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What strange things make you anxious? JAWM


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I get anxious over phone calls. I'll tell you what's really weird, sometimes I get anxious about my replies online! If I see someone quote me, my stomach drops a little while I figure out if that was a good or a bad thing. I get anxious over paying for things because money isn't that plentiful. I get anxious about trying to go somewhere new - I'm worried that I won't find it or I won't find parking. I can't drive in downtown areas.



Yep. As a matter of fact, I contemplated deleting all the things I listed b/c they look crazy to me!


ETA: The quoting was a good thing. I promise. Yikes...I hope I didn't just add to your anxiety. You can quote me if it makes you feel better. :blushing:



I just wrote out a list of some of the stuff I'm afraid of, and it looked so pathetic I had to delete. but pretty much anything involving spoken conversation, or travel, induces severe anxiety in me.



See my comment above. :D

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We live along a river and one of the main roads out of our neighborhood goes right along there Literally like the road, a five foot gravel median and then BAM! the river. The turn onto our street is at the bottom of a looooong steep hill, there's a sharp curve and then the water. It's super slippery in the winter and I go down that hill about 25 MPH, it freaks out the cars behind me! But when I was a kid there was a heavily covered local news story of a college girl whose car went through the ice in the winter and an older guy jumped in to save her. It's all I can think about when driving down that silly hill!

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Wet hair detached from the human body.


I do have social phobia. Not too severe, but it is there. I think it is related to my emetophobia and germophobia. :bored:


When I watch shows where people are running for their lives, I get really nervous about how we would handle that with all of our children. I have talked with dh about this on multiple occasions. The bridge and falling into water in the car makes me nervous too, but the running for our lives thing seems more plausible to me for some reason so I am more worried about that.


Phone calls, but that makes me angry more than anxious. Especially from my mother, I literally get jittery when talking to her on the phone.


Spiders. But I don't know how strange that is. I REALLY hate spiders.


The popping open of a biscuit can. Or when my children are wildly playing with a balloon. I do not like loud, sudden noises.

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Bridges and overpasses. I was so proud when I drove over the GW in NYC at night. I can't let dh drive in traffic. He makes me so incredibly nervous. He has got to have two guardian angles working overtime when he drives.


Also I'm afraid of falling. It looks like a fear of heights. I don't correct most people.

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Wet hair detached from the human body.




This.....it makes me gag! So does wet straw paper. Like when the waitress puts your straw down in a wet spot on the table....and the straw paper sticks to the straw and you have to peel it off piece by piece. GAG. Okay, I'm officially weird now.

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I am anxious whenever dh and I are together but away from dds. Sometimes I can ignore the fear but sometimes it drives me back home quicker than we would have been there. It's totally ridiculous, but I fear something will happen to us because we're together and not with the girls and then they will be all alone. Dh and I are talking about taking a small vacation (like a weekend) sometime soon and letting dds stay with my mom. It's crazy.

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I am anxious whenever dh and I are together but away from dds. Sometimes I can ignore the fear but sometimes it drives me back home quicker than we would have been there. It's totally ridiculous, but I fear something will happen to us because we're together and not with the girls and then they will be all alone. Dh and I are talking about taking a small vacation (like a weekend) sometime soon and letting dds stay with my mom. It's crazy.


I thought I was the only one like this. DH and I have never gone away on a vacation due to this reason. I'm always sort of nervous when we go out to dinner/movie and leave the kids with my parents. It's crazy.


Okay, I need to stop responding to this thread....I'm sounding crazier and crazier LOL.

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I thought I was the only one like this. DH and I have never gone away on a vacation due to this reason. I'm always sort of nervous when we go out to dinner/movie and leave the kids with my parents. It's crazy.


Okay, I need to stop responding to this thread....I'm sounding crazier and crazier LOL.


My dds are now old enough to stay home alone for periods of time. Sometimes I'm fine with it and other times I'm a wreck. I don't know what sets me off yet, but I can't imagine taking an actual vacation without them. It looks like dh and I will be taking one this year and dds will be with my mom. I don't think I will have any fun due to me worrying, though. It does sound crazy. :tongue_smilie:

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I get very anxious when waiting on long lines that are moving slowly. I can't stand being in the middle of a large crowd. I'm ok if I'm on the edges of a crowd, but not right smack in the middle. I hate driving in heavy traffic, but I'm ok being a passenger. I'm ok with bridges, but not long underwater tunnels. A few years ago we had to drive through the Chesapeake Bay Bridge Tunnel. We got to the first tunnel, and it seemed to go down so steeply. I was just about hyperventilating thinking about all the ships going over us! I kept imagining one hitting the tunnel and water seeping in. Thankfully there was no traffic. If we got stuck in a traffic jam in the tunnel I probably would completely freak out. I think my blood pressure has gone up just from writing this. :scared: Sometimes, when just the three of us are home and ds is in the basement while dh and I are in the attic, I have to go down and make sure nothing has happened to him. I have an irrational fear that someone will break in or something. If he is in the attic and we are downstairs, I'm ok.

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I used to have a fear of bridges and I got over it somehow. But what has gotten worse for me is high places that are built by man, I have no fear of being in high mountains or on the rim of the Grand Canyon, but man made structures are something else. Only some of them, though. I have no problems with big cruise ships, though they are actually high. But I could not go up more than the first or second level of the Eiffel Tower and the rest of my family went up to the top level you could go to. I even hated being where I was. Then when we were in Toronto, I stayed on the ground while they went up on the CN tower. Now I didn't have this fear earlier in life- I had gone on the World Trade Center towers, the Empire State Building and the Arch but I will never go on either of the two remaining again and I don't even want to visit Dubai because I think my dh would try really hard to get me to go up that building and I don't want to.


The other thing I truly get anxiety attacks from are horrible misdealings with government authorities. I have had a few run ins with stolen mail, or lost mail and the post office has been very unhelpful at those times and I have had some other dealings with things like the IRS and other agencies and they just get me so nervous, even when we have done everything right and it will very likely be resolved with no problems. Two years ago, for example, the IRS had gotten only the first W2 that the Air Force issued my dh or had lost the second one. The Air Force actually issued a corrected version later because we had discovered they had neglected to note that some of his pay was non taxable due to his being in a hazardous zone. All of that happened before APril 15th of that year and we filed our return with the corrected version. Well last year, they sent a letter stating we owed money since we hadn't counted the additional month of his pay. All that was required was for the Air Force to once again send them the corrected W2 but I really was very nervous for weeks about it.

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It is difficult to desribe. I have an anxious, physicially meaasurable response to some patterns in physical objects. It's weird, but some patterns freak me out. I can't see if therenis a pattern to it because I don't study or think of them long enough to determine.


Some examples include vehicle grids, some complicated fencing, once it was the way a piece of wood had broken; the jagged edge made me twitchy.


I secretly think of it as my brain glitch.



Something similar for me. It doesn't happen often but it feels really ... uncomfortable when it does. I finally realized that it's because it reminds me of the anxious feeling I got when I was little and had a fever. I would have really strange dreams and there would always be a fuzzy pattern, almost like static. The patterns that now make me anxious seem to remind me of that.

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I'm not a fan of elevators. I'll get on them most of the time, but a few weeks ago I was on one that kind of dipped down & back up (door was still open), and I got off that sucker stat! No, thanks.


I don't love a crowded elevator, ever. And even if it's not crowded, but it's slow (ex - if it stops and the doors don't open right away) - yeah, not a fan.

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I dread phone calls.. I put off making them. For example, Im supposed to call my daughters birthday party venue (her party is Saturday) and Im putting it off.


Certain social situations.


Its more than anxiety, I totally loathe spiders. ECK.


(This isnt so much an anxiety issue) but buttons make me sick. Ugh, I dont know there is just something about them that is so gross. Blah I can't think about it.


There are others but Im pretty sure now that Ive shared my b*tton issue, Ive made myself look crazy enough.

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