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How Do You Celebrate St. Patrick's Day?


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Hello all,


I am wondering if any of you have any Saint Patrick's Day traditions you would like to share

the more unusual the better!

This is the first time my Hubby and I will have both St. P's day and the next day off *Together* in about 10 years

so we are looking to spice things up a little by doing something fun

I thought a couple of these would add to the spirit of the event


is it wrong to wear 'couples' shirts? lol


Have an awesome weekend!

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The kids build leprechaun traps in the days leading up to St. Pat's, set them out on the 16th & hope they've caught one in the morning. That's about the extent of our celebration. if I can find a library book about the real St. Patrick, we read that. Occasionally, I make beef boxy from scratch. No matching shirts here...

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Well, it's not at all a religious celebration for my family, so we're all about having fun with my dh's Irish heritage. The leprechauns come during the night and hide gold covered chocolate coins all over the house for the kids to find (even my big kids still like this if they're home, because, hey...it's candy), and we eat an Irish meal for dinner, with fun treats. Lots of green and little tricks throughout the day, because you know how those leprechauns can be. ;)

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We sit on our porch and watch the parade. Seriously, our small town parade queues on our street. The dog thinks it's great.


In prior years we did the big parade in town, wore green, and drank a lot.


Irish heritage goes way back on both sides. It's quite possible dh's family and my family lived near each other a few hundreds years ago.


Hopefully the snow will have melted in time this year.

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For the past three or four years, my boys have made Leprechaun traps, which the parents destroy at night (in the name of the Leprechaun, of course), and leave little treats and notes along the lines of, "You can't catch me!" Now that both of them know there isn't a Leprechaun (last year the little guy still believed), I'm not sure if they'll build one. I hate to see the tradition die. I've told them they'll get candy if they build one, and we'll pretend there is a Leprechaun!


Crazy 8 has some cute boys' St. Patty's Day shirts. I bought one for each of mine. They are pretty cheap right now, $4.99. There are three styles.




ETA: We usually make corned beef and cabbage, too, although I don't really love it. My boys and DH, do, however. I don't think it ever tastes right now that you can no longer buy the pre-marinated ones.

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With cake and ice cream, it's my son's birthday.


Sometimes we have corned beef and cabbage. This year we are having roast turkey and mashed potatoes because I have a turkey in the freezer that I want to cook.


I love Irish tunes by John Gary, they are off an old album of my father's. A very funny leprechaun book is McGillicuddy McGotham by Leonard Wibberly. I read it as a child and cherished the memory. One day, when I was an adult, I found the book in a thrift store and bought it immediately. When I got home and opened it up, it was full of pressed four leaf clovers!

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We build a leprechaun trap (you're never too old!), and somehow we can just never catch the little bugger! One year he forgot to flush the toilet in my daughters bathroom... oh the horror! ;) Just green food dye for those who might be offended. We are delighted though when he leaves chocolate coins.

Living in MA, we have lots of Irish influence, so it's a green (and rainbow) wardrobe kind of day. Some years we make it Boston to support our friends who march in the gay pride parade. I have to admit though I'm a fair weather friend... if it's raining or too cold, I'll have an Irish coffee in their honor!

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We start out the day with green, shamrock shaped pancakes (just drop 3 small spoonfuls together in a shamrock shape and drizzle a little stem between 2 of them). My teenaged boys still like these.


I really like to read the story of St. Patrick. It's such a beautiful story of forgiveness and God's power.


We wear green.


We often have corned beef and cabbage for dinner.

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Leprechaun traps all over the house courtesy of ds. They use Irish pennies or euros to buy their way out! Never knew other people did the traps so fun thread.


Green dessert party at night with shamrock lights. Usually mint chocolate chip ice cream and green fizzy water. I made a shamrock cake once with heart shaped cake pans.

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Darby O'Gill and the Little People!!! We always pull this movie out and of course The Quiet Man. Then we eat traditional corned beef and potatoes. Lots of green too. My grandmother loved her Irish heritage and St Patricks Day was almost more important than Easter!

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The naughty Leprechauns visit our house on the night before and cause all sorts of havoc. In the past they have (not all in the same year):


Hung green streamers in front (from the casing) of Indy's bedroom door.


Rigged his door so that confetti would fall on him when he opened his door (They will NOT be doing this again!)


Put plastic wrap in front of his door (about face level) so he walked right into it


Built a fort out of the sofa cushions and a blanket


Opened all the doors and drawers in the kitchen and bathrooms


Thrown all of Indy's socks and underwear on the floor of his bedroom


Stacked things in the middle of the hallway


Turned over all the dining room chairs


Left little green hand and foot prints all over the house (green icing)


Thrown chocolate covered coins on the floor


Disconnected the TV from the cable


Hidden all of Indy's shirts


And they always turn the toilet water green


I'm sure they've done other things, I just can't remember them. It's getting harder and harder for them to come up with new things each year though!

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My kids play Irish music so our St. Patrick's Day (well, the whole first 3 weeks of March actually) are full of music gigs and Irish sessions. It all starts this weekend with a couple gigs locally. We will be spending St. Patrick's weekend at a Sober St. Patrick's Day celebration in NYC on Saturday then playing for a church service followed by a ceili on Sunday. Lots of music, dancing, and friends all month long. There will be plenty of green wearing as well.

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Darby O'Gill and the Little People!!! We always pull this movie out and of course The Quiet Man. Then we eat traditional corned beef and potatoes. Lots of green too. My grandmother loved her Irish heritage and St Patricks Day was almost more important than Easter!


I wouldn't mind having a young Sean Connery sing "My Pretty Irish Girl" to me.


A funny: When my husband was young, his sister convinced him he was Irish. He is Tex-Mex. When he asked about his coloring, she told him they were "Black Irish."

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We have corned beef, cabbage, potatoes, and rye bread for dinner and make sure to get a a few Shamrock shakes the week prior.


I come from a big Irish family and we always looked forward to St. Patrick's Day. When I was younger, we would go to the NYC parade, get together with the extended family, and have the big dinner. Lots of beer, laughs, and usually a late night.

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I'm sure they've done other things, I just can't remember them. It's getting harder and harder for them to come up with new things each year though!


It does get harder! Here's a good one that Indy might like - you know those little bath tablets that turn the bath water colors? Take a half of a blue and a half of a green, unscrew the little thing at the end of the faucets in the house (usually there's a little piece with a screen on the end of the faucet, depending on the style), then tuck the little tablets up in the faucet, put the screens back on ... You'll have green faucet water!

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We love celebrating St. Patrick's Day. The day before, we usually set up a little leprechaun party site (no trap) outdoors with acorn caps for cups, little rocks and branches for tables and chairs and make a ring of rocks around it. We include berries and clover and trinkets in gold colored foil. In the morning, the treats we left are gone and the leprechauns leave the kids a note. We read St. Patrick's day stories (my kids love A Fine St. Patrick's Day) and eat a fruit rainbow for snack. We listen to Irish music and check out the Irish step-dancing performance at our local library. We go on a four-leaf clover hunt. We usually do some shamrock or rainbow-themed craft too -- like shamrock sun catchers, rainbow kite paper stars, fingerprint shamrocks, etc. We make Irish soda bread and have corned beef and cabbage and sometimes shepherd's pie for dinner. The grown ups all drink Guinness and whiskey; the kids have tea and eat shamrock-shaped cookies. Last year I made a killer Guinness and milk chocolate ice cream. And we always have neighbors over to help us eat all the food and drink all the beer. And we all wear green. It's great fun.

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Darby O'Gill and the Little People!!! We always pull this movie out and of course The Quiet Man. Then we eat traditional corned beef and potatoes. Lots of green too. My grandmother loved her Irish heritage and St Patricks Day was almost more important than Easter!



We do close to the same. Corned Beef and Cabbage with Irish Soda Bread and The Quiet Man. It is my chance to celebrate my heritage vs my dh's Scottish heritage.

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