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Moms of multiples, especially b/g twins, when did you


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Only just do what works for them.


Mine are boys, and 8.5, and still sleep in the same bed. (They have two beds in their room) When they were 3, their older sister (7 at the time) lobbied for a shared room with bunk beds. They shared that room until last year, when she turned 11 and decided she would like her own space.


Eta: If I was planning, I wouldn't split them in a new environment at that age. Obviously, if they were older, you could just ask, but I would think they would enjoy the security of being together in a new home. Or maybe not, depending on how they are together... I guess I've just circled back to "do what works for them", haven't I?

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My boys still share a room. Up until a year ago (8yrs) they shared the same bed. Just this past year they graduated to bunk beds.

I've no plans for them to have different rooms until their interests diverge so much that they will need their own space. But then I shared a room with my sister almost until I left for a four-year college. There just wasn't space in the house for four kids to each have their own room.

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My boys are almost 8. They shared a room until they were 5.5 when we moved. Now they have their own rooms across the hall from one another. My boys love each other, but have never been the type to want to share a bed (although they do when they stay the night at nana and grampy's or we go on vacation). There was no problem with the transition to their own rooms and they love having a place to retreat when they need space or quiet.

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My boy/girl twins are 6 1/2 and they share a room, have bunk beds. I think around now would be a good time to give them their own rooms, but I can't because I don't have another room. They don't complain about being in the same room, they play well together, but since they are developing their own individual styles and interests it would be nice to give them their own rooms to decorate how they like.

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At about 18 mos. They would keep each other awake at nap times and bedtime. They were soooo cute together - tandem crib bouncing and lotsa giggles - but none of us were getting any sleep!


At that time they also transitioned out of cribs to mattresses on the floor. They were fine with it.

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B/G twins here and I did when we moved (they were just shy of 3) But they are not alone. We have a girls room and a boys room. By the way I also separated them when they were smaller (we lived in a 2 bedroom) so the sound sleeper (DD) slept in my room and DS slept with his bro and sis in the 2nd bedroom. THey are fine sleeping apart, they only shareda crib in my room for a few months. DS3 in not a good sleeper, but my older 2 can sleep through it, DH not so much.


Also moving is a great time to put new routines/rules into place (my big ones were no sippy cups in bedrooms, no eating in family room). In our previous place the kitchen was small and open to the living/dining area so it was like one big room, hence snacks were often eaten on the couch. Here we have a defined kitchen and table in it, so easy to say "eating in kitchen at the table only".

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My B/G twins are 8, and they still share a room. We have two bedrooms for them, but right now one is a playroom and the other is the room with their twin beds where they sleep. We have pretty much left it up to them whether or not they want to share a room. Right now they are in a negotiation regarding moving, but they can't agree on who gets which bedroom. I do see separate bedrooms for them in the near future.

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We've got triplets that are bbg. We moved the girl out pretty young just because our oldest dd is only 18 months older than the triplets and I put the girls together.


The boy shared a room until they were 18 then another bedroom opened up when oldest son moved out and one of them took it over!

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My 8yo b/g share. In fact, when we moved (they were 4) I moved the baby in with them. The twins moved from sharing a twin bed to bunkbeds and younger dd now has a trundle mattress. That is the "sleeping" room and their toys stay in other rooms.


I'm in no hurry but I do have another room I can use when it is time to separate. This arrangement was dictated by the layout of our house, but it is working for us.




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My mom kept my sisters together mostly, though we had some periods where they were split up to share with older siblings (one with me and one with my older sister; older sister is 1 year older than me and twins are 2.5 years younger), but that only lasted six months before mom decided the mess they made in separate rooms was twice the size of the mess they made when sharing.


My DD9 and DS2 currently share, as we don't have space to do anything else. With twins, I'd be comfortable with them sharing until THEY got uncomfortable with it, probably around 9 or 10. We're hoping to have space to give DD her own room when we next move.

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SIL has b/g twins. They got split up when they were two because one was a morning person the other liked to stay up late.. Kept each othe up. When younger sister was born she stayed in parents room for a few months then the crib was moved into the girl twin room. But the baby was too noisy for the twin so she sleeps in brothers room but all her tours are still in the shared room.


I would say if you we're house hunting look at houses that allow everyone their own room. Easier to share rooms and let one become a spare/guest/playroom then it would be to share a room and not have a space for when they decide they no longer want to share.

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I think it's more an issue of (larger) family dynamic.


I'm one half of b/g twins, and we shared a room with ALL of our siblings until we were early elementary age.


At that point there were enough younger siblings that we split everyone into two bedrooms, one per gender for kids of all ages.


We stayed that way until we respectively left the family home :)


If you only have three kids, and there are enough bedrooms for each to have his own ... I guess I'd assign each kid his/her own room, and just figure that between them all they'd sometimes choose to bunk with one another in one of others' rooms. But if they wanted to keep sharing a room, I'd let them for as long as they were both comfortable with it.

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If this is a long term move, I would look for a house that would allow them to be separated, but not necessarily separate yet. If this is a temporary move, and you will be moving again in the next couple of years, I don't know that I would worry about it unless they have expressed wanting their own room.


ETA: Totally forgot to answer the question... All 3 of my youngers share a room and will share a room for the foreseeable future.

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