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34 Wk u/s Pic!


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I keep going in to L&D...irritable uterus issues, migraines, blah blah blah. I mean, it's kinda WRONG when the staff (residents and RNs) flipping know you on sight!


But, so far, he's staying put. And breech. *sigh*


Either he turns on his own, and stays there, or I'll be induced for an 'unstable lie' b/c he thinks he's running laps. Head down, breech, transverse, round and round and round he goes. So, OB will turn him, break water so he can't flip around, and away we go around 38 wks, unless something happens before that.


My big concern is him being breech and water breaking...b/c that's an automatic csection.

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I love how u/s pictures always look as if the baby is waving to you. Hello, world!



Not my last. He was mad every time. We have a great shot of him with both fists up, with his little face all scrunched up, looking for all the world like he's screaming his head off. That was the best pick we got when we tried for the 3D u/s. Surprisingly, he's been fairly mellow since he hatched. :huh:



Imp - he's adorable already! Hopefully he'll realize which way the exit is soon. :tongue_smilie:

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Not my last. He was mad every time. We have a great shot of him with both fists up, with his little face all scrunched up, looking for all the world like he's screaming his head off. That was the best pick we got when we tried for the 3D u/s. Surprisingly, he's been fairly mellow since he hatched. :huh:



Imp - he's adorable already! Hopefully he'll realize which way the exit is soon. :tongue_smilie:


We always narrated the u/s Mystery Science Theater style. "Lady, get me outta here!"

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cute! one of mine refused to turn. At 38 weeks the Dr. tried turning her and would get her almost all the way around and she would do one big kick and spin back to breach. He ended up giving me an exercise to do where I was hanging upside down for 30 minutes every 2 hours (day time only). After 1 1/2 days of being upside down she turned.

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cute! one of mine refused to turn. At 38 weeks the Dr. tried turning her and would get her almost all the way around and she would do one big kick and spin back to breach. He ended up giving me an exercise to do where I was hanging upside down for 30 minutes every 2 hours (day time only). After 1 1/2 days of being upside down she turned.


I've looked at spinningbabies.com, but I can't balance myself w/only being able to use 1 hand.

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I don't know about the spinning babies thing. What I had to do was lie with my legs and hips on the bed, my tummy hanging down with no support, and my head practically on the floor, face downwards. I would rest my arms on the floor. I did this for 30 minutes every 2 hours. I would get pretty light headed. Not sure if you would be able to do this one armed. I could see that it might be very hard to get up again with only one arm. The theory is that a baby likes to go head downwards, and if hang so that they are head downwards they will get the feel for it and turn themselves to get into that position. My theory ( just from how it felt) was that my baby had run out of room to turn, because while I was hanging upside down she started kicking like anything.

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