fine.  And, I can't wait to start going to see some places.


Have a very good day everyone!





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My favorite thus far is the Caprese Salad (fresh mozzarella di buffala, fresh tomatoes, oregano, salt, pepper, basil and olive oil).  I think I could eat that every day!  


I'm not a big pasta person, but I've had some that's incredible.  My children have been enjoying the fresh seafood (middle ds asked for octopus salad!), We've had good pizza and not-so-good pizza.  middle son doesn't like any pizza we've tried.


Hoping to get some good food tonight.  

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Lisa, as I read this, this struck me that this was one of Gary Smalley's (family counselor and author) "family canoe trip" bonding experiences.  He says every family should have a couple of these war stories in their repertoire, something they endured together and will laugh about later (much later) and will share together for all time.   : )  Boy, is your story a doozey! 


Best wishes as you finish all the hoop-jumping and settling in.  You have been in my prayers and will continue there--especially about the funding.

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I'm glad you made it safe and sound, but I am sorry for the travel headaches!!!


We have flown Air France several times, and it is our preferred airline. Seriously.


It sounds as if there was a serious break down in communication between Delta & Air France (one that we also experienced--- we HATE Delta!). Part of it could also be seven people boarding at the last minute with a bunch of carry on luggage gave the attendants mini heart attacks. I'm not saying it was right, as you had every right to bring your allotted number of carry ons on board, but that could have been it--- or part of it. I hate flying, for several of the reasons you mentioned!!


I hope you start to feel settled soon!! :grouphug:

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At that point I wanted to smile every so sweetly and say, "I'm very sorry, we will do our best to NEVER have the possibility of inconveniencing Air France with our presence again:...but I bit my tongue.





Now, make a mental note for our trip to Rome, don't fly Air France...got it.


I have paid extra, with hours of layover anywhere else to avoid Air France, particularly to avoid Charles De Gaulle.  


But why would you want to FLY to Rome anyway.  A train would be way more fun, especially with the kiddos, and will dump you right into Rome instead of having to get the kids onto the bus from the airport to Rome.  It's even cheaper: the ItaliaRail site will sell you a ticket for 2 adults and 5 kids (didn't specify ages) from Naples to Rome  for 133 Euros (one way).  TrenItalia appears to be having a children free promotion til mid-Dec.





It sounds more like: don't believe a word that Delta says......



I would call/email/write Delta  and try to get that luggage fee refunded.  Their code share partners should recognize the same policies and they should have told you if there were going to be any extra fees.

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I have paid extra, with hours of layover anywhere else to avoid Air France, particularly to avoid Charles De Gaulle.  


But why would you want to FLY to Rome anyway.  A train would be way more fun, especially with the kiddos, and will dump you right into Rome instead of having to get the kids onto the bus from the airport to Rome.  It's even cheaper: the ItaliaRail site will sell you a ticket for 2 adults and 5 kids (didn't specify ages) from Naples to Rome  for 133 Euros (one way).  TrenItalia appears to be having a children free promotion til mid-Dec.





I would call/email/write Delta  and try to get that luggage fee refunded.  Their code share partners should recognize the same policies and they should have told you if there were going to be any extra fees.

I'm the one that wants to go to Rome from the United States, not the OP. The OP is already in Italy. I've got to get from Detroit (DTW) to Italy so that is why I said I would make a mental note to not use these two airlines in conjunction with one another because of the communication issues. We'll see if we can find different airlines. Of course, we will only be going for a vacation and not to live so we won't need to take so much with us which may ease the pain.



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My blood pressure skyrocketed while reading all that!  I hope things settle down for you, and run more smoothly from here on out.  I hope the govt. gets its act together soon too!    


I didn't see an album of houses on your FB page, but did want to say I love the short hair in your profile pic!  I wish I looked good w/ shorter hair!  (look just like my brother with short hair... not a look I want.. lol! )

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Oops!  I need more coffee.


It won't ease the pain if you're going through CDG,  We hadn't even checked luggage.


A Delta/KLM flight through Amsterdam would be my first choice if I couldn't get a direct Delta flight to Rome.

That's what we are looking at. I've been through the Amsterdam airport before and love it. If I can possibly schedule is so we have a REALLY long layover, I'd love to take the boys into the city for a couple of hours. But, this could be tricky to work out.


I'm not a huge fan of Delta stateside, but they dominate the Detroit airport, and to avoid them, I'd have to take the train into Chicago and leave from O'Hare, an airport that I truly, deeply do.not.like.


I think that from my origination point, my options are limited compared to flying from say Logan, JFK, or Dulles.

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Yes...avoid CDG airport.  I was hoping to go through Frankfurt or Munich (coming from our area, anyhow).  The actual flight on Air France was good...getting on and off...not so good (the comments kept coming as we were de-planing, and we made sure to be at the end, so as not to disturb anyone else.  The crew was particularly "politely rude" on the 2nd flight...we were not late for that one, and the comments were made coming and going.  The first fight apologized to us when I informed them we were MOVING to Italy...the second crew said it didn't matter, we had too much stuff...I led with that the 2nd flight.


So no, if I have to fly Air France, it won't be on a flight where I have to bring more than the allotted bags/weight (and both they and Lufthansa will weigh your carry on...not more than 12 kg...).  


We could have made the luggage issue work IF we had known the proper information ahead of time.  It would have been a pain in the rear (mailing the clothing at that point), but nothing insurmountable.  


The partnership rules should have been honored -- but they aren't...apparently routinely -- we would have run into the same problem on the connecting flight even if we had taken a Delta-run flight to CDG, and connected through Air France.


It's been another long, long day...saw about 8 more houses.  I didn't really care for the realtor I went with today.  She tried, but didn't really LISTEN to me.  I felt like she was trying to talk me into places that *wouldn't* work.  (ie, 3 tiny bedrooms...sure the garden/pool/view was beautiful...but other parts of the house just wouldn't work...or there was no parking, or no space for tools...the LAST house she showed me was the best fit overall.  Good bedrooms...3 bathrooms (one on each level...so we'd really be sharing one most of the time), the main floor wasn't "perfect" but it would work, the basement/garage, the yard & pool...the gated parco...all of the features combined made it work.  It wasn't "perfect" but I could see us living there, having guests there, doing school there...but I didn't like having to go through the other 7 to get there).  But, this is what we do here!  No one can say I'm not getting out & into the area :D


Well, another big day tomorrow!





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It's been another long, long day...saw about 8 more houses.  I didn't really care for the realtor I went with today.  She tried, but didn't really LISTEN to me.  I felt like she was trying to talk me into places that *wouldn't* work.  (ie, 3 tiny bedrooms...sure the garden/pool/view was beautiful...but other parts of the house just wouldn't work...or there was no parking, or no space for tools...the LAST house she showed me was the best fit overall.  Good bedrooms...3 bathrooms (one on each level...so we'd really be sharing one most of the time), the main floor wasn't "perfect" but it would work, the basement/garage, the yard & pool...the gated parco...all of the features combined made it work.  It wasn't "perfect" but I could see us living there, having guests there, doing school there...but I didn't like having to go through the other 7 to get there).  But, this is what we do here!  No one can say I'm not getting out & into the area :D


Well, another big day tomorrow!

:grouphug:  :grouphug: :grouphug:  



Hang in there. You.are.doing.great!

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thank you so much for updating us!!! 

it sounds like a fabulous adventure.  i am so sorry that the government shutdown is casting long shadows.... 


off to look at the houses on your facebook page :)



eta: i couldn't find the house pictures??


ps.  letters to juliette is one of my favourite movies, too.  you could actually go and visit.... !!!

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What an amazing adventure!  I'm curious what your plans are for driving?  As I recall, you were going to have your minivan shipped to Italy.  Personally, I can't imagine myself driving an American-sized minivan in Italy, but I can't think of how else I would transport five kids around, either.  What's this wisdom on this from the locals?

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What an amazing adventure!  I'm curious what your plans are for driving?  As I recall, you were going to have your minivan shipped to Italy.  Personally, I can't imagine myself driving an American-sized minivan in Italy, but I can't think of how else I would transport five kids around, either.  What's this wisdom on this from the locals?


Right now, the locals are driving us around in a 9-seater Renault mini-van,  It is MUCH larger than our vehicle.  Another family is driving around in their suburban...  Most people do drive very small cars -- and ignore all of the seat-belt and car-seat regulations (think...woman breastfeeding while driving...or 4 people on a scooter, mom in back, toddler in the middle, Dad driving, baby in front...in a bucket.)  CRAZY people ;)RID16RenaultTrafic.jpg

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thank you so much for updating us!!! 

it sounds like a fabulous adventure.  i am so sorry that the government shutdown is casting long shadows.... 


off to look at the houses on your facebook page :)



eta: i couldn't find the house pictures??


ps.  letters to juliette is one of my favourite movies, too.  you could actually go and visit.... !!!

Sorry...apparently, I can't make it public and restrict people (I've been asked not to let other realtors see the photos...because listings go with the agent, and they want to keep the listing to themselves...no MLS system here!)  Maybe I can put together a FB list for WTM friends who want to follow our adventures?  

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My favorite thus far is the Caprese Salad (fresh mozzarella di buffala, fresh tomatoes, oregano, salt, pepper, basil and olive oil).  I think I could eat that every day!  


I'm not a big pasta person, but I've had some that's incredible.  My children have been enjoying the fresh seafood (middle ds asked for octopus salad!), We've had good pizza and not-so-good pizza.  middle son doesn't like any pizza we've tried.


Hoping to get some good food tonight.  


Ohhh, Insalata Caprese! Buon Divertimento!

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