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Ugh. Anyone else want to commiserate about a bad day?


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So I went to my prenatal checkup yesterday afternoon (22 weeks) and the baby's heartbeat sounded great. I've been having no bad symptoms and everything seemed fine. I did notice that my heart-rate seemed a bit fast that day, but I figured it was just because I was overtired due to my in-laws being here for the last 10 days. I was looking forward to a nap.


But then the nurse said my blood pressure was high. It wasn't too scary horrible (150/82), but compared to my usual 120/70 it was concerning. So the dr. sent me to Labor and Delivery to be monitored "for an hour." Yeah, you know how long a hospital "hour" is. Try 3 hours. I didn't get a real nap, but I did get to rest a bit and enjoy the nice AC while the machine recorded perfect blood pressure numbers--117/70, 119/70, 118/70, etc. My heart-rate was still really high for me, though (82 while resting (normally 60), 95 when I sat up to look or moved a bit).


They released me 20 min. before I was due to teach youth Bible study. I grabbed a quick dinner, rushed over, and had a wonderful discussion with the 4 teens who showed up.


Then I came home and my heart was still racing. Then I started aching all over. I watched a movie with DH and decided I was getting sick. As I got ready for bed and my fears were confirmed. It's a stomach virus! Yay. Fortunately I only had a large amount of water in my stomach. DH valiantly planned to stay home from work to care for me and DS. Guess who is barfing now? DH, of course. At least DS doesn't have it yet! I'm hoping we can avoid it. He and I are supposed to fly to see my parents on Friday. I'm glad it is a stomach virus instead of the flu, though! When I was pregnant with DS I got influenza for the first time and there is no way I would be able to fly on Friday based on how horrible that experience was.


Anybody else have a Monday that would make Garfield say, "I told you so!"

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I'm so sorry you had a lousy day. Hope you feel better soon. My day yesterday went downhill fast. I told dh last night that I've had better birthdays. However, the stack of birthday cards I received in the mail last evening did help to cheer me up and put aside the frustrations of the day.

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Sorry for your bad day. I hope everyone starts feeling better.


Yesterday I managed to April Fool myself -- scared myself with a plastic spider (discussed in another thread). Later in the afternoon my cat, through some AMAZING leap I failed to witness, managed to leap on top of the canopy of my canopy swing. She promptly fell through (THAT caught my eye), tearing a big hole in the center of my canopy (fabric, rotting from a few years' exposure). Oh, well, I had hopes of getting one more season out of it, but I guess not. The expression on my cat's face when she fell was priceless, though.

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I can relate. Spent last night in the ER with DS3. Started as a stomach virus on Thursday night, ended up as croup. He absolutely refuses to sleep in our bed or let me sleep in his, so I'm exhausted from getting up all night with him for the past few days. My ribs are still sore from 3+ months of coughing (either bronchitis or pertussis, never did figure that out). Pregnancy seems to be the only thing going well, health-wise.

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I can relate. Spent last night in the ER with DS3. Started as a stomach virus on Thursday night, ended up as croup. He absolutely refuses to sleep in our bed or let me sleep in his, so I'm exhausted from getting up all night with him for the past few days. My ribs are still sore from 3+ months of coughing (either bronchitis or pertussis, never did figure that out). Pregnancy seems to be the only thing going well, health-wise.



Yuck. I'm sorry! I'd much rather be sick myself than have my 3-year-old DS go through it! Coughing added to pregnancy must be miserable.

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We're on Spring Break. One is in a finger splint for a possible fracture, one has a sprained ankle, one split the back of his head open, and I'm currently sitting in the dentist office because that one has a very loose permanent front tooth.



ETA: Turns out it's a baby tooth that came in really late. However, according to his x-rays, he has no adult canines. I guess we'll be keeping the ortho appointment after all.

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Sorry for your bad day. Stomach viruses are terrible. Hopefully the little one doesn't get it.


My bad day yesterday started just fine. I took a walk at lunch then got in the shower. When I checked my phone after my shower, I had missed a call from dd12's school. She had a severe allergic reaction during lunch. Apparently her nut allergy is now an airborne nut allergy. We avoided the ER for a change, but it was a very scary experience. After that, I had to take her for her painful, Xolair shots that make her sick. After such a hard Monday, she's spending Tuesday in bed. Now we need to figure out how to live with an airborne nut allergy. Poor baby. Today, I'm tired, sad and scared.

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We're on Spring Break. One is in a finger splint for a possible fracture, one has a sprained ankle, one split the back of his head open, and I'm currently sitting in the dentist office because that one has a very loose permanent front tooth.


Goodness - you will need a break after spring break.

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Yuck. I'm sorry! I'd much rather be sick myself than have my 3-year-old DS go through it! Coughing added to pregnancy must be miserable.


Yeah, it's horrible to watch him be so not himself.


But at the same time (caution: bad mommy moment), it's nice that he's actually cuddling and listening to books without doing couch flips, and we got through a whole game of Candy Land without my threatening to give up if he didn't calm down and start paying attention. We both sort of needed the break from the Terrible Threes.


And this is my second pregnancy with some sort of respiratory infection. Oh the irony of dealing with little boy pee accidents when I can't even get the job done right myself.

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Yeah Monday sucked here too. No vomiting thankfully, but it involved a lot of car travel with a baby who was not happy about it, and a 4 yo who decided to push my very. last. buttons. Oh and a lot of tears, mostly mine. Thankfully I had some breast milk in the freezer so DH sent me out for the evening.

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My Monday was actually pretty good. Today's not looking so hot. Got in a car accident on the way to DD's enrichment program today. We're sitting in the ER. I'm fine, DS is fine, DD has minor injuries. Our car is totalled, leaving our only vehicle our van, which gets 10mpg and has a bad transmission.

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Sorry for your bad day. Stomach viruses are terrible. Hopefully the little one doesn't get it.


My bad day yesterday started just fine. I took a walk at lunch then got in the shower. When I checked my phone after my shower, I had missed a call from dd12's school. She had a severe allergic reaction during lunch. Apparently her nut allergy is now an airborne nut allergy. We avoided the ER for a change, but it was a very scary experience. After that, I had to take her for her painful, Xolair shots that make her sick. After such a hard Monday, she's spending Tuesday in bed. Now we need to figure out how to live with an airborne nut allergy. Poor baby. Today, I'm tired, sad and scared.



:( She just can't catch a break, can she?

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Sorry for your bad day. Stomach viruses are terrible. Hopefully the little one doesn't get it.


My bad day yesterday started just fine. I took a walk at lunch then got in the shower. When I checked my phone after my shower, I had missed a call from dd12's school. She had a severe allergic reaction during lunch. Apparently her nut allergy is now an airborne nut allergy. We avoided the ER for a change, but it was a very scary experience. After that, I had to take her for her painful, Xolair shots that make her sick. After such a hard Monday, she's spending Tuesday in bed. Now we need to figure out how to live with an airborne nut allergy. Poor baby. Today, I'm tired, sad and scared.


Oh, Karen! What a challenge. Scary indeed. I hope you will be able to find others who have dealt with this who can offer you lots of good advice for how to handle it.


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We're on Spring Break. One is in a finger splint for a possible fracture, one has a sprained ankle, one split the back of his head open, and I'm currently sitting in the dentist office because that one has a very loose permanent front tooth.



ETA: Turns out it's a baby tooth that came in really late. However, according to his x-rays, he has no adult canines. I guess we'll be keeping the ortho appointment after all.



Wow, vacation is dangerous at your house! That is a crummy week!

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My Monday was actually pretty good. Today's not looking so hot. Got in a car accident on the way to DD's enrichment program today. We're sitting in the ER. I'm fine, DS is fine, DD has minor injuries. Our car is totalled, leaving our only vehicle our van, which gets 10mpg and has a bad transmission.



I'm glad you're ok! That stinks about the car.

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Yeah, it's horrible to watch him be so not himself.


But at the same time (caution: bad mommy moment), it's nice that he's actually cuddling and listening to books without doing couch flips, and we got through a whole game of Candy Land without my threatening to give up if he didn't calm down and start paying attention. We both sort of needed the break from the Terrible Threes.


And this is my second pregnancy with some sort of respiratory infection. Oh the irony of dealing with little boy pee accidents when I can't even get the job done right myself.



I snickered at your "bad mommy moment." DS had pneumonia and diarrhea at 15 months which was awful, but I did enjoy actually getting to sit down with my naked-except-for-a-towel-on-his-butt child all day while watching Curious George. Now, at 3.5, he is really cuddly and affectionate, but at 15 mo. he didn't tolerate cuddling or sitting at all except when he was really ill. Colds never slowed him down a bit.

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Sorry for your bad day. Stomach viruses are terrible. Hopefully the little one doesn't get it.


My bad day yesterday started just fine. I took a walk at lunch then got in the shower. When I checked my phone after my shower, I had missed a call from dd12's school. She had a severe allergic reaction during lunch. Apparently her nut allergy is now an airborne nut allergy. We avoided the ER for a change, but it was a very scary experience. After that, I had to take her for her painful, Xolair shots that make her sick. After such a hard Monday, she's spending Tuesday in bed. Now we need to figure out how to live with an airborne nut allergy. Poor baby. Today, I'm tired, sad and scared.



I'm so sorry! Food allergies are freaky stuff. I really feel for families who have to struggle with this daily risk!

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