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Who is going to see Star Trek this weekend?


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I think, if that new generation wants something of their own, they should come up with something original, rather than scavenging bits and pieces of things other people love and adding more noise.


Well, Gene Roddenbury scavenged westerns and put his cowboys in space.... And I thank him for it!


There are only about 25 stories to tell in this world, and the rest is done with mirrors.


DH and ds1 went last night. I could see it now, or wait for it on Netflix. I love Star Trek but I don't luuuurve Star Trek.


I explicitly told dh he was to tell me if Benedict Cumberbatch was exceptionally sexy or his regular sexy, because that would determine when I see the movie. If he is only his regular amount of sexy, then I can wait for disc.


His answer? "Reasonably sexy" What the heck am I supposed to do with that? What does "reasonably sexy' mean?


So, what The Hive's opinion? Extra sexy or regular amount of sexy?

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I explicitly told dh he was to tell me if Benedict Cumberbatch was exceptionally sexy or his regular sexy, because that would determine when I see the movie. If he is only his regular amount of sexy, then I can wait for disc.


His answer? "Reasonably sexy" What the heck am I supposed to do with that? What does "reasonably sexy' mean?


So, what The Hive's opinion? Extra sexy or regular amount of sexy?

I rarely go to movies, so this is the first time I've seen him in anything. you'd probably enjoy him. but I prefer the original.

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I think, if that new generation wants something of their own, they should come up with something original, rather than scavenging bits and pieces of things other people love and adding more noise.



Well, that certainly simplifies lit studies, since following that concept means dumping several centuries worth of storytelling.

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Well, Gene Roddenbury scavenged westerns and put his cowboys in space.... And I thank him for it!


There are only about 25 stories to tell in this world, and the rest is done with mirrors.


DH and ds1 went last night. I could see it now, or wait for it on Netflix. I love Star Trek but I don't luuuurve Star Trek.


I explicitly told dh he was to tell me if Benedict Cumberbatch was exceptionally sexy or his regular sexy, because that would determine when I see the movie. If he is only his regular amount of sexy, then I can wait for disc.


His answer? "Reasonably sexy" What the heck am I supposed to do with that? What does "reasonably sexy' mean?


So, what The Hive's opinion? Extra sexy or regular amount of sexy?



How many times do you get to watch him on the Big Screen, larger than life? Surely that's worth something!


But, yeah, sometimes it was annoying how Kirk and Spock and the rest of the Enterprise crew kept cluttering up the place, like they thought anyone cared about them. Sheesh!

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I liked the movie...once I could detach my enjoyment from my expectations. :D We chose to go non3D. 3D versions give me a headache.


ETA: edited out portions that could be potential spoilers. I'm so sorry! I obviously wasn't thinking straight.


I was disappointed with Quinto's presentation of Spock this time. It just...wasn't...Spock. Chris Pine has nice eyes :D.

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Yes, it is the voice that does it.



I agree, it's the voice. I find him entertaining but not s@xy as Sherlock. Too pasty and persnickety for me like that. Besides, I have a crush on Martin Freeman. I think he's the cute one.


In this film, however, BC is much more Clive Owen-ish. Makes me sad Khan is a bad guy. I'd have liked for him to be a permanent addition to the Enterprise crew, thus a guarantee to be in the next installment.

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I explicitly told dh he was to tell me if Benedict Cumberbatch was exceptionally sexy or his regular sexy, because that would determine when I see the movie. If he is only his regular amount of sexy, then I can wait for disc.


His answer? "Reasonably sexy" What the heck am I supposed to do with that? What does "reasonably sexy' mean?


So, what The Hive's opinion? Extra sexy or regular amount of sexy?


If there is a role where he is at his sexiest, it would be this one. I never found him sexy as Sherlock. I found him utterly captivating though, and it's terribly hard to get my attention and keep it. It wasn't until I heard him do Keat's Ode to a Nightingale (I wish I remembered how I came across it because I don't really Google him, honestly :p even though I can ramble on; nevermind. I'm fairly sure I was Googling about the Frankenstein DVD, then I'd found out he taught English at a Tibetan monastery and I was a goner), that sexy entered the picture. He had the exaggerated enunciation, the posture, and facial expressions that will have you squirming just a bit. Honestly though, I think some of the sexiest bits were probably of his stunt double which I'm assuming he had. If not, well. I don't need the distraction of that. :p

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I think, if that new generation wants something of their own, they should come up with something original, rather than scavenging bits and pieces of things other people love and adding more noise.


Blech. I strongly disagree. :p And that's okay...just sharing my opinion; I'm not trying to convince anyone to change theirs. I realize many Trek fans don't see eye to eye on the reboot.



And yeah, I haven't been successful in keeping myself from this thread. :D

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We saw it yesterday, and I think it was good.


For reference about price (I know how much it differs throughout the country) we paid $5.50 for 2-D, matinee. I'll admit I love how cheap our theather is.


2-D was fine, I don't think 3-D would be worth the extra $2.


Benedict Cumberbatch was great (of course!!). Loved every time he was on screen. And yes, you need to see him on the big screen, all larger than life. :)


I'm loving Pine's Kirk, and even Spock is good. Of course he's different, that's the point. And I think Quinto is doing a great job showing the angst between Spock's Vulcan and human side. And I really love Urban's McCoy. He nails it and adds to it all at the same time.


I had read the bad reviews before going, so I was expecting the worse, but I think the reviewers were expecting too much. It's Sci-fi, so yes, there are some unrealistic things. It's fiction. Overall, the story was clever, the acting excellent, and the visuals stunning.

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We went last night.....loved the cinematography and set design. The entire movie was beautiful to watch.


Has Benedict Cumberbatch ever been in a non-trench coat role (where he hasn't been a dragon)?


Chris Pine and Karl Urban are yummier to me than Benedict Cumberbatch. (Although Cumberbatch could read the telephone book to me and I'd be enthralled.).

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We just saw it this morning, and we all enjoyed it! We are not hard core Trekkies, so we don't have a horse in the continuity/original-intent race.


I thought it was beautifully shot and everyone looked so real and un-made up. Lots of skin texture. I notice stuff like that. :D


I don't get the Benedict allure. His mouth is small and twisty. :p

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neither do 1dd or I. 1ds and 1dd did enjoy him as a villian though. He lacks the charisma of ricardo montalban.


I regret they didn't make Khan as educated and well spoken as the R M version. I missed having snippets of Shakespeare tossed into the mix. While I'm at it, I like Spock--the original. I find this new one very watchable...but very little science stuff falls out of his mouth. I need the illusion of a deep scientific mind, people. All that said, I enjoyed the movie...not terribly original, but entertaining.

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I just took my girls and we all enjoyed it. I love Bones. He has always been the comic relief, and I kept wishing he would find a need to take his shirt off in this one. His arms are huge!


Ok...SPOILER ALERT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But I have a question about something since I've seen the movies but I'm not a "Trekkie"........(scroll down)





















When old Spock enters the scene, is it the same Spock as the one in the movie? And is he from the future? He can't be from the past, right? I'm confused. Someone explain, please.

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I regret they didn't make Khan as educated and well spoken as the R M version. I missed having snippets of Shakespeare tossed into the mix. While I'm at it, I like Spock--the original. I find this new one very watchable...but very little science stuff falls out of his mouth. I need the illusion of a deep scientific mind, people. All that said, I enjoyed the movie...not terribly original, but entertaining.



I would have enjoyed an extended logic-battle when they were on opposite bridges.

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I just took my girls and we all enjoyed it. I love Bones. He has always been the comic relief, and I kept wishing he would find a need to take his shirt off in this one. His arms are huge!


Ok...SPOILER ALERT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But I have a question about something since I've seen the movies but I'm not a "Trekkie"........(scroll down)





















When old Spock enters the scene, is it the same Spock as the one in the movie? And is he from the future? He can't be from the past, right? I'm confused. Someone explain, please.

this is from the star trek 2009. spock 'prime' is from the future/original, was caught in a temporal vortex and sent to the past. (according to canon, vulcans have a 200+ year life span) so, he's technically the same, same parents, etc, but their lives diverged considerably.

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this is from the star trek 2009. spock 'prime' is from the future/original, was caught in a temporal vortex and sent to the past. (according to canon, vulcans have a 200+ year life span) so, he's technically the same, same parents, etc, but their lives diverged considerably.


Thanks for explaining! When I said I'd seen "all" the movies, I'd forgotten that's the one I haven't seen. Makes sense now.

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I would have enjoyed an extended logic-battle when they were on opposite bridges.



That would have been nice. They really tried to express Spock's "human" side and Khan's desperation and I think that didn't leave room for much else toward the end. As dorky as it was, I liked the mirror of the original movie. I think it highlighted that sometimes Spock's logic and Kirk's passion end up with the same results.


I think the only thing that disappointed me was the abruptness of it all once their fight at the end was over.

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I just took my girls and we all enjoyed it. I love Bones. He has always been the comic relief, and I kept wishing he would find a need to take his shirt off in this one. His arms are huge!


Ok...SPOILER ALERT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But I have a question about something since I've seen the movies but I'm not a "Trekkie"........(scroll down)





















When old Spock enters the scene, is it the same Spock as the one in the movie? And is he from the future? He can't be from the past, right? I'm confused. Someone explain, please.


You've gotta see the 2009 Star Trek movie to understand.

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Thursday night the 10yo watched the 2009 version. Friday the Trekkie husband took the day off from work and the three of us went. The 10yo liked it so much he is now watching the 1973 animated series on netflix instant.


I'm not a Trekkie, but we all liked it. It was just plain fun.

Now you must see 'The Wrath of Khan" The Search for Spock" and "The Voyage Home." Those are my all time favs....plus you'll 'get' more of the stuff from the current movie.

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Now you must see 'The Wrath of Khan" The Search for Spock" and "The Voyage Home." Those are my all time favs....plus you'll 'get' more of the stuff from the current movie.


seeing the original series ep: space seed, and THEN watching the wrath of khan (at a minimum) will really help to catch the subtext goings on.


the voyage home even made it as a "crossover" film. (leonard nimoy directed it.) it's great in it's own right. (but the three are tied together and you'll follow them more if you see all three.)

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I just saw it today.


I hadn't watched many trailers or info about it, so when the name "Khan" was dropped the first time it went over my head. The last time I watched ST2 was years ago, and I was pretty young then. I guess I should watch it again. But it slowly dawned on me - Khan, like in Wrath of Khan? That Khan? :lol:


But some things in the movie were just funny. Like how Kirk makes a phone call from Klingon space to Scotty on Earth. But then when the Enterprise is close to Earth Spock's all like "can we call New Vulcan from here?" :huh:


To me, a canon purist, the movie is all-AU. And I like good AU's. But I still wish that didn't include killing Amanda, indeed.

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That would have been nice. They really tried to express Spock's "human" side and Khan's desperation and I think that didn't leave room for much else toward the end. As dorky as it was, I liked the mirror of the original movie. I think it highlighted that sometimes Spock's logic and Kirk's passion end up with the same results.


I think the only thing that disappointed me was the abruptness of it all once their fight at the end was over.



In regard to the abruptness of the ending, my friend sat through all the credits because she assumed there would be a little Easter egg scene at the end wherein they launched the Botany Bay with all of those cryo pods in it.


Which would've been wicked cool. But, alas, they blew their chance.


And, yeah, the phone call to Scotty was so absurd, particularly when a few minutes later they were pondering whether they could contact New Vulcan.


Also, I recall Khan reciting lots of Melville, but not Shakespeare. But, hey, it's not like I memorized his lines in Space Seed (partially because I was swept away by the hokiness of the yoga, the weirdness of his hair, the pointlessness of letting down the babe's hair, etc.) and it could be that the Melville only showed up in the movie when he was all flaked out about revenge. The lack of BC quoting Shakespeare has more to do with the script writing than with BC's abilities.

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I really liked it! Don't waste your money on 3D, though.




I found the 3D distracting... I think we are about 15 years away from that technology not just being annoying.


I loved the film. DH hated it. I loved the homage to the old ST. DH thought it was ripping off too much of the past.


So DH and I spent the weekend arguing over it. When nerds collide... :huh:

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