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I am afraid I have jumped in with both feet before I knew what I was doing. I can't wait for my books to come so I can understand all this - the more I think about this, the more questions I have. I have been reading a lot of odd stuff about the high fat angle - not eating until hungey rather than on the usual schedule, etc.


I am living in carb central. I surived picking up a pizza for the kids, etc etc etc. Dh bought special bagels from a bakery as we got in the car for what turned out to be a three hour car ride yesterday, etc. I have done pretty well, but I need to stock things to eat.


Sometimes I feel oddly nauseous when I eat even small amounts of carbs, unless the amount is tiny (2g as opposed to 5-10), except with dinner. I figured that I would be sensitive due to my genetic predisposition, but I am shocked at how many carbs I was eating before.


On the upside, I had an awesome run yesterday, with good feelings that lasted hours! I will not run today (at high altitude today, 10k ft) but I will do just a smitch of lifting and abs. After the run, I felt like happy popcorn in my brain - what was that? I can't believe I am saying this, but I can't wait to run again, back home tomorrow afternoon. :)

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I've never done artificial sweeteners and such, meal replacements or such. I don't have any special thoughts to that though because it is just on my don't eat list.


re: ketosis


I've actually been reading about carb cycling. I was researching about protein intake on lc diets the other day and ended up on a rabbit trail. I've read in several places previously but I've not consciously and purposely done it before. Although as I mentioned previously I tend to cycle somewhat naturally.





Anyway, I stumbled across these two sites (warning cursing). They are not the usual stuff I read as I'm not a hardcore weight lifter and to be honest some of it seems gimmicky(and lots of shots of scantily clad women). However, I have to say I agree with the actual facts behind a lot of it and he writes a lot of articles discussing various studies. He bemoans the charge that we must eat breakfast, eat 6 times a day and many other conventionally held health views. He also advocates eating your carbs later in the day when you do eat them, which I've done for a while as I've found that it works the best for me. He promotes carb cycling for fat loss and also cautions against long term ketosis to prevent hormone and thyroid issues. Something to consider anyway, I know another blogger I used to read is really down on lc now as he said it has caused his thyroid to crash.


Not that I agree with everything anybody writes, as I tend to always watch my own body first and foremost. I did find it interesting enough to give it a shot. For weight loss he suggests keto level intake for 10 days to start (30 g net- preferrably from green veggies and real food) and then a "carb nite" and consume as much carbs as you can for about 6 hrs or so, starting with high carb, low fat and then going towards foods w/ carbs and fat. After that you cycle for 6 days on and 1 day "carb nite". This is to be temporary, no more than 6 months. As I've noticed that I tend to cycle anyway I'm going to try to have an actual method to it.

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That's interesting soror, as I do pasta night once every two weeks. I make sure to have meat and a salad with it, and of course, a glass of wine. Usually two. I find that having it on the schedule makes it easy for me to not miss the pasta carbs in between. I'll have to go read his stuff.


Oh, and I also never, ever plan to skip December as a carb cycle month. Just sayin'. :coolgleamA:

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I just finished my 8th month of LCHF. I eat very low carb. In that time I've lost 54.4 lbs. I'm 3.8 lbs away from my goal weight, and then I'll start working on toning/muscle. I've started to read up on that and just ordered the Slow Burn book, as well as a book for kids fitness by the same author.


I've gone from a size 16 to size 6, although not all 6's fit me at this point. I only have one pair of pants right now that fit, plus another size 6 that's too small but I bought anyway. I was size 10 when I got married 11.5 years ago. I don't remember the last time I was a size 6! I wore size 4 in 9th grade. 9 years ago I did Atkins while nursing, so I did the maintenance phase--about 90 net carbs per day for me. I think I may have briefly gotten down to a size 8--not long enough to actually wear size 8 clothing--before I bounced back up a bit (I got down to 125 lbs and bounced up to 130).


ETA: As my weight gets lower and closer to goal I have to watch my fat intake more, as it's easy to overeat and just maintain or gain weight rather than lose. :glare:

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Dh and I are returning to a LCHF diet today. We did the Whole30 (he was strict; I was a little bit more lax) this past summer and were doing well with low carb (I found I did well with one serving of grains a day and was trying to keep it to one small serving of white rice at dinner) until we all go sick in November. Then, I just craved carbs only, then the holidays hit, and now we are both feeling cruddy. I'm noticing all sorts of things with me - a sebaceous cyst flared way up on my upper back, I'm having ovarian cyst problems, and suddenly yesterday it seems I developed a nickel allergy as my neck is a complete mess and I can only guess it's from my necklace. :( We both have been having more IBS problems lately. So, it's time to clean things up and feel good again. I don't think I can go Whole30 again, but I think we are going to sit down and do some major meal planning so that our meals are HF and moderate protein with very low carbs. If I just have a plan for meals, then I can get past the "I don't feel like eating that" and just make it. We are already gluten and dairy free; now I just need to figure out how to make the kids something with grains (German pancakes, for instance) and be really good and just make me some fried eggs in the morning. Lunch for me should be easy - I love egg salad and tend to allow myself tuna salad once a week, and I don't need bread for either. But, those can get old after a while too, so I might need to make sure to make enough dinner for dh and I both to have lunch the next day. I think I'm going to go back to having dd be mostly grain free too (we try to keep her system as clean as possible for optimal development and health).

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I don't use it. I have done a xylitol iced tea in the summer.



I am trying to figure out the difference in all of the sweeteners. Maybe I should get rid of them altogether. I drink diet coke, which I know is horrible. I am working toward giving it up (baby steps). I put stevia in my coffee, but I'm not really familiar with xylitol. Better than stevia? Why?

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So, I should say I still prefer my tea straight without any sweetener. However, both of my children, esp. my younger was having some tooth decay issues. Putting a 1/4 c of xylitol in the jug of iced tea wasn't so much for the sweetening aspect as for the tooth protective properties that xylitol apparently has.


BUT, what I found is the resulting tea wasn't awful! So it is drinkable. Even to someone who doesn't really look around for sugar or sugar substitute.


My views on artificial sweeteners ( :thumbdown: ) are beyond the scope of this thread, so I won't get into it. ;)

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gardenningmomma- Your weight loss is wonderful, you are sooo close! I hope you are able to reach it soon! I know when you get towards the end it seems it is so far away and close at the same time. It is much nicer to be maintaining then having to worry about losing though!


If you want you'll have to share some pics. I'd love to see any great transformation pics!


MLW- so great to "see" you again! I make my kids gf oatmeal and white rice at times. I generally never crave that kind of stuff though as I know how I will feel if I eat it. The longer you do it the easier it is.


I so wish I could get my dh on board. He is eating better than he was for awhile and has lost 10 lbs with hardly making an effort.


I took measurements today and my waist is down again, at 30.75- woot, and my upper waist is below 30!!!! I know that isn't super small but considering I'm 2.5 months pp I'm ecstatic. I wore a splint after the baby and did diastasis exercises from a few days and then for a good while and think it made a great difference bringing down my waist faster. Last I weighed I have 10.8 lbs to lose still and 1 in on my chest and 3 in on my waist and 4in on my hips.

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I just finished my 8th month of LCHF. I eat very low carb. In that time I've lost 54.4 lbs. I'm 3.8 lbs away from my goal weight, and then I'll start working on toning/muscle. I've started to read up on that and just ordered the Slow Burn book, as well as a book for kids fitness by the same author.


I've gone from a size 16 to size 6, although not all 6's fit me at this point. I only have one pair of pants right now that fit, plus another size 6 that's too small but I bought anyway. I was size 10 when I got married 11.5 years ago. I don't remember the last time I was a size 6! I wore size 4 in 9th grade. 9 years ago I did Atkins while nursing, so I did the maintenance phase--about 90 net carbs per day for me. I think I may have briefly gotten down to a size 8--not long enough to actually wear size 8 clothing--before I bounced back up a bit (I got down to 125 lbs and bounced up to 130).


ETA: As my weight gets lower and closer to goal I have to watch my fat intake more, as it's easy to overeat and just maintain or gain weight rather than lose. :glare:




Wow- great job! That is an impressive amount of weight to lose in 8 months - do you feel like you're still trying to believe what you see i the mirror? Amazing!


I'm exactly where you are- only 3-4 more pounds to my new goal weight and I'm working on toning/strength. I'm already below my original goal, have lost 24lbs and went from a 10/12 to a 6/8 (mostly 6's)- I haven't seen this body in years- ok never, as childbirth forever reoriented some things!


Anyway- I think you're SO RIGHT in that we have to watch fat (and for me, protein as well, because I can eat a TON of protein if I don't keep myself in line) to make sure we keep losing....I've found the 'window' of what will promote weight loss narrows as my weight has gotten lower... Granted, I'm more focused on running goals (2 marathons) now, but staying very strictly low-carb to control cravings and stay in fat-burning ketosis to fuel long runs, and frankly am quite content :)

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RE artificial sweeteners...I have my cheats and I've peace with some of them- 1 equal packet in my coffee every morning w/ heavy cream & coconut oil of course (my coffee is the most important aspect of my day- LOL, and I have not been able to find anything better, taste wise), and occasionally have a diet coke or sugar free jello, but otherwise have acclimated to non-sweetened drinks, and just getting rid of sweets in general.... The upside of this is that red wine tastes SOOOOOO much more amazing! :tongue_smilie: And red raspberries & occasional carrots taste like sugar....I had a bite of sweetened heavy cream the other day, and nearly gagged- it was just disgustingly sweet. My taste buds have changed. :)


So yes, I embrace occasional use of artificial sweetners- xylitol, splenda, stevia, equal- as a necessary evil on occasion. I just vary what I use and where, and use them very sparingly. I have focused more on adapting my palate to less sweet over all...so my low-carb cheese cake has 2 teaspoons of stevia instead of the 1/4 cup the low-carb recipe calls for...just barely sweet. My goal, unlike other LCHF folks I've encountered, isn't to replace high carb foods w/ artificially low carb ones, rather modify the cravings/tastes and eat differently. :)

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I just want to point out that Stevia is not an artificial sweetner.



Right- and xylitol is a naturally occurring substance as well.... :) I should have said 'sugar alternatives/substitutes' in the 2nd paragraph. Sorry for any confusion- IMHO, most sugar alternatives come with pros & cons, some are straight up chemicals, others mimic an insulin response just like sugar etc.... My larger point was that I'm trying to retrain my taste buds, not fake them out.

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From what I've read the use of artificial sweeteners can lead to difficulty in losing weight. You are also not giving your body a chance to acclimate to enjoying natural sweetness of various foods. Personally, I'd rather enjoy some real treats sparingly, instead of icky imitations frequently. I think however it is a personal choice and obviously lots of people use and enjoy them.

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gardenningmomma- Your weight loss is wonderful, you are sooo close! I hope you are able to reach it soon! I know when you get towards the end it seems it is so far away and close at the same time. It is much nicer to be maintaining then having to worry about losing though!


If you want you'll have to share some pics. I'd love to see any great transformation pics!


MLW- so great to "see" you again! I make my kids gf oatmeal and white rice at times. I generally never crave that kind of stuff though as I know how I will feel if I eat it. The longer you do it the easier it is.


I so wish I could get my dh on board. He is eating better than he was for awhile and has lost 10 lbs with hardly making an effort.


I took measurements today and my waist is down again, at 30.75- woot, and my upper waist is below 30!!!! I know that isn't super small but considering I'm 2.5 months pp I'm ecstatic. I wore a splint after the baby and did diastasis exercises from a few days and then for a good while and think it made a great difference bringing down my waist faster. Last I weighed I have 10.8 lbs to lose still and 1 in on my chest and 3 in on my waist and 4in on my hips.



Everyone is very encouraging with their hard work. Soror - Lcfriends (www.lowcarbfriends.com) has a gallery :http://www.lowcarbfriends.com/photopost/ It's always very encouraging.

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This weekend has gone well. I haven't been keeping track of carbs and such but I haven't eaten any grains, which is one of my biggest goals. I really think aside from some white rice once every day or two, grains are not good for me. I have had some white potatoes yesterday and today, but tonight I'm avoiding the corn chips and chocolate cake my mom will have at her house (the cake will be gluten and dairy free - she's really good about accommodating the kids). I think I'm taking some bad for me coconut chips from Trader Joes as my treat (not that coconut is bad for me but they do have some sugar in them). I really, really need to menu plan though so I can be good about breakfast and lunches this week. I also plan on stopping by the health food store for some almond meal so I can make almond meal pancakes as a decent alternative to grain ones.

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I just helped DD16 come up with a cupcake flavor for her Cupcake Wars competition in her Culinary Arts class. Sweet corn jalepeno cupcakes with chocolate chipotle frosting, in case you're interested.


Anyway, I decided to have one. It was delicious, for about two bites. I haven't had anything sweet like that in well over a month, and now I have the worst stomach and head aches ever. Yuck. I won't be doing that again, for sure. Lesson learned.

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Have any of you looked into the Bulletproof diet?


I transitioned from Primal to Paleo (2 years combined with Crossfit and PT), and right now I'm not LC because I'm pregnant. However, I think after this baby is born I'm going to detox and then go "bulletproof". I am not trying to lose weight, but I just feel so much better eating LC in general... even potatoes are tough for me. So, from the research I've done, Bulletproof seems pretty perfect for me. :)

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I've read the Bulletproof Diet before and iirc it seemed good to me. I liked the way he laid it out. Not so much that this or that was forbidden but trying to keep most of your choices in those things that are healthy.


Hope your feeling better soon Q, you know it could be the gluten.

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I've read the Bulletproof Diet before and iirc it seemed good to me. I liked the way he laid it out. Not so much that this or that was forbidden but trying to keep most of your choices in those things that are healthy.


Hope your feeling better soon Q, you know it could be the gluten.



Thanks. You could definitely be right, but I think it was the sugar. Whichever....it was bad. I'm feeling better now, finally.

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gardenningmomma- Your weight loss is wonderful, you are sooo close! I hope you are able to reach it soon! I know when you get towards the end it seems it is so far away and close at the same time. It is much nicer to be maintaining then having to worry about losing though!


If you want you'll have to share some pics. I'd love to see any great transformation pics!

Thank you! I have one before pic, but I'm going to look around for another one that shows my before weight better. When I'm done I'll get a new after picture taken.


I so wish I could get my dh on board. He is eating better than he was for awhile and has lost 10 lbs with hardly making an effort.

Dh is doing this too. Even though he's more picky with the food he likes, and therefore has a harder time eating very low carb (he often eats stuff I think he shouldn't or that I wouldn't), he stays pretty low carb at times when I think he might indulge in something (and then at other times he'll indulge in something I think he shouldn't). He's lost 43 lbs.


Wow- great job! That is an impressive amount of weight to lose in 8 months - do you feel like you're still trying to believe what you see i the mirror? Amazing!

I feel "normal", and even have moments where certain areas, like thighs, feel just as fatty as before (weird how that works). But then there's times when I'm sitting down when I can feel my jeans pulling tight against hip bones that were too cushiony before to be able to feel that--that's cool. And sometimes I feel my ab muscles at work--not something I was conscious of before either.


Everyone is very encouraging with their hard work. Soror - Lcfriends (www.lowcarbfriends.com) has a gallery :http://www.lowcarbfriends.com/photopost/ It's always very encouraging.

I am on the "Active Low-Carber Forum." I have a before picture and an in-progress photo there. They're here. I think you can only view pictures if you're a member of the forum. I really like this low carb forum better than any other--especially since I can post my stats, which are visible in my postings, and I can see other people's stats--puts some perspective on a person's comments, being able to see their plan, starting weight, current weight, etc...

I just helped DD16 come up with a cupcake flavor for her Cupcake Wars competition in her Culinary Arts class. Sweet corn jalepeno cupcakes with chocolate chipotle frosting, in case you're interested.


Anyway, I decided to have one. It was delicious, for about two bites. I haven't had anything sweet like that in well over a month, and now I have the worst stomach and head aches ever. Yuck. I won't be doing that again, for sure. Lesson learned.

I had a little cheat tonight--3-4 really little bread rolls. I ended up with gas pains. I don't think I'm gluten intolerant, not any more than the average person. I do think that when you've been avoiding all grains and then you eat some, you can really see the effect it has on your body. (like an elimination diet, this really brings to light the exact effect a particular food item has)

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I just helped DD16 come up with a cupcake flavor for her Cupcake Wars competition in her Culinary Arts class. Sweet corn jalepeno cupcakes with chocolate chipotle frosting, in case you're interested.


Anyway, I decided to have one. It was delicious, for about two bites. I haven't had anything sweet like that in well over a month, and now I have the worst stomach and head aches ever. Yuck. I won't be doing that again, for sure. Lesson learned.



I've had the same reaction to off-plan stuff- particularly to sweets. :( I have stomach aches and more for hours. Sorry that happened- her cupcakes sounds amazing! :)

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I am on the "Active Low-Carber Forum." I have a before picture and an in-progress photo there. They're here. I think you can only view pictures if you're a member of the forum. I really like this low carb forum better than any other--especially since I can post my stats, which are visible in my postings, and I can see other people's stats--put's some perspective on a person't comments, being able to see their plan, starting weight, current weight, etc...





Soo true! I'm on another LCHF forum and I love that current stats are there in black & white...it really helps when I'm looking for advice, to know a bit about who its coming from...that they are actually on LCHF way of eating, length of time, success & overall lifestyle choices instead of just spouting factoids. :)

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I use stevia but no other sweeteners. One dessert for those that don't use sf jello, etc. Cream cheese, whipped topping, stevia and cocoa power. Mix it together in the mixer and it's like mousse. Yum!!




I make something similar, but no sweetener, and real cream. Heavy cream, peanut butter & cocoa powder and use the immersion blender (add water to thin if it gets too thick)- very yummy :)


Oooh, another one - Buck eyes- I LOVE chocolate & peanut butter ;) Add peanut butter, mix w/ cream cheese and 1 T butter....put in fridge to harden, roll into balls and dip into 86% melted dark chocolate. This is a fav for my kiddos :)

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I make something similar, but no sweetener, and real cream. Heavy cream, peanut butter & cocoa powder and use the immersion blender (add water to thin if it gets too thick)- very yummy :)


Oooh, another one - Buck eyes- I LOVE chocolate & peanut butter ;) Add peanut butter, mix w/ cream cheese and 1 T butter....put in fridge to harden, roll into balls and dip into 86% melted dark chocolate. This is a fav for my kiddos :)



Those sounds awesome! Thanks! I love chocolate and peanut butter!

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So, I'm not remembering the one part I didn't like about LC/Whole30 the last time ... I miss biting into something like a tortilla or a piece of bread or some cereal (in or out of milk), something like that. I think tomorrow I'll roast some zucchini but I know it won't really satisfy the need for something more crunchy or dense. As for tonight, I didn't have any chips (they were on the coffee table and also were served for taco salad) nor did I eat any cake (GF chocolate with 7-minute "sea foam" frosting ... my favorite!). I still have no idea how many carbs I have eaten, but I have been much more mindful of what it is I am eating and how I'm "spending" my carbs, so I feel good about that.

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I think tomorrow I'll roast some zucchini but I know it won't really satisfy the need for something more crunchy or dense.



I have sliced cucumber with Laughing Cow full fat Swiss Cheese. I now prefer it over cheese and Ritz crackers. Carrots and celery with sour cream dip works well too.

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MLW I don't know how low carb you are going but Elana's pantry has some yummy paleo(dairy and gluten free) bread and cracker recipes. I seen one somewhere that was supposed to be even lower carb but I forgot to bookmark it.


gardenmomma- I look forward to seeing your pics!


I meant to have dh take some of me but I forgot. It would be a huge difference from right after pregnancy until now- I could say I've lost 16 in. on my waist :)


We went out to eat chicken wings yesterday. I did have some of the sauce but I always have them put it to the side so it is gf(if they coat it they use the same ones for their bone-in wings). Anyway, one little cup holds 2 T of sauce and I only used about half of the cup. So, I enjoyed them but kept my carbs to about 6 g. That was nice to be able to do after the W30, not have to worry about every ingredient. I'm keeping my carbs to about 30 net per day now. I started last Tuesday and will be staying at this level until Sat since I am testing out the Carb Nite Solution. I am making sure I keep my calories up and drinking a ton. I'm tracking everything I eat to make sure of that and to check my ratios. I did have one day I only ate about 1500 but I also didn't feel very good. I did ketosis for awhile after baby #3 as well and never have any issue but I always like to keep an eye out. I was down 3 lbs on Sat but we will see I hope to see that stick and another pound by Valentines Day, as then I'll just have less than 10lbs to go.

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So, I'm not remembering the one part I didn't like about LC/Whole30 the last time ... I miss biting into something like a tortilla or a piece of bread or some cereal (in or out of milk), something like that. I think tomorrow I'll roast some zucchini but I know it won't really satisfy the need for something more crunchy or dense. As for tonight, I didn't have any chips (they were on the coffee table and also were served for taco salad) nor did I eat any cake (GF chocolate with 7-minute "sea foam" frosting ... my favorite!). I still have no idea how many carbs I have eaten, but I have been much more mindful of what it is I am eating and how I'm "spending" my carbs, so I feel good about that.


Yeah, I think I know what you mean. So, I do a pasta night once every two weeks (usually ravioli, heavy on the meatballs). That supports my wine habit.


To support my chomp habit, I LOVE the Mission Carb Balance (not because of all the ingredients, gah!) but because of all the fiber, since I am doing the atkins net carbs thing. I keep to 1 to 2 tortillas per week, but it is so helpful to be able to make a "sandwich" sometimes, esp. before going to swim team or such.


I am still working on making myhamburger buns much higher fiber so they are useable -- nothing post-worthy at this point. And, they would only work for folks doing net carbs anyway. My family has been most patient as I play with a perfectly good recipe.

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I had stevia in my coffee this morning and have had a terrible stomach ache all day. Nothing else is different in my meals. I can't use splenda either...it makes me sick. Could I use sugar in the raw...I know it's 5 carbs per pack, but it would only be 1 pack.

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So, I'm not remembering the one part I didn't like about LC/Whole30 the last time ... I miss biting into something like a tortilla or a piece of bread or some cereal (in or out of milk), something like that. I think tomorrow I'll roast some zucchini but I know it won't really satisfy the need for something more crunchy or dense. As for tonight, I didn't have any chips (they were on the coffee table and also were served for taco salad) nor did I eat any cake (GF chocolate with 7-minute "sea foam" frosting ... my favorite!). I still have no idea how many carbs I have eaten, but I have been much more mindful of what it is I am eating and how I'm "spending" my carbs, so I feel good about that.




I may reveal my crazy w/ this admission, but I have taken bites of bread just to get the 'mouth feel' and then spit it out. :) Really. There was no part of me that wanted to eat it, I just missed the fluffy doughy texture that you can't get anywhere else in whole foods :) Of course, I have splurged on a slice of fresh baguette w/ irish butter. So.worth.it. :)


Depending on your approach, you can try low-carb baking mixes (which has tons of added fiber to 'negate' the carb impact...I bought a small box and have made cheddar cheese biscuits, not too bad- but I wasn't a huge fan- I'd rather do without and have a bite of a realllly good biscuit. And Sante Fe Company makes a very low net carbs tortilla- again, same principle of high fiber etc).

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I had stevia in my coffee this morning and have had a terrible stomach ache all day. Nothing else is different in my meals. I can't use splenda either...it makes me sick. Could I use sugar in the raw...I know it's 5 carbs per pack, but it would only be 1 pack.



Yes, I cannot stand stevia- in anything, especially warmed in tea/coffee :) I've snubbed pretty much any sweetener other than equal in my coffee- odd, I know, and maybe it was my last resort? :) Anyway- if you can get the sweetness you want from just 5g carb of sugar, I'd say use it. :)

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Can we talk about the "why" behind low carb? Is it just for the benefit of getting rid of sugar cravings or is there some scientific basis for just not eating them because they hinder weight loss? I'm happier eating this way than I've ever been, and I have kicked some serious sugar cravings which is AWESOME! I'm just curious about the science...

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Can we talk about the "why" behind low carb? Is it just for the benefit of getting rid of sugar cravings or is there some scientific basis for just not eating them because they hinder weight loss? I'm happier eating this way than I've ever been, and I have kicked some serious sugar cravings which is AWESOME! I'm just curious about the science...


Oh, wow....there is so much information out there about this, so the question becomes...where to start, and what to believe?


My interest was first piqued when I watched the documentary Fat Head (free on Netflix, I think). It was meant as a response to the famed Supersize Me, where the maker of the film set out to show that you can, in fact, make healthy choices and still lose weight and improve overall health even eating solely at fast food restaurants every day (McDonald's, specifically). There were several messages in the film, but what stuck with me most were the studies he cited and explained very clearly showing that fat does not raise cholesterol, nor cause the body to store fat. Rather, carbohydrates do both of those things, with sugars and grains being particularly bad.


I started reading and researching more, and it seems to me that it's absolutely true.


Essentially, our bodies will burn the easy sugar source for fuel (sugar, grain....carbs) but when we eat fat the bodies are forced to burn the fat for fuel, causing us to lose weight. Studies also show that it's the carbohydrates that cause cholesterol to build up in our arteries, not lipids.


I know that was very simplistic and I can't begin to cite or explain all of the science, but that's the gist of it.


There are several links to scientific studies here.

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Can we talk about the "why" behind low carb? Is it just for the benefit of getting rid of sugar cravings or is there some scientific basis for just not eating them because they hinder weight loss? I'm happier eating this way than I've ever been, and I have kicked some serious sugar cravings which is AWESOME! I'm just curious about the science...


My latest order from Amazon:

The Art and Science of Low Carbohydrate Performance

New Atkins for a New You: The Ultimate Diet for Shedding Weight and Feeling Great.

Why We Get Fat: And What to Do About It

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Can we talk about the "why" behind low carb? Is it just for the benefit of getting rid of sugar cravings or is there some scientific basis for just not eating them because they hinder weight loss? I'm happier eating this way than I've ever been, and I have kicked some serious sugar cravings which is AWESOME! I'm just curious about the science...



Take your pick of which videos to watch, all are good: http://eatingacademy.com/videos-peter-likes


This one is very good:

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Didn't know this group existed. I am doing low carb. But I don't eat all those fats that Atkins recommends. Just because I couldn't eat all that meat ALL the time. I have learned a balance. And that moderation in the key. I have lost 7 pounds in about 6 weeks. I am looking to lose a total of 10 for now, so I am almost there. I do eat a sandwich for lunch(whole wheat). But I eat no carbs for dinner. I used to practically eat sugar all day long. I had 3-tbsp of sugar in my coffee. I have not had sugar in my coffee, or any sugary drinks or snacks since beginning of January. That is a HUGE change. I have started exercising more.I am a dancer, so I already dance on Mondays. And then Ipractice dance all week, plus add in Zumba. I am not really a walker. To boring. I would rather do a zumba routine to my favorite music and it doesn't even feel like I am exercising. Just doing something I already love to do anyways. :thumbup:

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If you do a search for Gary Taubes on Youtube you'll find some good information about the science behind avoiding carbs - mostly wheat:


Here's one:



I think he wrote the article: "What If It's All Been a Big Fat Lie" about the gov't push of the low-fat pyramid.

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Favorite dinners? Hmmmm


-Open faced burgers (Mushroom swiss, bacon cheddar, blue cheese etc)

-Steak Fajitas or Taco salad- I could (and do) eat some version of this about 1x a week w/ guacamole, cheese, sour cream, fresh cilantro etc

-Seafood Alfredo-(alfredo sauce w/ scallops & shrimp; old bay etc) on broccoli

-Tuna Casserole- I made this up- LOL, Tuna, heavy cream, shredded cheddar; heated & mixed together w/ 2-3 crackers crumbled on top w/ parm cheese & broiled till top is crunchy

-Parmesan Crusted Chicken- light on the bread crumbs, heavy on the parm; I add herbs to the crust http://allrecipes.com/recipe/parmesan-crusted-chicken-2/

-Taco Bake- http://www.genaw.com/lowcarb/taco_bake.html

-Salads: Caesar Salad w/ chicken; Cobb Salad w/ blue cheese dressing

-Meatballs & mushrooms in port wine, heavy cream sauce

-Greek Pot Roast- roast, 20 cloves+ of garlic, diced tomatos & oregano- slow cooked. YUM!



These are on my list to try- I can't see how they won't be good :)

-Coconut Chicken - http://www.genaw.com/lowcarb/coconut_chicken.html

-Green Chile Smothered Chicken: http://www.genaw.com/lowcarb/green_enchilada_chicken_casserole.html

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Uh-oh....I think I may have a problem, and it absolutely kills me to admit it. What I really want is for no one to agree with me and tell me it's all in my head.


I think I may have a problem with dairy. This makes me cry. I LOVE dairy. Love. I could eat it with every meal. But after doing the Whole 30 and easing back in some of the forbidden foods, the only one that I think may be affecting me is the dairy!


Yesterday I had cream in my coffee for breakfast, yogurt at lunch, cheese chips plus cheese and sour cream on my taco salad at dinner. I was pretty gassy most of the day, and the dry red patch that has been on my face forever, but that all but disappeared toward the end of W30, was staring me directly in the face last night.


I researched the symptoms of casein sensitivity and only the gas is applicable, even though that could be lactose, too, but I don't have any of the more common symptoms.


Someone please tell me it's something else.

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