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My house is quiet when...

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My kids are asleep and my husband isn't yet. (Man snores like a lumberjack.) :)


Exactly.  :)


I have 6 kids 7 and under.  Unless they are all asleep or not here (rarely not here without me), it's not quiet. 


Though, my kids do love it when I come home with a bunch of "new" library books.  The older 3 are generally quiet for a while checking out what I got.  It's a nice thing to see.  :D

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I have 5 who are 7 and under. So I don't know what quiet would sound like. I think I would enjoy it. My kids are somewhat quiet while watching an art DVD and completing the project. But other than that - it's only quiet at night, and even then they sometimes talk in their sleep it have audio books playing on their iPods.

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Most of the time. My teens work quietly on school. My dh works in his office with the door closed all day. Dd goes to the gym in the afternoons (she is our loudest family member). Ds likes to spend all his free time reading, writing or on the computer. They listen to music through headphones, ds practices guitar quietly with his door closed and dd plays an electronic drum set with headphones. We are a quiet family and always have been.


The only time our house is loud is meal times and when someone is playing a wild game with the puppy.

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When one kid is away.  When that happens, the other one typically finds their own, independent projects to do and gets engrossed.


But it's so rare.  99% of the time, if we're here, both of them are here and they're completely in each others' hair.

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Most of the time. My teens work quietly on school. My dh works in his office with the door closed all day. Dd goes to the gym in the afternoons (she is our loudest family member). Ds likes to spend all his free time reading, writing or on the computer. They listen to music through headphones, ds practices guitar quietly with his door closed and dd plays an electronic drum set with headphones. We are a quiet family and always have been.


The only time our house is loud is meal times and when someone is playing a wild game with the puppy.

This sounds so nice.
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I re-instituted quiet time this year and it's been great to have that daily hour of calmness! Otherwise, as much as my sensitivity to noises takes a beating, I'm grateful when my kids are running around and playing because that means they're not sitting still with electronics, which is the other time when our house is quiet. 

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...when my DH is gone overnight on a business trip, or there's a power outage.  He has a 3D printer, and LOVES it.  He runs it all of the time.  The job currently printing has been running since last night and will likely still be running tomorrow morning.  What is he printing?  Parts for ANOTHER (larger) 3D printer....


Like the tinnitus, I have found I have gotten used to this.  Still bothersome at times, but I can handle it.  And he will give a break and not print something if I tell him I need a respite.


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we get back from the library and the only sound to be heard for an hour is pages turning.  :D  :D  :D  


When is your house quiet? (Besides when it's empty or everyone is asleep!)

I'm totally counting when everyone is asleep. ;) Why do you think I'm still up and I'll be up again at 5:00? :D

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