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Exercise Thread ~ 3/24-3/30


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I received JM Body Revolution yesterday! I'm so excited to have an exercise plan for 90 days. I did workout 1 yesterday and plan to follow it in a modified form. It has you workout 6 days/wk. So this morning I'll do workout 2. My dh is doing it with me for these 2 weekend days; I'm not sure if he'll continue.

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I only made it through 1/2 of the P90x kenpo (kickboxing-heavy cardio). Taking a break. Might try to finish in a minute. Just during the streatching at the beginning my kid said, "ow, mamma it hurts!" Me and both my kids were doing the streatches, yelling "owwww!!" very loudly.


The great part was when the instructer said to do sidekicks my son and I both pointed at each other and yelled, "Sidekick!" If you've never seen the movie "Sky High" it's about a superhero school and they divide the kids into superheros and sidekicks. My husband, kids, and I each say ourself is the hero with three sidekicks. It's almost like the pirates trying to nominate a pirate king.


Maybe I won't do the other half today. I've been working out once or twice a week. Maybe I'll go back to the first disk and work my way back up before I try that one again. Rebellious thighs of mine.

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Day 5 of Fitness Blender. I plan on doing the whole 8 weeks of the fitness plan they offer so that's all I'll be posting. Fitness Blender. :) Today was a good workout. So far they all have been. They look deceptively easy.


Today's quote,"You will never find time for anything. If you want time, you must make it." Charles Buxton


Very true.

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Anyone tried the new JM DVD Hard Body? Any thoughts?


I thought I saw someone post here about it. Can't remember who.



No run, too much snow :-(

30 min yoga

30 min weights

3 mi walking, slowly, through snow. Blech


Doesn't walking through snow count for double points? You know like walking through water does. I miss snow. Don't miss driving in it but I miss snow.


I ran during lunch. About a 40 min. run. Now back to lessons. I hope my running high will give me patience cause my kids have the typical "I lost my brain over the weekend" Monday syndrome.

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1ds joined me for yoga this morning. he's been trying to exercise regularly, but not as self-disciplined as he needs to be to be consistent, so he asked me to just wake him up at 6am. (I can start as late as 7 and be okay, but it's usually earlier.) I was also able to grab my toes to the ball of my foot for seated forward bend :thumbup: no more strap! (okay, so my lower back at me askance - but I could do it.)

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I'm sorry. 6 a.m.? We do not live in the same reality. I can barely crawl out of bed at 7:30.


well, if it don't exercise first thing, it doesn't happen. when I have my evening prayers, I started asking for help to get up early so I could exercise. so, I now wake up early. yesterday morning when I woke up, I rolled over to go back to sleep and there was the "but you wanted to get up early so you could exercise" grumble, mumble. it was 6:30. but doing yoga makes such a huge difference to how I function.
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well, if it don't exercise first thing, it doesn't happen. when I have my evening prayers, I started asking for help to get up early so I could exercise. so, I now wake up early. yesterday morning when I woke up, I rolled over to go back to sleep and there was the "but you wanted to get up early so you could exercise" grumble, mumble. it was 6:30. but doing yoga makes such a huge difference to how I function.



Yeah, my emotion brain will win every single time at 6:30 a.m. My logic brain is still sleeping that's why. :smilielol5:


I would like to get up early to workout, but I have to be realistic about my inner clock and my kids. Neither will allow early morning workouts. So, I like the idea of it, but not the reality. :tongue_smilie:



I did Bob Harper's Yoga Warrior

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Fitness Blender day 7. Today was a pyramid HIIT workout. I liked it. Mountain Climbers killed me today though. My shoulders were dieing. Gah, I wish I didn't have problems with my shoulders.


I may go for a run later today. We'll see.



"Exercise is like spare change; it all adds up."

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1ds has been joining me for yoga in the morning - today he had a note on his door that he was sore and didn't want to workout. (he'd also laid some garage flooring yesterday. but hey, I did 90 minutes of weeding). so, today I tried a pilates dvd by the instructor I like. well, that's working new muscle groups. I think it will be a good addition. (so, 5x this week. :) ) I am enjoying the changes in my body that I can feel. balance is nice too.

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balance is nice too.


I don't know if you were on the thread back when I posted about reading how to improve balance. Simply stand on one leg while you brush your teeth. Try to do one leg in the morning and the other in the evening. When you get good at it try doing it with your eyes closed. It has really helped my balance. In fact, I've been forgetting to do it lately so thank you for mentioning balance.


I jogged/walked at the park this afternoon.

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Hey guys. I don't know how I miss these threads! And here I am on the last day of this one.


Anyway, we are doing BEAUTIFULLY at CrossFit! We graduated the first stage, the ramp up, a couple weeks ago. That put us doing the LifeFit workout or a modified normal WOD (workout of the day). We manage through it most days. It isn't perfect or pretty, but.... Well, Thursday, Coach Jackie told us that we're going to start real lifting on Monday! How cool is that? Now, "real lifting" for us will still be considerably different than it is for fit people, but I cannot wait to hold that bar!


Anyway, so my daughter and I do CF 4 days per week. My son does 5. My little daughter does 2-3. What happens is that I take off Wednesday or Thursday each week and my daughter takes off the opposite (it wasn't planned that way). The rest of the days, we drag my kids out of bed and take them with us. Anyway, we go to the 6:30 class which basically has me getting up at 5:15-ish (now with puppy needs, I may push it back to five). I eat a bar and drink 32 oz of water. Not perfect, but it is what I can do. We go to CF then come home and fix breakfast most mornings. Then we go on with our day.


So CF is a little different each day. We now do the posted warm up rather than the ramp up one. Yesterday's warm up was pretty typical. It is 2-3 rounds of Overhead Squats, 10 sit ups, 10 dips, 10 pull ups (I DID THEM ON THE BAR YESTERDAY!!!!!!!!), 10 back extentions, Row (I can't remember how far right now). After you push through that, you have the actual work out. It is usually 3 exercises X many times or as many times as you can in a certain amount of time. For example, Tuesday(?) was 15 goblet squats, 10 pull ups, 21 kettlebell swings. You do that for three rounds. Some idiot picked that day to raise the KB weight :)


Then after that is post work out. Now these vary. One day it was 3 sets of 30 sit ups (btw, I don't know why they call it that. Just call it what it is. 90 sit ups). Another day it was planks. Yesterday was 800 meter run (which didn't kill me!). Some days it is just "mobility" (typically a series of stretches and "massages.").


Then, as if all that wasn't enough working out for one day, last week, I ordered a TRIKKE. I haven't figured out how to do it well yet, but I'm getting a bit of a workout of it trying. We also have a pull up bar at home, do Wii Fit some, chase kids, etc. Well, and my 7yo is a little drill sargeant. She exercises or is doing gymnastics almost every minute I don't tie her down to do something schoolish (EPGY is saving my sanity with her schoolwork, btw). I seem to be exercising more and more now that I'm exercising more.


Wow, sorry to ramble so incredibly much! Maybe I should have just written the blog post!


Today I am going to do Wii Fit a little this morning for sure. Nothing major there. I want to do something with our storage room which will be nothing but lifting. And I'm going to figure out this Trikke! Add in a couple pull-ups and a jog around the block with Heidi. Just a hodge podge of stuff today.

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Pamela, that sounds great. I'm glad you're enjoying it. 2 of my kids are doing a "modified" Crossfit here in our little town. The guy running it is certified, and they work out at a private school's gym. They don't have a lot of equipment, but he makes good use of what they have. They meet 2x's a week,and my kids have been enjoying it.


You are going to get strong. :001_smile:

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Wow! 10 pullups?! That's amazing. I can do two.


I think my 9 yr old would love Crossfit.


I did day 8 of Fitness Blender. It was an easier workout. They are warning that the workouts are going to get tough later in the week.


Quote of the day, "Think strengths, not weaknesses."

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I think my 9 yr old would love Crossfit.


Two of the CF gyms here have CF Kids. The one we go to allows them to start at age 6. My middle son is counting days and practicing at home :) The little one only wishes and practices. He can do a nice muscle-up!


Anyway, there is a special certification to work with kids and they don't do nearly the same lifting and such. My daughter has used some light handweights, kettlebells, and pvc filled with sand. She is irritated we won't let her do more. I think she forgot she's SEVEN.

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Let me tell you my post baby workout routine was not going the way I planned. So it has been a year since I worked out regularly due to high risk pregnancy, child birth and a very clingy baby. So I took the plunge and invested in a BOB stroller. I have run 3 times this week so far and as soon as the UPS guy comes I will head out for my 4th. I would love to be doing my Jillian Micheals DVD's my plan was to already be working on Insanity but I am not their yet as dd won't let me put her down when we are home. For now the running is good I will have to add in weight training eventually! But I am only 5 lbs away from my prepregnancy weight :)

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