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What table or desk do your kids use?

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I'm having some major (admittedly neurotic) conflicts regarding the height of our homeschool table/desks. I need to make a decision and buy something already. But when I imagine writing at a table that is just below my shoulder (like a standard table is for my dd), that seems exhausting and ridiculous. When my kids color and draw at the kitchen table, they're often up on their knees. Is that good for learning to write? But where do I get a shorter table, other than expensive online school suppliers? (The tables themselves aren't too bad, but the shipping is killer!)


I know I'm over thinking this. Maybe I just need you to tell me that your kids have always done all their school work at the kitchen table and they're fine. :D

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Have you tried looking in the kids section at Ikea? They have child sized chairs and at least one table, and their prices are low. It doesn't have to be an official school desk to work. DD used one of those for a bit, and when she got taller (but not quite tall enough for a dining room chair) we moved up to the $20 table from Ikea and a plastic office chair that could be raised and lowered. She had a stool to put her feet on when she didn't like them dangling. 


You could also get them booster seats and work at the kitchen table. 

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You are not alone!!  I'm having the same problem.  I don't want to be working in the kitchen since I spent so much time setting up our "school room!"


I definitely want a table (or possibly two small tables). I know that I do not want desks.  I've looked at Pottery Barn Kids, Land of Nod, The Company Store, etc., etc., but my son (9) is too tall and for all of their "kid-sized" / "play" tables (which are an average of 24" tall). Since I want anything that I buy to last for a while, my daughter (7) is also probably nearly too tall for any of these.


So, I started looking for inexpensive, small, kitchen tables and found one (bought two) at IKEA but didn't like the look once I got them home.  They were very angular looking and didn't look right in the room.  So they are going back.... IKEA did have some inexpensive desk options but I REALLY would prefer tables.  My plan was to check out KMart, WalMart, Pier One, and Target for small tables.  (I've also peeked at thrift stores and yard sales but haven't any luck yet.


I've looked online at online school suppliers but they are expensive for shipping like you said.  I haven't given up hope.  

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Ah, a higher chair with a stool! That's a great solution! I have looked at Ikea. Dd is kinda tall, so when she sits on Ikea's kid chairs, her knees are basically in her face. I actually bought a couple desks at Ikea yesterday, but they're the same height as our dining table and that's bugging me. But I think you're right. Maybe I'll go back today and get the swivel chairs that go up higher. Has your dd's swivel chair been a distraction at all? That's one of my concerns with such a fun chair. :)

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She had a stool to put her feet on when she didn't like them dangling. 



Great idea!  We bought a STOKKE chair for DS when he was a baby that is adjustable and has a foot rest.  It has been at the kitchen table for nearly ten years used by all three. Made them much more comfortable and so, less wiggly and fidgety.  

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My kids have always done their work at the kitchen table, and they are fine.


Seriously, I let everyone work where they want for their independent work.  14yo chooses breakfast table, 11 yo curls up on the couch, and 9yo typically sprawls out on the floor.....sometimes she sits at the bar. When I work with them for corrections and lessons I am teaching, we sit at the formal dining table.  When they were younger, we still sat at the dining table, but they would sit on a big phone book or stool or whatever made them comfy.  We tried school desks since I came across them for free once, but no one cared for them.

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My kids work at the kitchen table sitting in Ikea junior chairs.  I loooooove these chairs!  We've had them since the kids were 2.5 and 1.5, and they still fit wonderfully at 6 and 5.  I can't recommend them highly enough! 


We have the Agam, but there are actually several: http://www.ikea.com/us/en/search/?query=junior+chairs

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Do you have an Ikea near you?  We have a low table for them to work at, and then high chairs for the kitchen table, both from Ikea.  


Ikea not only has kids play tables, in the desk section you can pick a tabletop and the legs to go with it, which means you can get a variety of table sizes and shapes and child-sized legs.  In our schoolroom we have a round table that 4 of us sit around comfortably.  When the kids get older, I can just buy new legs to raise it a little.

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YOu can get adjustable legs for the Ikea table/desk tops.


I'm currently typing at a "typing height" desk that is about, um, at least 25 years old, it is about 25.5" inches high. I have always preferred this table height - and would never force my kids to work at the kitchen table. *I* don't like working at one that tall. When I worked in a cubicle - I dismantled my office space and lowered the desks.

So we use these tables with adjustable chairs. In addition, we have Ikea bar stools that they sit at at the "project" table area that allows them to be at a good height.


I use a drafting table chair at my Expedit desk, and then it will go back into my craft room to my table there. I basically cannot stand having a tall table! 

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We used IKEA Mammut table and chairs, younger still uses his. Then we got adjustable-leg tables from IKEA, Galant, and adjustable office chairs so they 'grow' with the kids. I nearly bought these desks when we started homeschooling, but I decided they wern't worth the $$ for us.


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I have three small to moderate sized tables in my school room because I wanted the kiddoes to be able to move around for different subjects (it helps get the "wiggles" out and changes things up a bit to have a "math corner," etc).


Anyway, I got an enamel topped (originally depression era kitchen) table with two chairs from a local antique shop. This table basically is impervious and perfect for art projects. Next, I got a cool fifties type formica topped table (kid sized) with two chairs from Ebay. It cost $125.00 including shipping.


Lastly, I made a table. I bought a good hardwood panel from Lowes and had it cut to a 24 x 36 size (free cut and I think the wood cost $19.00). I bought fifties hair pin metal legs off Ebay for about $35.00 shipped and my DH attached them. You can get table legs in practically any style and any height from all kinds of places. Then I covered the table in oilcloth I got at oilcloth by the yard dot com. I only needed a yard (cost about $12.00 shipped and got it in three days) and that site has a really cool variety of colors, patterns, etc. I covered it just like wrapping a present but corners are done like upholstering a seat bottom (do all sides fiirst and then tuck in the corners in other words). My DH nail gunned the oilcloth on. Oilcloth is great for a table because it also is basically impervious to marks and wipes up well.


I bought two vintage hard plastic school chairs from a local used furniture shop for $24.00 and put them with the table I made. For extra chairs I use otttomans and other chairs I have around the house. I also have an Ikea small loveseat in the room which is used for reading and some work.


Hope this info helps!

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My younger son is just starting to want to write. He sits at the kitchen table in his Tripp Trapp, adjusted so he fits the table easily.


We have always used the kitchen table primarily. We have two leaning desks in our office for the computer and when the kitchen table isn't available. They look like this, but are a discontinued finish we got off Craigslist:




Great for small spaces- we have 2 desks and a bookcase.

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We got a sturdy wooden kitchen table at a thrift store and DH cut the legs down to fit our kids. We kept the pieces so that we can use them later to make the table taller again. 


My kids are 6 and 8 , a bit over 4 ft. tall.

When they were little we used a toddler table from a yard sale. 

When they were younger, they used soft boosters to do anything at our dining table, including eating , drawing, crafts etc. 

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