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Lazy wife?


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I've gotten up to sit at the computer... but only because I can't use Tapatalk with this forum.


I've been feeding my daughter.


Oh, I made coffee!!


Yes, lazy day here,...


Some days, making coffee is all I can accomplish. If I clean it up before my husband gets home, he's the lucky one.

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I made sure I was stocked up for footbsll so I'm braless, in my pjs watching football and having a daiquiri.


I'm too lazy to make a daiquiri, but now I really want one.


I'll just sit here on my couch, laptop on my lap, pretending I had the energy to walk 12 feet and make a damned drink. 

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I am not lazy, today I canned 9 quarts of applesauce, 3 pints & 2 1/2 pints of roasted red peppers, I have other red peppers dehydrating. Dd & I made cookies & a coffee cake for breakfast tomorrow and cleaned up the garden. Dh was working on hardscaping, so I didn't mind being busy today. Had he sat around all day, it would have bothered me.

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I spent the early years of DS's life teaching him to do all yard and house work. I can now sit back and be lazy.


I spent the early years of my son's life not selling him to the circus. I can't afford to sit back and be lazy, but there's no other option available right now. 

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I'm doing a second load of laundry.  Apparently, I am an overachiever.  ;)


You are!


I threw down a bunch of laundry yesterday (over the banister, too lazy to carry it down the stairs). We've been walking over it for 24 hours now. Soon I'll put it in the washing machine. Maybe tomorrow. 

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I've been a blob all day--it's been wonderful. I'm watching Navy trounce Delaware (online, so it's about a 3 inch screen) but I have done two loads of laundry. I got ds to fix the back porch cupboard, but I'm ignoring the phone call on the machine--it's a neighbor who wants to yell about my dogs. I'm going to let dh deal with it. Supper's already made!


Your blob-mode is like my Manic Housewife Frenzy mode.

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I went to Plato's Closet with my ds16 to make him get pants that fit!!!   Then to Books a Million to browse and on to Kroger's  for  lots of groceries!! We had a good talk too :)


Good Hygiene for me is bathing 2 times a week and brushing my teeth daily.... I did wash my face and brush my teeth today :)  I wash my hair when my head is itching.... or I have rotten tomato in it..


I am sleep deprived..... and take baths for my aching legs.. I am still nursing our baby ( 14 months old)...


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I love you all :)


I ran errands and exercised. And made pizza dough. And picked up dd18 for her dorm for a home-cooked meal-----she, allergy girl, is getting tired of the safe food options after three weeks on campus. Mind you, her dorm is 1.25 miles from our driveway.


Margaret and I were on opposite sides of the game today, even though I really don't care about football ;)


Now I'm listening to dh and dd18 argue about mysogyny in King Lear. Off to find the margaritas dh mixed earlier...

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Get out of our thread, you overachiever you! :p


I know, right!


AND I've responded to most posts. I don't know why. It's a weird "hostess" thing I started, got bored with right away, but felt bad for not finishing.


Now maybe I can embrace the slug within and just relax. 

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I got up this morning intent on doing schoolwork. I've felt kind of lazy and brain fogged all day, and haven't done a thing for it.


Instead I made pancakes, cleaned the recyclable garbage out of the van while DS played out front, washed 2 loads of laundry and hung the part that hangs up, finally hemmed DW#2's pants that have been on my sewing pile for months, got the first 5 weeks of DD's schoolwork that was in the form of loose papers shoved in a file into a 3 ring binder in order, planned and printed assignments for DD's schoolwork for the coming week, played with DS, cooked lunch, emptied the dishwasher with DD, read to DD, and spent lots of time surfing the web and reading Buffy/Firefly crossover fanfiction.


Why does it feel like I got nothing accomplished?

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You are so lazy, OP, you can't even come up with a creative thread to start so you choose to continue to poke at a thread that was removed.


I see it differently.  Those of us who posted in the other thread invested time and effort into responding to a question that subsequently turned out to be entirely baseless (by the OP's own admission). I think it's fine to let off a little steam after something like that, and I don't see this thread as malicious.

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I WISH I could have been lazy today.  I am TIRED.


I got up early to go to a workday for a scout Eagle project.  We were there from 10-3pm.  Then I rushed home (30 min each way.) to get my other son and rushed back out to a pool birthday party (30 more min. away) and didn't get home until almost 10pm.


I need a LAZY day!

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Hey albeto.,


What's wrong with you?  Too lazy to use the multiquote option?





Way too lazy. I will sit on the couch uncomfortably rather than get up and go to the bathroom. There's always something that needs to be done when you're up, you know?


On a completely different topic, lookie what I just found:


Bluegrass cover of Metallica's "Enter Sandman"



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Way too lazy. I will sit on the couch uncomfortably rather than get up and go to the bathroom. There's always something that needs to be done when you're up, you know?


On a completely different topic, lookie what I just found:


Bluegrass cover of Metallica's "Enter Sandman"




No. Just no. You don't mess with Metallica.

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I'm a feast or famine girl. I was on fire this week. Today my big achievement was getting dressed and reading the entire Lazy Husband thread. The couch has a dent shaped like my booty.


That's me too! I'm a sprinter. I don't think I've left the house in two days. All I have to say is I earned it. :)


I'm so lazy that the washer, dryer, and dishwasher are all operating and I had nothing to do with any of it. I pay my kids a dollar a chore and have to do next to nothing chorewise.


You're a genius!

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Oh, how I need to read more threads like this!  The past couple of weekends we have hung out at home, and I have felt incredibly guilty.  I am not a typical lay around the house kind of gal, but I was so tired and it felt so darned good!


Today I managed to urge Son #1 to pop the Pillsbury and make us some cinnamon rolls for breakfast.  I showered (I can't start even a lazy day without one) and then threw on sweats, which felt delicious and very lazy.  I watched poor Hubby as he struggled to get the printer working, then had to go buy a new one and install the driver on all the laptops and devices.  Then he and the kids made dinner.  I did manage to spend an hour at Walmart tonight, buying pants for some pantless children in our home.  Other than that, I did NOTHING.


I am declaring that one day a week be a nothing day.  I think it is important for me to learn how to ignore guilt, so I need to practice it  :laugh:

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Oh, how I need to read more threads like this!  The past couple of weekends we have hung out at home, and I have felt incredibly guilty.  I am not a typical lay around the house kind of gal, but I was so tired and it felt so darned good!


Today I managed to urge Son #1 to pop the Pillsbury and make us some cinnamon rolls for breakfast.  I showered (I can't start even a lazy day without one) and then threw on sweats, which felt delicious and very lazy.  I watched poor Hubby as he struggled to get the printer working, then had to go buy a new one and install the driver on all the laptops and devices.  Then he and the kids made dinner.  I did manage to spend an hour at Walmart tonight, buying pants for some pantless children in our home.  Other than that, I did NOTHING.


I am declaring that one day a week be a nothing day.  I think it is important for me to learn how to ignore guilt, so I need to practice it  :laugh:


Guilt? What's that?


Is it anything like the headache you get from eating ice cream too fast?

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In my opinion, with Enter Sandman, and the entire "Black" album, Metallica announced its willingness to roll over and let someone else be alpha dog for a while.

Sigh. And I was just starting to be ok with you. I don't know that we can overcome this difference of opinion.

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Ok, we have had a VERY busy few days.




We are not going to church (well, DH and youngest are) but I am staying home with older two who aren't feeling well.


I *may* go to Costco later, or I may choose to hit the local grocery store for some much needed staples and choose Costco next week.


Other than that, I plan to put my feet up and watch TV.



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