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WWYD if you prepared a baked ziti and found mold on the cheese?

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I put together the the ziti and the last bit of cheese had mold on it even though it was not expired of left out. Would you ask kraft to refund the cheese or the entire dinner. I am asking for the $11 for the entire dinner since I will not serve my family this due to mold on their cheese which was discovered at the end. (the molded cheese was on the bottom of the package.)


Also, this is not the first time this has happened. I am finding poorer quality in many grocer items recently especially produce since it's not being sold as quickly.

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I'd go ahead and ask - I have found mold in unexpired, unopened grated cheese, too. I try to buy solid cheese, now, and grate as needed.


You can probably go ahead and eat the ziti - as long as the mold was at the bottom and you didn't use that bit of cheese. If there is mold on a brick folks just cut it off and use the rest.

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If it isn't open and isn't expired I'd take it back to the store.


If it is open, I just cut that area off and use what is left. No harm has ever come to us from that.


Oh, I see you found it after you opened the package for first time use. For that, I'd buy a different brand from now on.

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I personally don't think a bit of mouldy cheese hurt anyone. If our cheese blocks go mouldy we slice it off. We eat bread with a spot or two of mould on it- toasted. What doesn't kill you make you stronger, eh! I am sure people have been eating mouldy food for all of time, our digestive juices kill off anything harmful.


Meanwhile, I would take it back to the shop if you only just bought it. They need to know that somewhere along the line, the cheese would have not been refrigerated, probably. I am sure it happens all the time.

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I think the expiration date only applies before it's been opened. I could not tell from your post if you had opened this package prior to making the ziti.


I too have had more problems lately with foods and have taken them all back for refunds. I bought a huge pack of split chicken breasts from BJs and it reeked when I opened it (the day after I bought it). The exp. date was several days away.


I bought two bags of salad mix from Kroger and it smelled rotten eventhough the expiration date was several days away.


It is very annoying, I know! I always ask for my refund from the grocery store. It is possible that the packages were left unrefrigerated for some time. It is also possible that a lazy customer changed her mind, laid the cheese in the cereal aisle, a clueless employee came along hours later (or even a day) and restocked the cheese.


I've always found the store to be very accomodating.

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I think the expiration date only applies before it's been opened. I could not tell from your post if you had opened this package prior to making the ziti.


I too have had more problems lately with foods and have taken them all back for refunds. I bought a huge pack of split chicken breasts from BJs and it reeked when I opened it (the day after I bought it). The exp. date was several days away.


I bought two bags of salad mix from Kroger and it smelled rotten eventhough the expiration date was several days away.


It is very annoying, I know! I always ask for my refund from the grocery store. It is possible that the packages were left unrefrigerated for some time. It is also possible that a lazy customer changed her mind, laid the cheese in the cereal aisle, a clueless employee came along hours later (or even a day) and restocked the cheese.


I've always found the store to be very accomodating.



Yep I have been noticing this problem too, I have lately been returning whatever it is but also writing the company (food company) and tell them about it. A lot of it is due to stuff you mention but they are only too happy to send coupons to replace the product.



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Moldy cheese doesn't bother me, I cut it off and throw it out.

HOWEVER, when opening a brand new package of cheese, it should not be moldy. I just had a 1 pound block from Costco that was 2 months before it's expireation date and it had mold on it when I opended it. They got it back! It was downright ugly by the time I got it back to Costco, it molded extremely fast after it was opened. They need to know and I have been assured that Costco checks into all these issues..so I continue to shop there, but they get it back if it ain't right!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I emailed kraft told them the scenerio of just having finished putting together my baked ziti and found mold in a newlyopened package of cheese that was not expired, I had used to make it.. They reimbursed me $11 for my dinner within 1 week.

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I was fishing through the fridge looking for ingredients and I found a package of mushrooms. They looked a little iffy so I yelled to my roommate, "Hey, Jimmy, come tell me if these mushrooms are ok to cook". He walked into the kitchen and without looking simply said, "At their best, they are still fungus." and left the room.

I still don't know if that meant go ahead and throw them in the stew or the trash.:D

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I emailed kraft told them the scenerio of just having finished putting together my baked ziti and found mold in a newlyopened package of cheese that was not expired, I had used to make it.. They reimbursed me $11 for my dinner within 1 week.


Wow, that's terrific! What a great response. I'm contemplating taking back three packages of chicken breast to the grocery store, because when I thawed the first one (out of four), everything in it smelled horrible. Your positive experience gives me hope :D

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I have successfully returned rancid pecans (and was compensated for the cost of the cake into which I had dumped them), pork tenderloin, filet mignon, ground beef (several times), clementines and milk. I don't always return the actual article--just the wrapper if it's smelly meat (though frankly, I think they should have to smell it if I did), but I've never had a problem.

I don't know what's going on, but lately, I've had more stuff go bad sooner than it should. Perhaps grocery stores are being more aggressive about marking "sell by" dates.


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I have successfully returned rancid pecans (and was compensated for the cost of the cake into which I had dumped them), pork tenderloin, filet mignon, ground beef (several times), clementines and milk. I don't always return the actual article--just the wrapper if it's smelly meat (though frankly, I think they should have to smell it if I did), but I've never had a problem.

I don't know what's going on, but lately, I've had more stuff go bad sooner than it should. Perhaps grocery stores are being more aggressive about marking "sell by" dates.



Could be a shipping problem- maybe some refridgerated trucks are not properly cooled. Or maybe food is sitting on the loading dock too long.


I've had a problem this summer also.

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I missed the original post, but...Wonderful.


I emailed kraft told them the scenerio of just having finished putting together my baked ziti and found mold in a newlyopened package of cheese that was not expired, I had used to make it.. They reimbursed me $11 for my dinner within 1 week.
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My recent Kraft experience was good....but it left me wondering.

I bought one of the new parmesan things where the cheese is in a chunk inside a container. You don't touch it at all...you twist the container and out glides freshly grated parmesan. It was great! It was easy! It was tasty! It was moldy two weeks after I bought it. I called them (keep in mind I cannot touch this product and it is kept refrigerated) and they replaced it but told me that it has to be used within 10 DAYS of being first used. So I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place...the kind that comes already grated has preservatives that keep it fresh in my fridge until I need it, but this kind tastes and melts much better but has to be used right away. Bummer.

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My recent Kraft experience was good....but it left me wondering.

I bought one of the new parmesan things where the cheese is in a chunk inside a container. You don't touch it at all...you twist the container and out glides freshly grated parmesan. It was great! It was easy! It was tasty! It was moldy two weeks after I bought it. I called them (keep in mind I cannot touch this product and it is kept refrigerated) and they replaced it but told me that it has to be used within 10 DAYS of being first used. So I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place...the kind that comes already grated has preservatives that keep it fresh in my fridge until I need it, but this kind tastes and melts much better but has to be used right away. Bummer.


This is why I buy the fresh kind. If it gets moldy, you can just slice that part off. I'd bet that packaging traps quite a bit of air and moisture next to the cheese--good conditions for mold growth, in spite of the refrigeration.

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I have successfully returned rancid pecans (and was compensated for the cost of the cake into which I had dumped them), pork tenderloin, filet mignon, ground beef (several times), clementines and milk. I don't always return the actual article--just the wrapper if it's smelly meat (though frankly, I think they should have to smell it if I did), but I've never had a problem.

I don't know what's going on, but lately, I've had more stuff go bad sooner than it should. Perhaps grocery stores are being more aggressive about marking "sell by" dates.



You know, I was thinking the same thing! I recently had something else go bad unexpectedly, but I can't remember what it was at the moment :confused: I can't remember the last time I had chicken go bad when it wasn't my fault. And these were individually sealed breasts, packed together in another sealed plastic bag--they were just introducing the new packaging when I bought them. I'm pretty sure I'll take them all back. I just have to plan when I'm going to go to that store again!

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I have twice returned a soft serve ice cream this month because it was "zinging". Both establishments explained that there is a part of the system that is not refridgerated and it needs to be cleaned out every once and a while. Both times they ackowledged that it proably had not been cleaned and dumped. Still waiting for the coupon from the drive through but I got a free one from the mall. :ack2:

Maybe I found a new weight loss program. :D

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Could be a shipping problem- maybe some refridgerated trucks are not properly cooled. Or maybe food is sitting on the loading dock too long.


I've had a problem this summer also.




It could also be a refridgeration problem in the store. One of our local stores has lowered the lights and raised the air temperature in an effort to save electricity. They claim not to have changed the freezer and fridge temp, but who knows!

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