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JAWM-A rant thread to join in on


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It's one of those days.  Ok, I lie.  I think my whole month (or year) has been "one of those days".  It's not exactly burn out.  More like an Eeyore month.  There was a mouse problem, medical problems, roof problems, appliance problems, a front load washer that has been nothing but nerve wracking, new classes, pre-teen attitudes, terrible 2s, and financial issues.  My house is a wreck and I'm thinking a bonfire is in order. I'm not checking my emails or phone today because it's all stupid and I'm sick of debt collector and lawyer calls for the previous owner of my new phone number.  All in all, I'm done.  Crispy.  Fried.


Things I want to say now, but won't (aloud):

"I've said this word 5 billion and three times already.  No, I'm not saying it again."

"I'm not actually getting dressed again.  I'm in here playing on my iPhone so I don't duct tape you to your chair."

"I swear to God if you cry about writing down three whole words AGAIN, so help me, I will eat you."

"Instead of yelling at your sister for rubbing her feet on your headphones that you left on the floor, GET UP AND KEEP THEM OFF THE FLOOR."

"If anyone fights over who gets to hold the kitten again, I will rehome it.  Done."

 "I'm paying you a huge amount of money for the past 5 months for something that should have been dealt with at the first lesson.  Now my kid is frustrated because her hand isn't quite big enough to do what you want her to do (and hold the bow in a way not even any of the other students or teachers do-her regular hold is the same as that of the department head) and she's bored because she hasn't progressed in five months.  And you'd figure you'd learn her name after a year of lessons, or even write down or remember even which part of the book she's on."


So if anyone else is bitter and overwhelmed, feel free to join in.

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"I swear to God if you cry about writing down three whole words AGAIN, so help me, I will eat you."



:lol: at the bolded.  


I'm burned out too - right there with you. 


My brain isn't firing properly this morning, so I'll skip writing down my rants (they wouldn't be funny, and might not even make sense right now).   :p  Just know you're not alone, and I hope your day gets better.   :grouphug:

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I'm tired of everything being my fault all the time.

"Mom, why is my favorite shirt not washed yet" says the girl that just found her dirty shirt under her dresser that morning.

"mom, why don't we have anything good to eat for supper" says the girl that only likes corn dogs.


I tell them the complaint department is in the backyard.  They've learned to go away when I say that.


My neck, heel, lower back, shoulders, books, and wrists hurt, again.  I'm tired of being a broken old lady and I'm not 40 yet.


I hate paying bills and not having any money left over.


Pre teen attitudes.  I'm so over it.



Whew, I feel better.

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Thanks for starting this thread.


My inlaws just stopped by unannounced to find me in the bathroom, nobody doing school, the kitchen furniture out on the deck so I can mop, clean dishes all over the counters from last nights washing up, dirty dishes filling both sides of the sink from today, the debris from 5 fair projects due this weekend all over the kitchen counters, the table covered in the current project being worked on, toys, cards, clothes and random dirty socks trashing the family room, the clothes my daughter had just taken down from the line covering the couch in the living room, and about a thousand pounds of junk everywhere because I have been gone every evening this week and nobody picks up after themselves or asks others to do so except me.  It was humiliating since they don't come over or stop by very often and I totally hustled them out the door to talk out in the yard.  I just sat down and cried after they left.  Oh, and dh was in a meeting so I couldn't vent my terrible mother feelings to him, so I am venting here.  Jeez I suck.

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Thanks for starting this thread.


My inlaws just stopped by unannounced to find me in the bathroom, nobody doing school, the kitchen furniture out on the deck so I can mop, clean dishes all over the counters from last nights washing up, dirty dishes filling both sides of the sink from today, the debris from 5 fair projects due this weekend all over the kitchen counters, the table covered in the current project being worked on, toys, cards, clothes and random dirty socks trashing the family room, the clothes my daughter had just taken down from the line covering the couch in the living room, and about a thousand pounds of junk everywhere because I have been gone every evening this week and nobody picks up after themselves or asks others to do so except me.  It was humiliating since they don't come over or stop by very often and I totally hustled them out the door to talk out in the yard.  I just sat down and cried after they left.  Oh, and dh was in a meeting so I couldn't vent my terrible mother feelings to him, so I am venting here.  Jeez I suck.


I'm sorry.  That would frustrate me to no end and I'd feel the same way (and have felt that way before because that's happened to me too).   :grouphug:

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I'm sorry.  That would frustrate me to no end and I'd feel the same way (and have felt that way before because that's happened to me too).   :grouphug:

Thank you.  I guess the appropriate  response to this would be go on a cleaning spree, instead I am hiding out here feeling sorry for myself.



I can't quote everyone but big :grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug: :grouphug:  to everyone having a bad day! 

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Changed my mind.  I will post a few rants.


- I'm tired of judgy people who feel the need to foist their beliefs and opinions on everyone else.  I thought I found a great group of women to connect with recently, but the extreme judginess and abrasiveness of one of the women means I will not be hanging out with them.  Have your beliefs, but please get a filter and some basic people skills.


- I'm tired of a certain someone insisting that he's helping with the kids when he spends most of his evening parked on the couch watching football.  Turning on the faucet does not equal "helping with bathtime".


- I'm tired of the daily struggle regarding school.  Yes, we have to do school - it's not optional.  No, I don't require it because I'm a killjoy.  I'm on your side and this is for your benefit.  Trust me, I'm not putting myself through this everyday for me. 


- I'm tired of listening to friends complain about the same problems for years, but then never doing a thing to change their circumstances.  I'm here for you, I've been offering to help you take care of this problem since 2010, and we could get this handled today.  You're my friend and I love you, but you just need to get off your butt and take action.  


That's enough for now.  Thanks for letting me vent. 

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Great. My hip X-rays came back as mild degenerative joint disease. But no big deal, they said. I'm just old. Great. Thanks, docs. So now my knees and hips have osteoarthritis and it's no big deal and I don't even get pt for my excruciating pain. I'm only 30 and this pain has been going on for years.  Apparently I'm right for feeling like a broken retiree, because 30 is the new 70. I hate doctors.


And I need dh to go to work so that I can cry.  

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Great. My hip X-rays came back as mild degenerative joint disease. But no big deal, they said. I'm just old. Great. Thanks, docs. So now my knees and hips have osteoarthritis and it's no big deal and I don't even get pt for my excruciating pain. I hate doctors.


And I need dh to go to work so that I can cry.  



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- I'm tired of the daily struggle regarding school.  Yes, we have to do school - it's not optional.  No, I don't require it because I'm a cosmic killjoy.  I'm on your side and this is for your benefit.  Trust me, I'm not putting myself through this everyday for me. 



That's enough for now.  Thanks for letting me vent. 

Anytime! But wait, you don't do it to be a killjoy?  :lol:

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Thanks for starting this thread.


My inlaws just stopped by unannounced to find me in the bathroom, nobody doing school, the kitchen furniture out on the deck so I can mop, clean dishes all over the counters from last nights washing up, dirty dishes filling both sides of the sink from today, the debris from 5 fair projects due this weekend all over the kitchen counters, the table covered in the current project being worked on, toys, cards, clothes and random dirty socks trashing the family room, the clothes my daughter had just taken down from the line covering the couch in the living room, and about a thousand pounds of junk everywhere because I have been gone every evening this week and nobody picks up after themselves or asks others to do so except me. It was humiliating since they don't come over or stop by very often and I totally hustled them out the door to talk out in the yard. I just sat down and cried after they left. Oh, and dh was in a meeting so I couldn't vent my terrible mother feelings to him, so I am venting here. Jeez I suck.

That happened to me one afternoon. Usually my in-laws call, even though they live in the area, but this time, no. The house was a mess, and one kid had dropped a box of cereal all over the kitchen floor. Instead of cleaning it up, I was walking out the door to drive my two melting down kids around (it calmed all of us to put on some soft music and just drive). I don't keep a perfect house, but that was humiliating. Luckily, they never said a word, just gingerly stepped through the ocean of O's. Now we have a dog, so if it ever happened again, not only would the cereal be gone, but my floor would be just-licked clean!

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That happened to me one afternoon. Usually my in-laws call, even though they live in the area, but this time, no. The house was a mess, and one kid had dropped a box of cereal all over the kitchen floor. Instead of cleaning it up, I was walking out the door to drive my two melting down kids around (it calmed all of us to put on some soft music and just drive). I don't keep a perfect house, but that was humiliating. Luckily, they never said a word, just gingerly stepped through the ocean of O's. Now we have a dog, so if it ever happened again, not only would the cereal be gone, but my floor would be just-licked clean!

One of the better perks of having dogs!

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My current whines:


I've taken on too much this year, like so much that I'm drowning. This isn't even school stuff, this is outside stuff. We are out of the house three mornings a week. What was I thinking?!? How am I going to homeschool when we aren't even here. Only I can't complain IRL because my dh will say "I told you so." and then I will punch him in the face and go to jail for assault. Which might actually be a welcome change because there I would have no obligations ;).


I have sacroillitis which is acting up and makes me irritable with my children. So I yell at them, then cry because I feel like such a horrible person. Then they cry and feel sorry for me, I just want my hip to fix itself and never hurt again.


My kids have no concept of "rest time". I just need them to stay in their rooms for one hour. They. Cannot. Do. It. They are like whack-a-mole popping out of their respective rooms one after another. It is more stressful to do rest time than not.


My six year old has a horrible attitude about writing, and I hate fighting with him. We fight about handwriting every day. It makes me want to send him to his room until he's 9 and has better fine motor skills.


I'm sorry about your hip pain, it sucks the fun out of life for sure :(.

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My current whines:


I've taken on too much this year, like so much that I'm drowning. This isn't even school stuff, this is outside stuff. We are out of the house three mornings a week. What was I thinking?!? How am I going to homeschool when we aren't even here. Only I can't complain IRL because my dh will say "I told you so." and then I will punch him in the face and go to jail for assault. Which might actually be a welcome change because there I would have no obligations ;).


I have sacroillitis which is acting up and makes me irritable with my children. So I yell at them, then cry because I feel like such a horrible person. Then they cry and feel sorry for me, I just want my hip to fix itself and never hurt again.


My kids have no concept of "rest time". I just need them to stay in their rooms for one hour. They. Cannot. Do. It. They are like whack-a-mole popping out of their respective rooms one after another. It is more stressful to do rest time than not.


My six year old has a horrible attitude about writing, and I hate fighting with him. We fight about handwriting every day. It makes me want to send him to his room until he's 9 and has better fine motor skills.


I'm sorry about your hip pain, it sucks the fun out of life for sure :(.

I'm sorry. :(  That's what they thought was wrong with me, too, by the physical exam, but the X-ray only showed arthritis.  So frustrating!  I hope you feel better. :(

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Only I can't complain IRL because my dh will say "I told you so." and then I will punch him in the face and go to jail for assault. Which might actually be a welcome change because there I would have no obligations ;).



This made me laugh. :lol:   Maybe we can all be sent to a home for wayward homeschool moms.  Doesn't sound too bad right about now.


I'm sorry about your hip pain, and hope today is a better day.   :grouphug:

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- I'm tired of listening to friends complain about the same problems for years, but then never do a thing to change their circumstances.  I'm here for you, I've been offering to help you take care of this problem since 2010, and we could get this handled today.  You're my friend and I love you, but you just need to get off your butt and take action.  




Wow...I almost posted these exact words. I'd add something like, "I agree entirely that your husband is a butt. So is his girlfriend. I found a list of lawyers for you. I've spent hours listening to you list your complaints. But I cannot actually make this divorce happen for you."


Well, maybe just a little.   :tongue_smilie:


We do have to have some fun, after all!


That happened to me one afternoon. Usually my in-laws call, even though they live in the area, but this time, no. The house was a mess, and one kid had dropped a box of cereal all over the kitchen floor. Instead of cleaning it up, I was walking out the door to drive my two melting down kids around (it calmed all of us to put on some soft music and just drive). I don't keep a perfect house, but that was humiliating. Luckily, they never said a word, just gingerly stepped through the ocean of O's. Now we have a dog, so if it ever happened again, not only would the cereal be gone, but my floor would be just-licked clean!


I think we've all been there to some extent. I could have lived with the washing machine repair guy seeing my living room strewn with odd collections of clothes and seemingly random items (didn't feel the need to explain that we were replicating the human digestive system). But then the kid had to interrupt the repair work to hunt through the laundry basket to find a sock, "Because I need one to be my sphincter." Awesome.


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Dear Insurance Company,


 Please explain what the word OTHER means when you say you need OTHER.


Dear certain staff member at Dr office,


   Witchiness is not becoming.  The insurance company and I have explained something three times to you and yet you can't figure it out.  If the doctor wasn't good we would leave.


Dear man at homeschool group,


  We would openly welcome you to the group. However, this group is for school age children 5-12.  Your 3 year old and 1 year old are not school aged.  We also expect children to behave in the group and not run around, flinging food at people or going through peoples things, purses, etc.  I know several of us were not finding it cute.  We are not a baby sitting group and require adults to watch their children. 

( I may get flamed for saying this but it was really bad.  To the point the manager of the building spoke to them.)



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Windows deciding to sloooooooowwwwwwwllllyyy install 25 updates when I turned on to download and print important documents for a client meeting this afternoon. Why oh why doesn't it ask me if it's a convenient time?????


Oh right, it's never a convenient time...


Sympathizing with several of your other rants today. (((((Big group hug))))) Friday's coming....

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I'm sorry. I hide with my iPhone too. I'm at level 170 on Candy Crush because of strategically located hiding places.


This has been quite the week/month here as well.


DH got laid off on Tuesday... for about 30 minutes. Long story, but my nerves are shot.


I had cream in an iced decaf coffee yesterday and baby broke out into a rash. Second time that's happened. Add dairy to the list of things I can't eat, which is becoming longer than the list of things I can eat.


DS3 woke up sick with a cold this morning. He's so much more pleasant when ill. I feel a bit bad that I feel that way.


I sprayed DS5's math workbook while nursing baby this morning. Didn't realize it until the page was soaked.


On top of that, money issues, extended family health problems, extended family money problems. Somehow the kids just walk into a room and it's suddenly wet, sticky, and covered with dirt. They have a bedroom with a small bookshelf, two beds, and a basket of shoes, and it is trashed every stinking day.


I fully intended to watch the Cardinals game last night and yell all my frustrations out while Lynn screwed up, but he pitched well and I'm still in my glass case of emotion.


The official poster for the Doctor Who 50th Anniversary is out. I think I'll go stare at it.

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Windows deciding to sloooooooowwwwwwwllllyyy install 25 updates when I turned on to download and print important documents for a client meeting this afternoon. Why oh why doesn't it ask me if it's a convenient time?????




I hate Windows.  Freaking hate it.  Why does it do this? I still don't understand!

The official poster for the Doctor Who 50th Anniversary is out. I think I'll go stare at it.

Now that's a reason to get up in the morning. 

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Will be coming back later to read the thread.  I was going to post my own whine, but this seems like a good place to say ...


I don't wanna plan my writing lesson for tomorrow's class! <stamps feet> I wanna go take a nap with the cat.


Seriously, she's all curled up and ready.  I have to stay away from her or I'll be done for the day!


...breaking my rule and drinking a fully caffeinated tea in the middle of the day in hopes of getting it done...  :leaving:

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Honestly? I'd be okay if you actually said half of that.



The problem is they'd think I'm joking. And I'm so not confrontational.  It took me hours and all of my family and friends yelling at me before I went and notified the priest next door that their landscaper shot a rock into my front window and crack it. 

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I'm sorry. I hide with my iPhone too. I'm at level 170 on Candy Crush because of strategically located hiding places.


I'm impressed you've made it to level 170.  You should be my friend so you can send me extra moves every day b/c I'm stuck on 90-something and cannot get past that stupid level.

The official poster for the Doctor Who 50th Anniversary is out. I think I'll go stare at it.


It's good, isn't it?  Only 72 more days.   Why do we not have a "sigh" smiley?


-Last night as I'm walking out the door, already running late for church, DH tells me he had some questions about how to grade, but we'll talk about it later.  When I ask later, he says, "I don't want to think about it now."  GRRR   Turns out that he was looking for "practice 6" and couldn't find it because the unit only went up to lesson 5.  He'd have found it if he'd actually looked for a real answer key instead of just the teaching tips. Obviously he must not have needed the book to grade the first 5 practices if he didn't know it had an answer key.


-The doctor's office calls to tell me they got a letter from my insurance co. and he wants me to come in to talk to me about the letter.  But they can't really explain to me what the letter was about. "Maybe some kind of wellness thing?  Or it could be for pre-existing conditions?"  I have no pre-existing conditions and haven't seen the doctor since December 2012.  The insurance co. says they don't have any record of sending anything recently to the doctor's office.  So now I get to call the doctor's office back and try to figure out what the heck they're talking about.


-One kid is 2 weeks behind in English and has skipped taking a history test. The other has yet to turn a single assignment in. I'm trying not to feel guilty about not dealing with it beyond telling DH what needs to be done by now and letting him deal with it all.

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Good grief. How do you get to 170 on candy crush?! My dh is on I think 180 something and he works full time. Ugh. Stupid candy crush makes me feel stupid. I started last week and it's taken me all this time to get to 80. Dh says its bc I'm too picky about FB friends and it limits how much help I can get. Oh well. Eventually I'll get that blasted onion down in 10 moves or less.

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Good grief. How do you get to 170 on candy crush?! My dh is on I think 180 something and he works full time. Ugh. Stupid candy crush makes me feel stupid. I started last week and it's taken me all this time to get to 80. Dh says its bc I'm too picky about FB friends and it limits how much help I can get. Oh well. Eventually I'll get that blasted onion down in 10 moves or less.

I don't have it linked to my Facebook. I see people sharing lives but I have no clue how to do that stuff. I've been playing it for a couple months.


On a non-timed level, if you can already see that it's going to be next-to-impossible, you can back out and start again without wasting a life. That's the only trick I know. Oh, and don't say stuff like, "I never want to see this level again!" because it will hear you and put it in your next quests. ;-)


bobbeym- Are you stuck on the one with the four "boxes"? That one is awful. If you can't get a striped candy on the first move, back out and start again.


This is sad. So many problems in life and the only ones I can help with are Candy Crush.

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If the kids leave the screen door open and let the (indoor only) cats out one more time then all of them can flippin' sleep outside.  Kids too.


DH is going to the bar with his coworkers.  I wanna go to the bar.  Or the coffee shop.  Or maybe just to the bathroom by myself.


The timer on the stove is beeping, which means I get to choose between burning dinner or waking up the nap-nursing baby on my lap.   :glare:

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bobbeym- Are you stuck on the one with the four "boxes"? That one is awful. If you can't get a striped candy on the first move, back out and start again.


Yes, it's the one with the 4 empty boxes.  The problem I have is that even when I do get striped candies early on, they're only wiping out the licorice rolls and not the locked candies at the bottom.

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Well, I've had a pretty good day, but as a violin teacher, I'm dying of curiosity over the bow hold controversy. What is the teacher trying to do

I'd have to show you a picture.  Basically, she's taught my 5 yo three other bow holds at this point, we practiced and perfected them.  She told us it was perfect...and then we'd go back the next week and it was "all wrong" and we have to hold it "this way" and we spend a month learning no new pieces and just practicing this hold that pulls her hand in an awkwardly stretched out position that hurts her.  She's a new teacher and we've had some issues.  She's nice, but just terribly disorganized.

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I was in the small mom and pop market today. I go there at least 4 times a week. I've been doing that for 4 years. All of a sudden the cashier, who has waited on me numerous times, decided she didn't like my check because it wasn't from a local bank. What? I had to stand there while she waved my check around trying to get the manager's attention so it could be approved.


I don't know whether to never go back again (I was so embarrassed) or to go in every single day and write check after check.


Four years I've been writing checks there without incident.

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