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Has anyone ever had their water break WITHOUT the "popping" feeling?

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I hope things are progressing for you by now, Aubrey. With my first, his head was so low down that he was blocking the water from coming out, so it kind of just leaked every now and then. The only time I was *sure* the water had broken was when I laid down flat (which isn't exactly comfy).


I'll be praying!!!! :grouphug:

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One more thought, and it's a biggie....


DOES YOUR DH KNOW HOW TO POST HERE?!?! I mean, it is of the utmost importance that the little one's cyber aunties find out every detail (well, maybe not every...) ASAP!!!! :D


Go, Aubrey, Go!!!!!! Woohoo!!!

I already told her that it's a rule to keep us informed, so she has to keep the laptop on her tummy and type in progress in-between contractions! So hopefully she'll follow the HIVE rules on that! ;)
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Sure! Call her and let her know your water is broken. That way she can be prepared if you need to call her "for real" later on. You know, gas up the car, replenish her bag, pack a snack, get her affairs in order. :D


I'd call. It's a courtesy. You should call. :001_smile:


Dh would like to give you positive rep. However, the system says I already like you too much.


Any help?

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Call her and let her know what is happening and leave it up to her! CALL HER

Take it from the lady who delivered her first baby in the hallway of the hospital





Hey. You're yelling. I'm just following hive rules about posting here first. (Y'all did mean before mw, right?)


No, Alphabet Pam convinced me that calling would be polite. If she needs a shower or gas or something. She's not invited over yet, or anything, because I'm not in labor & don't need to be watched, but if she'd like to squeeze in a cup of tea before we call & a pre-call would help, that would be fine.


You have to understand. My previous births were so fast that when we called (w/ #1 & 2), she tried to tell us to wait & even ignoring that advice, we barely made it. Having *any* warning is...weird. W/ #3, we called, & she didn't ask any questions. She just met us at the birth center, made up a bed for us & one for herself & said to wake her up when we *were* sure. No problem.

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3 hrs, 19 min, 4 hrs.


umm take it from someone whose shortest labor was 45 min


(SHHHH)keep her updated we would hate for dh to have to deliver your baby. I know I would not want my dh to deliver me, of course he would be shouting "close your legs!" How do I know that because he did with my first one right before the ambulance came


(SHHHH)keep her updated for you dh's sake!:)

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You have to understand. My previous births were so fast that when we called (w/ #1 & 2), she tried to tell us to wait & even ignoring that advice, we barely made it. Having *any* warning is...weird. W/ #3, we called, & she didn't ask any questions. She just met us at the birth center, made up a bed for us & one for herself & said to wake her up when we *were* sure. No problem.
So, can you invite her to a sleep over tonight at your house? You could play fun games while she's there, like LABOR, and CHILDBIRTH! :001_smile:



(Oh, and I sent Pam some love for ya!)

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Oh, this is so exciting!!!! I feel like we are ALL having a baby!!!! (But Aubrey has to do all the work). I think we should get to name him/her.


I agree - maybe with the initials H.M. for Hive Mind...


Henry Michael

Hogan Matthew


Hannah Michelle (my personal favorite ;))

Heather May

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Chiming in kinda late here, but, yes, I awoke at 6 am a split second before Niagara Falls flooded the bed the day my son was born ... no popping sensation at all and no labor until hours later when the doc put some hormone pill up inside me to get my labor going ...


This is so exciting!!! :001_smile::001_smile:



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Aubrey, I've been in a cooking marathon in my kitchen (at least it feels that way), checking in periodically to see whether you had baby news yet, and now all of the sudden I see a seven-page thread! I just wanted to say that I am praying for you and your precious little one to have a safe, healthy delivery! (And here's another vote for calling your mw! I'm sure your dh is a very talented and capable man, but let's not push things too far.:))

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Well, it looks like Aubrey hasn't posted in awhile. I think that's good. Maybe she's too busy. I hope she called the midwife. She must've by now..... And did she post that one of her labor's was 19 minutes?!!!! I understand (a bit) about wanting to do it herself, but with labors as short as those, I would've wanted the midwife camped out there as soon as possible. Good luck, Aubrey! (((((hugs)))))))

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I'm so glad I decided to get on-line this weekend! (I usually only surf during the week) Aubrey-I've been thinking about you all day wondering if you had that baby yet. Hopefully it's a good sign that you abruptly stopped posting!!!!


Hoping you have a safe delivery (but not till the mw makes it)!!!!




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With my first, I just leaked slowly all day long. I didn't think it was my water but I went into labor that evening and the nurses said that it was my water. I didn't know it could happen that way!


Best wishes to you and your family, Aubrey!!!! :001_smile:

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Ummm, Audrey, we know you're busy, but you've been off for awhile. . . . Could you show your mw how to post some updates, perhaps? :D Just think of all the great rep you will have once you post pictures and stats on the baby! :)


In all seriousness, lots of prayers going up for you and your little one!:grouphug:

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'Cause I think mine just did.


But it's always come WITH labor & the popping thing. (Ya don't want to spell that one wrong, lol.)


Very weird.


#1 broke during pushing stage.

#2 I was sitting in church, very uncomfortable, and I got up to walk around a bit. I noticed the back of my dress was drenched. I went on about my day. 13 1/2 hours later I woke up in labor, babe was born about 6 hours later.

#3 broke during pushing.

#4 the dr. tried to break when labor stalled. Nothing came out because the head was right there, but labor did start up again.


I don't remember a POPPING sensation for any of them.


I hope this is it for you!


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I must be the odd one out...my water only broke on its own with my youngest, and I did feel a popping sensation. Contractions started within 15 minutes, and he was born less than 3 hours later.


Hoping that you are about to meet your new little one, if you haven't already! :grouphug:

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