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I'm down 4.2 pounds in 9 days!


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Each day, the scale shows less and less. :)  I can tell my body is more muscular and hips have diminished.  


About 2 weeks gluten-free, very low grain/sugar, 23 minutes interval running and 30 minutes Jillian Michael's "No Trouble Zones" daily.  Occasional bike ride. 


Beyond this, no more bloating!

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That's great! I've been GF for almost a month now. The huge benefit is that I have no bloat at all, no stomach pain. I'm a bit mystified by the scale, though. I lose a pound, gain a pound, lose one, gain it again. I don't get it. ?

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That's great! I've been GF for almost a month now. The huge benefit is that I have no bloat at all, no stomach pain. I'm a bit mystified by the scale, though. I lose a pound, gain a pound, lose one, gain it again. I don't get it. ?


Maybe it's due to weighing at different times of the day.  I weight so many different amounts in a day, but I always go by my lowest weight when starting to lose weight and while losing it.


I really think it's a mixture of things -- exercise and diet -- that are helping.  But, I don't think I could do it if I didn't go nearly grain-free.


For me. the GF is because it runs in my family, and because I had such horrible bloating.  I swear, I looked 7 months pregnant at times.  And, gluten is linked to autoimmune disorders of which I already have one.


The grain free, for me, (and I mean no pasta, rice, bread or white potatoes) is for blood sugar stability and therefore weight loss.  I still eat hummus sometimes, peanuts, etc., but I avoid most grains and even legumes most of the time.


So, instead if subbing rice or potatoes or even GF bread, I just omit altogether.  I double up on the veggies instead.

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Maybe it's due to weighing at different times of the day.  I weight so many different amounts in a day, but I always go by my lowest weight when starting to lose weight and while losing it.


I really think it's a mixture of things -- exercise and diet -- that are helping.  But, I don't think I could do it if I didn't go nearly grain-free.


For me. the GF is because it runs in my family, and because I had such horrible bloating.  I swear, I looked 7 months pregnant at times.  And, gluten is linked to autoimmune disorders of which I already have one.


The grain free, for me, (and I mean no pasta, rice, bread or white potatoes) is for blood sugar stability and therefore weight loss.  I still eat hummus sometimes, peanuts, etc., but I avoid most grains and even legumes most of the time.


So, instead if subbing rice or potatoes or even GF bread, I just omit altogether.  I double up on the veggies instead.

Yeah, that's me too. I had the bloating and stomach pain. It's been less pronounced since I went off dairy, but I've thought for a long time that there's another piece to the puzzle. Grains in general seem to be the piece. I've omitted, too, except for a couple of "cheats" in the past month; one was a night I tried Einkorn (ancient wheat) pasta and another was a few day ago that I had rice with my stir-fry. I slacked off on my iced-tea consumption, not that it was ever heavy. Usually 1-2 glasses with dinner. The rest of the day water, save for 1-2 cups coffee in the morning. So I stopped having the tea every night, but I haven't quit the coffee. I don't know if those carbs could possibly make the difference.


Maybe The Universe doesn't think I need to lose any weight. I don't know. I find it strange.

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I went off all grains/gluten - no change in weight or any kind of symptoms.  I went off of all nightshades too (tomato, potato, peppers, eggplant) - possibly less pain but no change in weight.  I've been no diary for a very long time - no change in weight.  I'm glad that it works for others.  It just hasn't been my magic bullet.  

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I truly don't think there is a magic bullet, and I know how frustrating it is.  I think the first step is always to discuss your symptoms and difficulties with a doctor.  My endocrinologist who is treating my thyroid just ran adrenal gland testing on me as well because of my fatigue.  I no longer experience what I consider unusual fatigue, and all I know that has changed is my diet and exercise routine.


There could be so many reasons why weight loss is difficult -- much I think is just a matter of us having so much less muscle mass as we get older.  This is something that concerns me and and has really pushed me into consistent weight training.  And moving at times when I would otherwise sit.  I'm trying to get better about this.  After meals, for example, it's easy to sit.  This is no the greatest thing to do.  A friend of mine takes a family walk after most dinners.  I may incorporate this.  We sometimes ride bikes after dinner.


Anyway, I don't think the grain omission alone is my magic bullet.  I think it's a combo of what is right for my body right now.  Believe me, I am in all ways being far more careful what I eat and staying in my caloric range as well.  My fitness and health are ever-present in my mind through the day.  I am also burning at least 400 calories a day in running and weight training.  Running prior to weights/circuit training has been proven to burn more calories than the other way around.  





I went off all grains/gluten - no change in weight or any kind of symptoms.  I went off of all nightshades too (tomato, potato, peppers, eggplant) - possibly less pain but no change in weight.  I've been no diary for a very long time - no change in weight.  I'm glad that it works for others.  It just hasn't been my magic bullet.  


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When I start a weight loss program (and yes, it is a program), I always start with Sparkpeople..  True, I want a lifestyle of fitness and health, but to be honest, I am aiming to lose weight along the way.  It is the best way to get an honest look at your caloric intake.  I do think calories matter along with many other things.  Maybe it doesn't matter with people who have great metabolisms, but with thyroid disease, our thyroids alter our metabolism.  We need to focus on doing what we can to improve it.


So, find out how many calories you are really eating.  For me, it did matter that I had those cookies or just one slice of pizza.  Overall, I was over on my intake for what my body needed just to go from day to day.  In trying to limit my sugar, I limit myself to two cups of coffee a day with 2/3 tsp sugar.  I cannot stand any other sweetener in my coffee.  I also have decaf vanilla chai by Stash when I crave coffee.  I don't nee sweetener in it -- just half and half.  Eventually, I'd like to get down to one cup of coffee as I do on some days.  I don't really drink when I eat, so I have to force myself to drink water in spurts all day.


Other than that, all my beverages are water except my red wine at night.



Yeah, that's me too. I had the bloating and stomach pain. It's been less pronounced since I went off dairy, but I've thought for a long time that there's another piece to the puzzle. Grains in general seem to be the piece. I've omitted, too, except for a couple of "cheats" in the past month; one was a night I tried Einkorn (ancient wheat) pasta and another was a few day ago that I had rice with my stir-fry. I slacked off on my iced-tea consumption, not that it was ever heavy. Usually 1-2 glasses with dinner. The rest of the day water, save for 1-2 cups coffee in the morning. So I stopped having the tea every night, but I haven't quit the coffee. I don't know if those carbs could possibly make the difference.

Maybe The Universe doesn't think I need to lose any weight. I don't know. I find it strange.


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I'm a little atraditional in that I do not eat a meal in the morning.  I've been sleeping late this summer (staying up late too).  So, I get up and take my Synthroid and drink my coffee.  About an hour later, I do my treadmill followed by weights/circuit training.  That's about an hour.  Then I shower and get ready for the day.  So, my first meal is after 12:00.


I do eat a handful of nuts prior to working out and drink a lot of water.


My typical lunch (I'm such a creature of habit) is 1/2 cup eggs whites added to sauteed veggies.  I usually use 1/5 onion, 2-3 large mushrooms, 1/4 zucchini, large handful of spinach, 1/2 roma tomato, and several slices of nitrate-free sandwich ham.  I sprinkle a little cheddar cheese to it all after I add the egg whites to the ham & veggies.  Sometimes I put some chopped avocado on top.  I also have a side of berries.  Today, I had 4 strawberries, 1/4 cup blueberries, and a sprinkling of sliced almonds added to some coconut and almond milk.


Dinner is usually a grilled thin chicken breast, a small steak, slice of roast beef, fish filet or hamburger patty.  To this I either add a huge garden salad, a vegetable medley sauteed or steamed (typical is broccoli, cauliflower, zucchini, carrots, onion, mushroom, spinach) or a couple veggie side dishes.  Sometimes it's a small sweet potato with cinnamon and greens.  Sometimes dinner is a huge salad with avocado, shredded cheddar and pecans.  Salad usually includes: romaine, red cabbage, cucumbers, carrots, mushrooms).


My night-time snack is often a few peanuts, a cheese stick and a few gluten-free crackers and a glass of intense red wine.  Or, I may have celery with almond butter and a glass of red wine.


If I'm really feeling hungry between meals, I drink a glass of water or have decaf tea and get busy doing something.  If I'm still hungry, I eat something, but I'm smart about it.


Some days, I'll have a square or two of intense dark chocolate (my favorite right now is chili) or a coconut ice pop.  Or twice, I had a slice of the paleo sweet potato pie I made.  I have a huge sweet tooth, so this has been hard for me.  I could eat 7 of those sandwich cookies with cream filling in a few seconds flat.  A couple of weeks ago, I had a handful of those chocolate covered blueberries.  A large handful.  I could feel the sugar rush instantly and have learned to recognize that as a bad thing.  Sugar and most carbs create an insulin response which really just ends up telling your body to hold onto that fat.  If we eat sugar or carbs, we should aim to partner it with something full of fat and/or protein to slow the process.




nest of 3,  do you think you could post some sample menus of what you are eating? 




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Good job, Dawn! I used to get very bloated, too, when I ate gluten. It was awful! There were times I would wake up in the middle of the night so bloated that I just wanted to go to the ER and have them pop me.


It sounds like you're very dedicated to good health and physical fitness!

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When I start a weight loss program (and yes, it is a program), I always start with Sparkpeople..  True, I want a lifestyle of fitness and health, but to be honest, I am aiming to lose weight along the way.  It is the best way to get an honest look at your caloric intake.  I do think calories matter along with many other things.  Maybe it doesn't matter with people who have great metabolisms, but with thyroid disease, our thyroids alter our metabolism.  We need to focus on doing what we can to improve it.


So, find out how many calories you are really eating.  For me, it did matter that I had those cookies or just one slice of pizza.  Overall, I was over on my intake for what my body needed just to go from day to day.  In trying to limit my sugar, I limit myself to two cups of coffee a day with 2/3 tsp sugar.  I cannot stand any other sweetener in my coffee.  I also have decaf vanilla chai by Stash when I crave coffee.  I don't nee sweetener in it -- just half and half.  Eventually, I'd like to get down to one cup of coffee as I do on some days.  I don't really drink when I eat, so I have to force myself to drink water in spurts all day.


Other than that, all my beverages are water except my red wine at night.

See, I've been leaning to caring about calories, as I used to do. I have used Sparkpeople before and lost 10lbs. Tracking calories was important. However, that was also before I understood the low carb hypothesis. I am keen to reduce my risk of developing diabetes, so I do agree that carbs matter, especially simple sugars.


So, here were my goals, in order of importance to me:

1) Eliminate my digestive problems - bloat, stomach pain

2) Lose a little flab from my tummy and thighs. I do not have a weight problem, but I don't want to develop one by ignoring that I *do* have some fat there that wasn't there before.

3) Feel better overall

4) Reduce my risk of diabetes.


I do exercise, but that is nothing new. I don't know if it would be useful to exercise more or just keep it the same. I cannot imagine how you can do the running before the weight training. *grin* When I do aerobic, I am so wiped after it, I cannot imagine lifting weights after!


I did have all my levels done last year and my thyroid was normal. I was all revved up to blame thyroid, too, darn it!

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I'm going to jump in here with my story which is both different from and similar to Dawn's. I do not have a gluten nor a dairy sensitivity.


I have gained almost 20 pounds in the past 5 years----my mom was diagnosed with ovarian cancer in June 2008 and died in November 2009, my dad died suddenly in October 2011, and I injured my right shoulder in the fall of 2011 which greatly affected my ability to exercise. I am 5'2" tall so those 20 pounds are noticeable!


I've been exercising 4-5 times a week for 45-60 min each time (elliptical, treadmill/outside walking, Jillian Michaels No More Trouble Zones) and tracking my food intake on Sparkpeople (1200-1500 calories recommended for my weight). I've been doing this since March. Haven't lost a pound but feel much stronger and am sleeping better.


17 days ago dd18 said she was going to start doing Pilates each day following the Blogilates.com beginner's workout calendar, about 25-30 min per day of Pilates. I said I'd do it too. It's actually very fun even though I can't do quite all the moves yet. I dropped Jillian but continued with treadmill walking so that I exercise for 60 minutes a day---4 days of 30 min Pilates and 30 min treadmill, 2 days of 60 min Pilates (I do the videos twice or search her YouTube channel for other basic videos to bring the total to 60 min), and 1 day of 60 min treadmill.


I have also upped my caloric intake to 1800 per day from an average of 1400 per day,


In 17 days I have lost 4 pounds, 2 inches from my waist, 1.5 inches from my hips/butt, and 1 in from my thighs :party: I have some serious muscles already!


I eat plain yogurt w fruit and decaf coffee w half and half for breakfast (I can't have any caffeine). Lunch is usually leftovers of various grilled meats or some cheese with veggies and fruits. Dinner is the same. I eat some rice, pasta, bread, or potatoes every day. I will have a smidge of a treat like the choc-peanut butter cheesecake dd18's friend shared with us. I will have a glass of wine or homebrewed beer a few nights a week or a shaken margarita made from scratch by dh (fresh lime juice, tequila, triple sec---no mix). I drink water, sunbrewed decaf ice tea, and decaf coffee but that's about it. I do not snack unless it's a piece of fruit or an ounce of really good chocolate.


I feel so awesome now! Dh likes it too :D I've figured out how to incorporate my exercise time I to our school day routine for this fall. I hope that by next summer I will be at the weight I prefer (still curvy) but stronger and more fit! I need to be in a serious routine over the next three years before I am 50 :)

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Those are amazing results!  I can tell you sound very pleased, and you should.  :)


I hear so often from what I read that our bodies get cozy and happy with what we are doing.  You clearly got stronger which is fantastic from what you were doing before,and then you were able to lose weight with your new routine.  I wonder if your change in routine jump-started something?  I really have no idea, and I am the first person to say I don't think there is a formula for weight loss.  I do think we need to keep seeking for answers when out body refuses to lose what it really could lose.


I read a lot from the Sparkpeople website mainly because I don't have anyone in my real life working on similar goals.  One thing I read over and over again is the importance of changing it up.  I was speedwalking for 43 minutes every day for weeks.   I worked myself up to a jog at 5 mph.  I have to go slowly because of shinsplints.  When I started, it actually increased my heart rate, but after a while, I am certain I was not really pushing it at all in terms of heart rate. I was just happily watching a tv show.  I wasn't as careful with my food but still far better than most, you know?


My scale didn't shift until I started being more careful about food doing a beginner's interval running which cycles between 4.5 mph and 5.7 mph with a warm-up and cool-down.  The entire thing is only 23 minutes.  Today, I scaled it back to less intensity because of my shins.  And, adding in the weight training which I hadn't done.  In less than two weeks, I have increased my weights on every move except shoulder raises -- my shoulders are weak, clearly.  I can see my muscles are more defined.  I have not remeasured my body, but my son got married in June.  I bought two dresses (a size 4 and an 6 -- generously sized mind you).  The 6 was slightly large, but I tried the 4 on today, and it fit.



I'm going to jump in here with my story which is both different from and similar to Dawn's. I do not have a gluten nor a dairy sensitivity.

I have gained almost 20 pounds in the past 5 years----my mom was diagnosed with ovarian cancer in June 2008 and died in November 2009, my dad died suddenly in October 2011, and I injured my right shoulder in the fall of 2011 which greatly affected my ability to exercise. I am 5'2" tall so those 20 pounds are noticeable!

I've been exercising 4-5 times a week for 45-60 min each time (elliptical, treadmill/outside walking, Jillian Michaels No More Trouble Zones) and tracking my food intake on Sparkpeople (1200-1500 calories recommended for my weight). I've been doing this since March. Haven't lost a pound but feel much stronger and am sleeping better.

17 days ago dd18 said she was going to start doing Pilates each day following the Blogilates.com beginner's workout calendar, about 25-30 min per day of Pilates. I said I'd do it too. It's actually very fun even though I can't do quite all the moves yet. I dropped Jillian but continued with treadmill walking so that I exercise for 60 minutes a day---4 days of 30 min Pilates and 30 min treadmill, 2 days of 60 min Pilates (I do the videos twice or search her YouTube channel for other basic videos to bring the total to 60 min), and 1 day of 60 min treadmill.

I have also upped my caloric intake to 1800 per day from an average of 1400 per day,

In 17 days I have lost 4 pounds, 2 inches from my waist, 1.5 inches from my hips/butt, and 1 in from my thighs :party: I have some serious muscles already!

I eat plain yogurt w fruit and decaf coffee w half and half for breakfast (I can't have any caffeine). Lunch is usually leftovers of various grilled meats or some cheese with veggies and fruits. Dinner is the same. I eat some rice, pasta, bread, or potatoes every day. I will have a smidge of a treat like the choc-peanut butter cheesecake dd18's friend shared with us. I will have a glass of wine or homebrewed beer a few nights a week or a shaken margarita made from scratch by dh (fresh lime juice, tequila, triple sec---no mix). I drink water, sunbrewed decaf ice tea, and decaf coffee but that's about it. I do not snack unless it's a piece of fruit or an ounce of really good chocolate.

I feel so awesome now! Dh likes it too :D I've figured out how to incorporate my exercise time I to our school day routine for this fall. I hope that by next summer I will be at the weight I prefer (still curvy) but stronger and more fit! I need to be in a serious routine over the next three years before I am 50 :)


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There are those who think gluten plays a part in type 1 diabetes, which I know you are not talking about.  And of course, you have to wonder what overworking that pancreas does for diabetes.  Of course, as you know, exercise is supposed to help as well.


I only run for 23 minutes, so though I am a little tired when I start, it's not horrible. ;)  I also don't do her lunges as I do not use it as a means of cardio but because it is my favorite weight routine.  It keeps me moving enough to burn some calories but is quite comprehensive in the muscle groups it targets.



See, I've been leaning to caring about calories, as I used to do. I have used Sparkpeople before and lost 10lbs. Tracking calories was important. However, that was also before I understood the low carb hypothesis. I am keen to reduce my risk of developing diabetes, so I do agree that carbs matter, especially simple sugars.

So, here were my goals, in order of importance to me:
1) Eliminate my digestive problems - bloat, stomach pain
2) Lose a little flab from my tummy and thighs. I do not have a weight problem, but I don't want to develop one by ignoring that I *do* have some fat there that wasn't there before.
3) Feel better overall
4) Reduce my risk of diabetes.

I do exercise, but that is nothing new. I don't know if it would be useful to exercise more or just keep it the same. I cannot imagine how you can do the running before the weight training. *grin* When I do aerobic, I am so wiped after it, I cannot imagine lifting weights after!

I did have all my levels done last year and my thyroid was normal. I was all revved up to blame thyroid, too, darn it!


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Wow. It's the carbs, people. Carbs are what make the weight stay on. Dawn, I hope I'm not hijacking your thread too much, but since we were talking about it here, I thought this was a good place to tell what I've realized.  As I've continued to read a bunch of research and information on low-carb, and also due to this discussion here, I decided I would go straight-up almost totally protein and see what would happen. (This is a sort of combination of Gary Taubes' books and info in the Dukan diet.)  I replaced my coffee sugar with Xyla, so that carb would be minimized. I drank water only the rest of the day (no sweet iced tea that I normally have). I had 2 eggs for breakfast, 6 oz. steak for lunch and 3 oz. steak for dinner. Also had some fresh vegs from my garden: cucumbers pickled, sauted squash/tomatoes/onions.  The only other source of carbs I had yesterday was a smoothie made with fresh blackberries from my yard, plain greek yogurt, coconut oil and xyla. This came out to 22.5g carbs. So, my total carbs for the day was around 40g. 


I am three pounds lighter this morning than I was yesterday morning.  :hurray: How cool is that? I'm eating the same way today and seeing what happens. 

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Wow. It's the carbs, people. Carbs are what make the weight stay on. Dawn, I hope I'm not hijacking your thread too much, but since we were talking about it here, I thought this was a good place to tell what I've realized.  As I've continued to read a bunch of research and information on low-carb, and also due to this discussion here, I decided I would go straight-up almost totally protein and see what would happen. (This is a sort of combination of Gary Taubes' books and info in the Dukan diet.)  I replaced my coffee sugar with Xyla, so that carb would be minimized. I drank water only the rest of the day (no sweet iced tea that I normally have). I had 2 eggs for breakfast, 6 oz. steak for lunch and 3 oz. steak for dinner. Also had some fresh vegs from my garden: cucumbers pickled, sauted squash/tomatoes/onions.  The only other source of carbs I had yesterday was a smoothie made with fresh blackberries from my yard, plain greek yogurt, coconut oil and xyla. This came out to 22.5g carbs. So, my total carbs for the day was around 40g. 


I am three pounds lighter this morning than I was yesterday morning.  :hurray: How cool is that? I'm eating the same way today and seeing what happens.

Totally agree. All about the carbs for me as well. I do exercise but I have to do that to help with my PCOS symptoms. Plus, I think muscles are sexy!

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I typed a long response the other day, but I tapped on something wrong, and the entire post went away. :(


Trying again. That's amazing! I think I read somewhere that carbs make your body hold onto water? I'll have to check that out.


Tonight, we had spaghetti and meat sauce. The boys wanted something normal as I've been experimenting a lot. I had my sauce on lightly boiled cabbage. It tasted great, really.


I haven't lost any more weight, but I'm also about to start my cycle, and I always gain a little. I did lose an inch off my hips (none of waist, oddly). I didn't track it, but three weeks lapsed between measurement.


One of my main goals right now is to build muscle and be more active in general. I want to get my body used to moving now that I'm in my 40's. I'm sure it will just harder the older I get.


I'm nervous about school starting -- finding time to exercise.




Wow. It's the carbs, people. Carbs are what make the weight stay on. Dawn, I hope I'm not hijacking your thread too much, but since we were talking about it here, I thought this was a good place to tell what I've realized. As I've continued to read a bunch of research and information on low-carb, and also due to this discussion here, I decided I would go straight-up almost totally protein and see what would happen. (This is a sort of combination of Gary Taubes' books and info in the Dukan diet.) I replaced my coffee sugar with Xyla, so that carb would be minimized. I drank water only the rest of the day (no sweet iced tea that I normally have). I had 2 eggs for breakfast, 6 oz. steak for lunch and 3 oz. steak for dinner. Also had some fresh vegs from my garden: cucumbers pickled, sauted squash/tomatoes/onions. The only other source of carbs I had yesterday was a smoothie made with fresh blackberries from my yard, plain greek yogurt, coconut oil and xyla. This came out to 22.5g carbs. So, my total carbs for the day was around 40g.


I am three pounds lighter this morning than I was yesterday morning. :hurray: How cool is that? I'm eating the same way today and seeing what happens.

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Totally agree. All about the carbs for me as well. I do exercise but I have to do that to help with my PCOS symptoms. Plus, I think muscles are sexy!

Yes, I agree. My arms are so much more defined, but there's still too much adipose hiding them. :(

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I typed a long response the other day, but I tapped on something wrong, and the entire post went away. :(


Trying again. That's amazing! I think I read somewhere that carbs make your body hold onto water? I'll have to check that out.


Tonight, we had spaghetti and meat sauce. The boys wanted something normal as I've been experimenting a lot. I had my sauce on lightly boiled cabbage. It tasted great, really.


I haven't lost any more weight, but I'm also about to start my cycle, and I always gain a little. I did lose an inch off my hips (none of waist, oddly). I didn't track it, but three weeks lapsed between measurement.


One of my main goals right now is to build muscle and be more active in general. I want to get my body used to moving now that I'm in my 40's. I'm sure it will just harder the older I get.


I'm nervous about school starting -- finding time to exercise.





I just ordered and started reading Trim, Healthy Mama, and it gives some great explanations about why carbs are a problem as we get older.

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I typed a long response the other day, but I tapped on something wrong, and the entire post went away. :(


Trying again. That's amazing! I think I read somewhere that carbs make your body hold onto water? I'll have to check that out.


Tonight, we had spaghetti and meat sauce. The boys wanted something normal as I've been experimenting a lot. I had my sauce on lightly boiled cabbage. It tasted great, really.


I haven't lost any more weight, but I'm also about to start my cycle, and I always gain a little. I did lose an inch off my hips (none of waist, oddly). I didn't track it, but three weeks lapsed between measurement.


One of my main goals right now is to build muscle and be more active in general. I want to get my body used to moving now that I'm in my 40's. I'm sure it will just harder the older I get.


I'm nervous about school starting -- finding time to exercise.



Yes - carbs hold onto water. Increased protein is diuretic. Never thought about having spaghetti sauce on cabbage; that's a good tip.  I have lost 2 more pounds since I posted about losing 3. Pretty jazzed about that. I'm at what you might call my "first goal" weight. I would not mind shedding 5 more pounds, but I wanted to get to this weight as an intermediate goal. I'm going to the beach the week of the 18th, so I especially wanted to be worthy of my suit. :) 


More importantly, I feel 100x better with few carbs and practically zero white sugar.  I feel "light in the gut." My stomach never bloats. I am not hungry. I have plenty of energy. I crave treats less, though it still crops up at times when I was accustomed to having them. As a bonus, my skin looks great. Just overall a great story. :)

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Wow! So happy for you. I still have a journey ahead, but at least I know I'm going in the right direction. I cannot wait to at least get to the weight I was a year ago.


I have made a few treats using almond flour and a little maple syrup. The sweet potato pie needs no sweetener. Blueberry crisp could do without. Sometimes I have dark chocolate. Vanilla chai tea is good in the evening because I can drink it with just milk/cream/substitute. Coffee must have sweetener though I've cut that in half.


The delightedmomma blog has lots of snack ideas too.


I'm dealing with cycle puffiness right now. :(


Yes - carbs hold onto water. Increased protein is diuretic. Never thought about having spaghetti sauce on cabbage; that's a good tip. I have lost 2 more pounds since I posted about losing 3. Pretty jazzed about that. I'm at what you might call my "first goal" weight. I would not mind shedding 5 more pounds, but I wanted to get to this weight as an intermediate goal. I'm going to the beach the week of the 18th, so I especially wanted to be worthy of my suit. :)


More importantly, I feel 100x better with few carbs and practically zero white sugar. I feel "light in the gut." My stomach never bloats. I am not hungry. I have plenty of energy. I crave treats less, though it still crops up at times when I was accustomed to having them. As a bonus, my skin looks great. Just overall a great story. :)

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