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I feel blessed today because.....

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Anyone who knows me well knows I am all about a positive attitude.

I like to count my blessing and have my blessing count. By this I mean when I count my blessing it helps me keep my positive outlook on life.

So I will get us started

I feel blessed today because since I have lost 20 pounds my ankles no longer hurt when I get up in the morning. What a joy it is to start my day without pain.

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I moved around a lot while I was growing up. I made many good friends along the way, but also lost contact with so many of them. I have had such a super summer of personal growth, and it nearly makes me want to cry that in the process of this, so many of my friends have been found, or found me, to the tune of one a week for many, many weeks.


I had felt so alone for so long that I didn't remember what it felt like to have deep meaningful relationships, except for with dh. Not that dh was lacking in anything. Really. Dh is great. In the past he was so sick, and I had him and the kids to take care of, I had no time to think about anyone beyond my own little family, and really, no time to think of myself. But now, dh is well! And now, the kids are older and a bit more self sufficient!


And I feel free, free, free! And blessed!:)



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I feel blessed today because....


I am excited to do school with the kids this year. I've been seriously lacking in that lately.

And I feel blessed because they, too, are excited.

AND we were able to purchase a new, less than inexpensive curriculum. A huge blessing.

And, well, an abundance of blessings here. :)

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My ds17 finished his driver's training course last week with flying colors.


DS14 is coming home from his mission trip TODAY!!!


dd got a chance to take horse-riding lessons with a wonderful teacher, and she loves it!


I have a dh that loves me!!!


Yes, and a Saviour who died for me too!

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I feel so blessed because


we are trying to find a church and we visited one on Sunday that all 4 of us want to try another time!!! keep your fingers crossed that we find a church home.

I have running water, my six senses and all the simple things of life that I unknowingly take for granted.

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The snow on the mountain is beginning to bloom. Each year what was just a few lone plants is growing to an ever widening clump. It will be gorgeous when it is in full bloom. Ironweed and woolly verbena dot the pasture across the street. Small patches of plains coreopsis can be found here and there. The sunflowers are growing tall and soon will bloom. I have a large bunch of velvetleaf stems with dried seedpods in a vase near my desk. My yard is covered in green. Even if the grass is just a "weed grass", it is more than the dirt which today would be mud.


The stone is finally done on the house. The bridge has been stained. The yardwork is coming along nicely. I may lay out a garden patch in preparation for next spring now that everything else is falling into place.

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I feel blessed today because it marks the 19th anniversary of the day I married my "perfect for me" husband!:)


We've been through so much together including the death of one of our children. He has stood by me through everything and I love him more today than I ever thought possible as that young 20 year old standing at the alter.


I pray that God blesses us with many, many more years together!

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I am blessed because I have had time with my parents -


my dad danced with me at my wedding reception


my mom came days early and stayed days afterwards and we're having a great time


dear friend came for a few days to share in the joy


And my make up didn't smear when I cried when I danced with new hubby!


It's been special!



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I feel blessed today because we decided not to try to go to Gatlinburg right now and so I have more time to get ready for my sister coming on Saturday. This also gives me time to get some of the house cleaning things finalized before we begin school and time to work on scheduling my fall field trips and activities. Breathing room is always a good thing, yeah!

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I feel blessed today b/c yesterday I had a wonderful birthday. A friend from dd's basketball team (coach's daughter) invited dd over to swim. Well, when we got there her mom asked us all to stay. :D So, I had great adult conversation, got to take a dip in the beautiful pool, the kids all got along :001_huh: and when we got back home, dh had hotdogs and hamburgers already grilled, w/ corn on the cob and chips. So, yesterday was a great day. Today, I feel blessed that I have a great neighbor who just brought us homemade banana-nut muffins! Yum!

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I feel blessed today because the mom of two of dd's friends at gymnastics asked for my phone number today so we could get the girls together for playdates. Dd really needs some good friends and she loves these girls. This was exciting.


Also because I have a terrific dh, and two beautiful, precious children.


And because dh has a stable job in this uncertain economy.


And because we were able to have large family room added onto our very small house this summer, and it is supposed to be finished next week!

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I saved my 3 yr old ds from drowning... it was awful. I'll never forget the look on his face as I jumped in the pool after him. Thank God he's ok.... I dont know what I would have done. My dh feels awful, he was the one "watching" him when this happened. Remember, drowning children dont make a sound. My son was drowning and my hubby was 15 feet away... clueless.

My dh and I realize how close we got to losing our son. From now on there will be no little distractions keeping our eyes from the pool. It only takes a moment to lose a child. (Eli was in the pool area with my dh when dh got distracted and Eli fell into the pool without my hubby realizing it. There wasnt a splash or anything. I walked right out into the yard as if I knew Eli was in trouble.... I went right to where he was and I jumped in after him after screaming...I can only think that God lead me to do this. I had no reason to stop shampooing the carpet. I just did.... I am so thankful I found him!)

My little guy keeps telling me "mom, saved me" and "I falled, mom got me out!"

I am very very blessed.

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