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s/o - What is the deal with red velvet cake?


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Guest inoubliable

I've had red velvet from a supermarket and it was puke in a paper liner. I've had a red velvet cupcake from a fancy gourmet place in Alexandria, VA. It was amazing.


I think it depends on where you get it.

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It's a dark cocoa cake and what makes it red is SUPPOSED to be beet juice. But no one seems to do that anymore. Most likely what you are having is a regular chocolate cake with the food coloring. It also supposed to be made with baking soda and vinegar. Even if you just do that part, it taste differnt. I've only had it with the beet juice once and it was wonderful. I've got a great, great grandma recipe using the beets that I still need to try.

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Real red velvet cake, made with beet juice instead of red food coloring is pretty good. It's a lot like regular cake to me, though. I can't stand the commercial version. The food coloring leaves a nasty aftertaste in my mouth. My godmother made a red velvet groom's cake in the shape of an armadillo for her youngest son's wedding. It looked like they were carving up the animal.

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I've had red velvet from a supermarket and it was puke in a paper liner. I've had a red velvet cupcake from a fancy gourmet place in Alexandria, VA. It was amazing.


I think it depends on where you get it.



Definitely. The last red velvet cupcake I had was a sample from a local bakery, and it was really dry and not that tasty. But I've had yummy red velvet cake before too.

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I personally don't like red velvet cake, and my grandma makes it from scratch. Everyone else in my family loves it, but I think if you're going to have chocolate cake, it's a waste to put like 1/4 cup of cocoa in it and call it a day. I also hate cream cheese frosting, so basically it's not my cup of tea.

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I've had red velvet from a supermarket and it was puke in a paper liner. I've had a red velvet cupcake from a fancy gourmet place in Alexandria, VA. It was amazing.


I think it depends on where you get it.



I was talking to a friend about this a few weeks ago. I've never enjoyed red velvet cake so I don't get the appeal either, but she said she's had some that was fantastic (and it wasn't the supermarket kind). So I guess it does really depend on where you get it.

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red velvet cheesecake from Cheesecake Factory is so good. So is the red velvet cupcake at Starring Rolls in Hollywood Studios at Disney World. Actually except for the mini cakes that I just posted about that my ds's friend's mom made for us today, those 2 places are the only other times I have had red velvet, so maybe it is lousy except for Cheesecake Factory, Starring Rolls and other mom's.

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Guest inoubliable

Oh dear. Now y'all are breaking out pictures of cake. This can't end well (for my waistline).



Muwahahahahaha! It's V-Day! Get yourself some red velvet cupcakes!

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I always thought red velvet cake was pretty regrettable (my way of describing food that you realize isn't worth the calories after you've finished eating it) ... until I had it at a pretty high-end restaurant in the south. They were celebrating being open however many years, and they were giving them out for free. I never would have ordered it given my past experiences, but oh my, it was divine

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Real red velvet cake, made with beet juice instead of red food coloring is pretty good. It's a lot like regular cake to me, though. I can't stand the commercial version. The food coloring leaves a nasty aftertaste in my mouth. My godmother made a red velvet groom's cake in the shape of an armadillo for her youngest son's wedding. It looked like they were carving up the animal.


Wasn't there an armadillo red velvet cake in Steel Magnolias??

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Yes. Beets. (real beets, I mean) There are recipes which do not use the cream cheese icing. (I don't care for it, either.)


For a no-icing version, a red velvet cake is a good cake type upon which to place one of those paper doilies, then shake powdered sugar over it to create a lacy design that looks nifty on the otherwise bare cake.

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I'm not a fan, but I'm also not a fan of chocolate cake. DS requested one for his birthday last year, and after I saw how much red food coloring goes into it, I really don't like them now. Goodness.

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We went on a vacation last summer and stayed in a rented cottage. The owners had left a recipe for red velvet cake stuck to the fridge. I looked at it one day and saw it called for ONE BOTTLE of red food coloring. Heavens to Betsy! We avoid red dye 40, so red velvet has never been something we would make or order. But now I definitely will be avoiding it, unless I know for sure it's the kind made with beets.

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Okay, so I read the recipe I posted and immediately thought, great for no dye, but does it taste like beets? I do not like beets by any stretch of the imagination, and I can't imagine their repugnant flavor being masked in a cake. I might have to try the recipe to see for myself.



Well we pretty regularly make chocolate beet cake when beets are coming every week in our CSA boxes and its some of the best chocolate cake ever. You cannot taste the beets at all. Our version doesn't turn out very red. It's good with cream cheese frosting, buttercream, or plain.



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Well we pretty regularly make chocolate beet cake when beets are coming every week in ou CSA boxes and its some of the best chocolate cake ever. You cannot tast the beets at all. Our version doesn't turn out very red. It's good with cream cheese frosting, buttercream, or plain.





We've done this so many times as well because of our CSA boxes. :D I'm not a fan of beets and neither is my youngest, but we all eat it up. I've actually never tried frosting it either since it's so good plain.

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I've never liked Red Velvet Cake. It's often brought to my husband's family gatherings, and everyone just thinks it's amazing, but I don't get the appeal either. I've always thought it tasted funny, and now I'm realizing it's probably the food coloring.


Chocolate cake with buttercream frosting, man.... that's the ticket!! ;)

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Why I hate red velvet cake: (You may not want to read)


Take one 8yo little girl. Fill her with red foods at a Valentine party: apples, hot dogs, koolaid, and red velvet cake. Drive her home, an hour and 1/2. See her erupt red all over her baby brother and the interior of the car, half way home. In 10 degree weather. With the heat on to keep from freezing. Stop in the worst part of town, in the dark, in a school parking lot. Clean up as best you can with baby wipes. Upon arrival at home, dunk both children in the tub and put them to bed. Go back out in 10 degrees and scour the interior of your car. Take a shower, make a cup of tea, turn on an old movie, have a meltdown.


I won't touch the stuff.

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I have been making a red velvet cake for my husband's birthday since we were dating (about 25 years now) because he had it every year when he was young and loved it. To me it tastes a lot like the obscene amounts of food coloring I put in it. He and the kids eat it...me, not so much.


I have been laughing now seeing everything coming up red velvet cake.


It may be the first trend I was ahead of. :glare:

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