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How many days do you have left for school?


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Our state doesn't require a 180-day school year, but since we are military living in our 5th state since we starting homeschooling, my goal is to keep us on a 180-day school year. I break every subject into a 36 week schedule, but let our children work ahead if they want.

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We have 43 days left out of the 166 in our mfw k curriculum, 7 6-day units plus 1 day left over from our last unit. We school 4 days a week and will take a week off this upcoming week as our Spring Break. I have to do 170 total, but we usually do a field trip every other week so it is not much of a problem. I anticipate being done by June 7.

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56 if I do the whole 180 I'd planned.

48 if I only count the 172 required.

I can subtract 10 from that if I count our vacation to Rome in June as school.


Older dd finishes classes May 17, but then has to study for and take oral exams.

Younger dd will continue math and reading through the summer so I don't know that days really count for anything except that I will quit counting when I get to 172 or 180.

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Many, many days. Less than two weeks of Saxon, though. We will still do math, but it will be 1/2 an hour or so instead of 1-2 hours. Hopefully, we can snowball some of our other subjects so that we can finish most things by the end of June. We will be doing Latin, history, geography and grammar all summer - by choice, not necessity.

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We school officially for 200 days, but really, we end up only taking 6-8 weeks off for summer. We have 45 days left of the 200. We will do Latin and Math over the summer break.


ETA: Florida only requires 180, so in terms of state requirements, we have only 25 days left.

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Year round and I don't count days.



So thankful that I homeschooled in California and didn't have to count days!



Oh, good, I'm glad to see these posts! I was beginning to wonder, LOL. We don't have to keep track of "days," so we never have. I know exactly where we are in our plan, and exactly what we have to do to accomplish our goals, but number of days? We are completely done with a few things for this year, near to wrapping up some more, and will be working over the summer on other things. But that was the plan, anyway. ;) I'd like to keep about 30-40 math lessons to work on over the summer. I'd like to keep a good amount of history and literature to read on the super hot days. I can't imagine my children not reading to me. I think they might explode.

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Technically we have our required 146 days (Iowa). However I require my children to finish all books on their reading list I give them, as well as finish their math and science curriculum. DD wants to finish her art curriculum but that is pretty much on her own.



146 days only? I think in CA 170 is technically the minimum but most school districts do 180 and my charter has 175. Just curious, why so short?

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