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Who is pregnant, and when are you due?

When are you due?  

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Congrats to all of you who are expecting! We are "done" (dh took care of that with a snip, so to speak) -- but I have really been thinking of being pregnant again reading about Aubrey and others awaiting their new babies!


What a wonderful time in your lives! Enjoy!!



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We just found out a couple of weeks ago and its a huge surprise!


My son will be 10yr old when this new little one is born. But, he's real excited to have a baby bro/sis in the house. My husband had left on TDY the week before I found out so I had to tell him on the phone. He won't be home till November, so I'll already be showing next time he sees me : )


Due date: Mar 15

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Dragons in the Flower Bed,

Are you announcing something by starting this poll?;)


NO! No, no no. Gods no. I feel like this is the first time I've had a two-year-old, because I've always been sick from pregnancy when my kids were two years old. I'm really enjoying it. I also feel that I've brought my share into the world. If I have any other kids, they'll be adopted. And there's no way we can afford that. No. No babies. No matter how good it feels to hold friends' babies in my arms. Partner's eldest is getting married, best friend's partner wants a baby, so I'll just wait for godbabies and grandbabies.

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DH wants a 12/31 baby for the tax deduction ... but that means no home birth. Plus, since my b-day is 12/30 I wouldn't wish a b-day during that craziness on any child of mine... now 1/1 is another story entirely (I'm figuring the baby will be here around 1/15 though.

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Awesome, Adrianne. I wonder if you or Aubrey will pop first. :D


Pick me please!!!


Dh are going to try some of the uh.. uh.. suggestions made on an earlier thread. :D


Tomorrow would be cool. It is my dh grandmother's birthday. She is alive and kicking at 95!

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Pick me please!!!


Hey. I can hear you.


And Friendly Aubrey has gone on vacation. She left ME in charge. :eek:


You can have your baby tomorrow if I have mine in the next 4 hrs. Otherwise, look out. My belly is bigger than yours. I GAURNATEE it!!! :lol: <--maniacal laughter

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NO! No, no no. Gods no. I feel like this is the first time I've had a two-year-old, because I've always been sick from pregnancy when my kids were two years old. I'm really enjoying it. I also feel that I've brought my share into the world. If I have any other kids, they'll be adopted. And there's no way we can afford that. No. No babies. No matter how good it feels to hold friends' babies in my arms. Partner's eldest is getting married, best friend's partner wants a baby, so I'll just wait for godbabies and grandbabies.


I hear ya on that one. I would like one more child {I think, we have our hands full as it is} but *I* don't want to have another. We are in the process of becoming licensed foster parents with the option to adopt. That way, the state will pay many of the adoption expenses!:) Glad to hear you are enjoying the ones you got! Time goes by so quickly!

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Congrats to all of you who are expecting! We are "done" (dh took care of that with a snip, so to speak) -- but I have really been thinking of being pregnant again reading about Aubrey and others awaiting their new babies!


What a wonderful time in your lives! Enjoy!!




I'm due at the end of September and I'm certain that this board has subtly influenced my family size over the years. I don't have babies because of you guys, but I think I'm more open to them because of all the big families around here. I've learned it's doable and actually fun to have a handful of children. I think we would have stopped at 3 if I hadn't been on this board.



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Officially Sept 1, but who knows?


I'm not ready. :D




Me neither, Jo. I don't even have my homebirth kit ordered. I have 2 packages of diapers, a new carseat and a big old pile of onsies. I don't even *know* where the pack and play is. Dh is taking off a couple of weeks after the babe is born, so I figure I can send him to storage and to the stores then. It'll give him something to do :D



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