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Serious question, sort of embarrassing...

Guest inoubliable

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Guest inoubliable

This flu/cough thing has me annoyed on a whole new level. Leakage. Yeah. As in, I cough so freaking hard that I've actually...leaked a little urine. :(

It's been happening off and on all day! I'm the type who is constantly drinking water all through the day and night, and so I'm constantly peeing. It's not like I'm sitting here all full up, you know? So why does this keep happening? *sigh*

Anyway. DH brought me home some panty liners. That's not working. Do I need to buy some actual... I don't even know what they're called. Would an actual menstrual pad work??

I did a little googlin' and it seems that some people just have this happen when they've got a bad cough and it'll go away as the cough dies down. That's fantastic. In the meantime, I'd like to figure out how I can cut down on how much laundry I'll need to do because of this.

Any ideas? This is probably so simple, but I really have no idea. I've never had this issue before and I don't have anyone IRL to ask.

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Guest inoubliable

Maybe some Kegel exercises in addition to the pads?



Hmm. Well I do those daily anyway. I guess I could throw a few bazillion more into my day.


DH just asked me what I was asking advice about on here and I told him. His response? "You're not getting old, are you?" :glare: My next question may very well be "Where's a good place to hide the body?"

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Guest inoubliable

Stick your hand down there and press hard when you cough. Opposing forces! If you have privacy and clothes on that is.



Hahahaha. Guess what? Laughing hard makes me leak, too! Thanks! :laugh:

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Hmm. Well I do those daily anyway. I guess I could throw a few bazillion more into my day.


DH just asked me what I was asking advice about on here and I told him. His response? "You're not getting old, are you?" :glare: My next question may very well be "Where's a good place to hide the body?"



I have a friend with 40 acres and a backhoe.

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Been there! It's embarrassing, yes, but it happens to so many women. Anyway, liners really don't cut it. When I still had a kid in diapers I stuck one of those in my underwear and it worked perfectly (I had pneumonia that time and was ordered to bed by my doctor so the huge diaper wasn't a big deal). This last time I had the flu I used regular menstrual pads. They worked fine.

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After having twins, I have the same problem at times. I got tired of the constant laundry, so started using cloth menstrual pads as liners. And oodles of kegels. It's still annoying, but much more bearable. FWIW I'm quite a bit older than you are and it only became a more regular issue in the last year or so (though I'd had it when coughing before that).

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Stick your hand down there and press hard when you cough. Opposing forces! If you have privacy and clothes on that is.




Seriously. Worth not peeing your drawers, IMO, as long as nobody is around to witness it. LOL Pretty sure I've done it when I was really pregnant and might pee when I sneeze. Crossing my legs tightly helps, too. I only have that problem when I'm pregnant and have a baby pressing on my bladder, but I've been known to feel a sneeze coming on while walking through the store and quickly duck behind a rack and cross my legs to sneeze. lol If I cross em in time I'm all good and can be on my merry way. :driving:


But yeah, if you are coughing all the time it might be harder and you need some actual protection. But in a pinch... :tongue_smilie:

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KK, don't be too embarassed. Just the fact that there are products on the market for this means that you are not the only one dealing with this!!


I agree with the Kegels- they will be essential when you hit your mid 40s- things start happening when you get older! =P

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KK, don't be too embarassed. Just the fact that there are products on the market for this means that you are not the only one dealing with this!!



So not the only one. If I get caught by a sneeze unawares, things are ugly. I sure wish I could jump on the new trampoline with my kids without wetting my pants. And don't get me started on jumping jacks at the gym. Those Serenity pads are sounding tempting, but it feels like surrendering would be the beginning of The End. Maybe peeing while squatting in the shower is the final frontier. Couldn't hurt, I suppose. Good luck, OP!

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In my experience, it's not just the cough, but the resperatory virus that contributes. it seems to weaken muscles. I had a terrible time when I had pneumonia. (granted I was pg, but I was early pg.)

yes, use full pads with wings.

when you recover, the rest of you will recover. do exercises that focus on your pelvic floor to strengthen them.

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As a tangent, you're probably drinking too much water/other liquids. You should only have to go pee about every 4 hours. http://180degreehealth.com/2013/02/migraines-and-vertigo-from-overhydration -- linking this because she specifically mentions female incontinence, but Matt Stone has other articles that lay it out better*, like http://180degreehealth.com/2012/12/your-body-is-mostly-water-not-exactly

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I thought I was the only one dealing with this. I have had a bad cough for about 2 1/2 weeks now and have had to wear pads the entire time. Remember I only own 3 pair of pants (including my sweats) so I can't be going threw pants like that. It is very annoying.

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Guest inoubliable

I thought I was the only one dealing with this. I have had a bad cough for about 2 1/2 weeks now and have had to wear pads the entire time. Remember I only own 3 pair of pants (including my sweats) so I can't be going threw pants like that. It is very annoying.


Ha! Same here - the three pair of pants thing. It's been making laundry verra interesting around here. I picked up some pads at Walgreens today. So far, so good.

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Guest inoubliable

As a tangent, you're probably drinking too much water/other liquids. You should only have to go pee about every 4 hours. http://180degreeheal...m-overhydration -- linking this because she specifically mentions female incontinence, but Matt Stone has other articles that lay it out better*, like http://180degreeheal...ter-not-exactly


Interesting! Thanks for linking that.


KK, I really know how you feel. I've been that way for the last year or so, and had resigned myself to it. Since the hysterectomy, though, I've not needed a single pee-pad, as my dh calls them. ( I think my cyst was just laying there and pressing on the bladder. ) He used to buy them for me, and never remembered which brand I preferred, so I have dozens of them now--big, little, winged and double winged. I wish I could send them to you! I know this in no way helps, but I do hope you feel better soon, and I believe once your coughing spells are over, the problem will be over, too.


Pee-pad. Ha! I'm so glad you don't have this issue anymore. :grouphug:

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