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my dd just did 5 piercings in each ear

Jeannie in NJ

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my dd has had numerous MRI's over the last 3 years and each doctor kept sending her to yet a higher up specialist. Well last year she started being seen by a neuro-oncologist at CHOP and he has been running a bunch of MRI's and MRA's the past year. Last week he told us that the test results are all good and she does not need any more MRI's for a year. Well she has been wanting to get her ears pierced but the MRI's were being done so close together that she did not have the 2 months of leaving pierced ear rings in to prevent infection so no go on pierced ears. Well the day after being told she now has a year free of mri's she did 4 piercings herself in each ear and her cartilage done by a pro. So she now has 5 studs in each ear. I told her it was a little much in my opinion but she is almost 18, in college, has a job and has never given us one bit of trouble so if this is her "wildest" then it is okay. Her hair is to her waist so most of the time her ears will be hidden, except for the times that she wear her hair up in a topknot. We are all so happy with the MRI results so I guess that is her way of celebrating.

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she went out and bought some long feather earrings to wear in the bottom holes. One set is turquoise and the other set is dark pink. They are rather cute. She also bought some hoops for the bottom ones for when she does not want to wear all studs. This is all very new territory for me as the only jewelry I ever wear is my wedding ring, I know BORING.

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Great news about the MRIs. As for earrings, my only concern is that she did them herself, not the number. I had 2 in one ear and 3 in the other (1 was a cartilage hole). I no longer wear earrings more than twice a year but when I did I loved them all. Better all those holes in her ears than in her face imo :p

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My ears are double-pierced--I rarely wear earrings, but I'm glad you reacted the way you did--my mom was scandalized....lol!

I'm a clergy wife and quite conservative. I had 2 and 1 for lots of years, then I evened things out on a very bad day. Something about defining myself and defying the world...

Congrats to your dd--must be a huge relief to all of you. :D

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I'm glad that she has such a great reason to celebrate by doing this! Yeah, it's a bit unorthodox, but like someone else said, regular piercings heal up pretty well if she gets tired of them (unlike some of the gauging -- I know a young man who is saving up for surgery to repair his ears as he has now outgrown what was a phase for him). I like the idea of the different colors going up.

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