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That was EXACTLY what I thought from the get go about Clara! I can't believe I doubted myself over the last couple of days.


I cried at the end though :( I knew they were going to do THAT, but I didn't want them too.


The very, very end I kinda get, but I agree a bit lost on where they are going to go with that.

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He's 9 so Matt's 12 now. Or something like that. But how do you have two? Matt and Jenna are confirmed for season 8 so there will be two That was excellent Really excellent. I guess they've been leading up to this a while with Clara.

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I understood the ending to mean that the other Doctor was some "dark-side" incarnation from the past. Maybe the one that destroyed Gallifrey or something horrible like that.


Maybe in the next season we'll learn more about the Time War?

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I'll start off by saying that I think Matt Smith is an amazing Doctor. He has grown into the character. I think he's excellent.


But that episode was awful. I'm disappointed. The whole season was odd, but I was cutting Moffat some slack. I understood he wanted to address some big concepts. But this episode....he let the ball drop. There were so many plot holes. It was just bizarre. And now I'm not looking forward to the Anniversary special. I don't want to see how Moffat ruins it. :(

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My dd called him, Doctor 8.2. I believe he supposed to be the one from the Time War. He's not taking Smith's place.


This confuses me, because this is supposed to be the Doctor's greatest secret? That he alone ended the Time War was never a secret. Some of his companions knew (or at least overheard enough to connect the dots), Satan called him out on it, he had to send them packing *again* in End of Time, and he told the villain in The Doctor's Wife flat out that he'd killed all the Time Lords. I can see him masking his regeneration at first out of guilt and shame, but the only thing that really makes it "the secret he'll take to his grave" is... the plot says so.


I posted my episode thoughts in the TARDIS social group, I can try to repost in this thread later. I'm still not really sure what I think. Not confused, not completely underwhelmed, just... meh.

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I'll start off by saying that I think Matt Smith is an amazing Doctor. He has grown into the character. I think he's excellent.


But that episode was awful. I'm disappointed. The whole season was odd, but I was cutting Moffat some slack. I understood he wanted to address some big concepts. But this episode....he let the ball drop. There were so many plot holes. It was just bizarre. And now I'm not looking forward to the Anniversary special. I don't want to see how Moffat ruins it. :(


When is the special?
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I might be wrong, but I didn't see anything that claimed that it was the doctor version that ended the Time War. I think it is a "doctor" that did something different altogether, because like several people have mentioned, the doctor has always "owned" the Time War. It isn't really a secret at all.


I also really liked that episode and am excited for the anniversary.

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My dd called him, Doctor 8.2. I believe he supposed to be the one from the Time War. He's not taking Smith's place.


That would be a clevert plot twist, and make good use of the fact that we never saw any regeneration from the 8th to the 9th when they did the series reboot.


We only got a quick view of John Hurt in the episode but there's an online pic of him wearing the 9th Doctor's leather jacket.



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I was so excited for the episode but it wasn't as good as I had hoped. I hate that they used the villain they did. Boring and random. I wish they would resolve the issue with the Silence that was brought in for Matt Smith's second season. I don't think Clara's resolution makes sense and the whole time stream thing seems contrived. I can suspend disbelief if they want me to, but I wish I didn't have to. I agree that John Hurt is probably responsible for something other than what happened in the Time War. I'd like him to be a future Doctor instead of Number 9 but it probably won't happen.


I love River so I loved her scenes. I was happy that they clarified their relationship status. In other seasons and episodes it was hard to tell if what River claimed was just what she wanted or if it was true. I wonder if it implies that he will find a way to get her out of the library in the future.

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Yeah, what happened to the Silence? The prophesy that Dorium Maldovar told the Doctor said, "Silence will fall when the question is asked." I didn't see any of the Silence (checked my arms, no marker tallies), and it sure sounded like panicked screaming when the question was asked!

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Yeah, what happened to the Silence? The prophesy that Dorium Maldovar told the Doctor said, "Silence will fall when the question is asked." I didn't see any of the Silence (checked my arms, no marker tallies), and it sure sounded like panicked screaming when the question was asked!



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Yeah, what happened to the Silence? The prophesy that Dorium Maldovar told the Doctor said, "Silence will fall when the question is asked." I didn't see any of the Silence (checked my arms, no marker tallies), and it sure sounded like panicked screaming when the question was asked!


:lol: I agree. Overall, I'm disappointed in this whole season. Some bits were ok. I always love the Gaiman episodes, but the rest? Meh. I just wasn't excited. And I feel utterly confused. Not in a good LOST sort of way, but in a "did they forget what they're doing?" sort of way.

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