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What is the going rate for the tooth fairy?


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We give $5, or a new game or app, after the tooth fairy retires.


One time my youngest ds lost a tooth at Disney. They sell (or did) Tinkerbell Disney money just for this reason, so I sent my dh to get $5 worth, but he misunderstood and returned with a $50 Tinkerbell bill. I freaked out, but my ds thought it was the greatest day ever!! All of my dc wiggled their teeth the rest of the trip.

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We've done so many different things with our boys' teeth. We rarely have cash on us when the tooth fairy needs it, so we've had to be creative. At first they got a book, and then we moved to Kyrgyzstan where there weren't decent quality books, but we could do cash there if we wanted to. I think my oldest got a set of chopsticks when he lost a tooth while we were travelling in China. My middle son got a variety of bargain books from B&N when we lived next to one. And I think my oldest got a DVD for his last batch of teeth, since the tooth fairy tends to forget to come and they get something bigger in return for all the teeth they lost in the last year. Sometimes we are very forgetful, or maybe our children are oddly patient.


The older two are done with losing teeth, I think, but the youngest should be starting soon, and since we'll be overseas again, I have no idea what he'll get. But there's no way I could state our going rate.

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We are expecting dd6 to lose the first tooth of our household any time. (Two new teeth have come in; nothing has fallen out; nothing is loose.)


What do teeth go for these days? Loverboy was just curious.


Twoonie for a molar, loonie for all the rest.

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We give $5, or a new game or app, after the tooth fairy retires.


One time my youngest ds lost a tooth at Disney. They sell (or did) Tinkerbell Disney money just for this reason, so I sent my dh to get $5 worth, but he misunderstood and returned with a $50 Tinkerbell bill. I freaked out, but my ds thought it was the greatest day ever!! All of my dc wiggled their teeth the rest of the trip.


Yes, Disney teeth are special! My oldest DD lost a tooth at Disney a few years ago. Tinkerbell is the resident tooth fairy around there and she left a few special Disney goodies along with the $5 that is usually left. Since it was a special Disney tooth, the tooth fairy was nice and left younger DD some goodies as well, despite the fact that she wasn't old enough to lose teeth yet. They still talk about that special Disney tooth!

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Guest Da#1Gal

Hi :) I would like to share this

From the Information I have gathered from the responses on here the average amount is $1.00 the 1st tooth and $0.50 from then on.


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We rarely left money. It was usually stickers or some other prize. Oldest was in ps for 2nd grade and they actually had a discussion about it in class. They all came to the conclusion that the tooth fairy was not real because of the differences in types of payment. :tongue_smilie:

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First tooth got 4 quarters and a small toy (small lego set or the like). DS had to have his first 2 pulled by the dentist so we thought something a little extra was called for. All tooth after that have been 4 quarters, gold dollar, or once a $2 bill. Both kids have lost 8 teeth at this point. DD may have to have some pulled if so we'll do more for that I'm sure - new book or something like that.

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$5 here. The tooth fairy got very overexcited and nostalgic when DD lost her first tooth and was extra generous. She forgot she has a DD who is a stickler for routine and consistency and that she would have to produce the same amount forevermore. The boys are also expecting the same since DD has told them the current going rate LOL.


I forgot the second time she lost a tooth -it was Sunday. I told DD that the Tooth Fairy doesn't work on Sundays (we are LDS). She totally bought it and I managed to remember the second night LOL.

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So, did the tooth fairy find her way? I'm sure whatever amount you worked out was greeted by delight! Around here we like to say that the magic is more precious than the amount.


Although for her first lost tooth our dd wanted an American Girl doll. When we explained that the tooth fairy is little and can only carry lightweight items, she was OK with it. My husband on the other hand thought she should at least have enough $ to pick out a new doll, so the tooth fairy left a $100 bill. Imagine my surprise when she came downstairs in the morning!


Enjoy that little toothless grin... it always reminds me that they grow up so fast!

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Although for her first lost tooth our dd wanted an American Girl doll. When we explained that the tooth fairy is little and can only carry lightweight items, she was OK with it. My husband on the other hand thought she should at least have enough $ to pick out a new doll, so the tooth fairy left a $100 bill. Imagine my surprise when she came downstairs in the morning!


That almost makes me want to lose a tooth in your household! Wow! Cool tooth fairy! :) What have you done for subsequent teeth?

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