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Quick job prayers, please? - UPDATE in post #28


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DH is (or will be shortly) in a meeting with a hiring manager for a job that he applied for last weekend.....like right now!


I've posted about this before, but he's a manual labor (auto mechanic) trained worker who is stuck working desk jobs (spinal cord injury that prevents him from working as a mechanic). The pay is pennies when trying to work a desk job without a degree - and there isn't much out there that isn't management (which despite 10+yr of experience in his field he doesn't qualify for). He's in school, working toward a BA right now - hopefully only 1.5yr or so left.


This job is a manager in training position for Midas. I would so appreciate prayers/good thoughts that this job would work for him/us (hours, location, etc).....AND be his "out". His current job is just awful. The pay during the training period would be slightly more than he's currently making, but the pay after promotion would almost TRIPLE our income!!!! And the best part is running a shop is his dream job!


I really, really want this to work out for us!

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Thank you so much everyone!!


I'm at the peds office challenging a med "allergy" for DD, but I'll update as soon as I get home and on a reg keyboard.


He has a job if he wants it.....BUT we have some reservations & concerns we need to ask about/address first. I'll detail them when I get home.

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Guest inoubliable

Um. I sent good juju your way AND chugged water last night to pee on a stick at your suggestion. So... could I get an update, please?

(And I really really really hope this is what you guys need/want. :) )

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So, here's the deal:


It wasn't even really an interview so much as a "this is what we're offering, let us know you're questions and what you decide" type thing. The guy told DH that he "presents himself well" :) But....we have some reservations and concerns. We spent a little while this evening making a list of questions. DH will call him back tomorrow to hopefully get some answers.


First of all, pay. Money is REALLY, REALLY tight right now. There is no way (especially with a new baby coming) that we could afford to take a pay cut of ANY kind. We knew based on the job listing that this was a base + bonus job. We also knew that the "average" base + bonus pay for the trainee position was about $3,000-$5,000/yr more than DH is currently making, but we didn't know what the base number actually was. As it turns out, there are are 3 base rates - level 1, level 2, and level 3. We feel pretty safe in assuming that DH is probably one of the most qualified people they've had apply for this position (most are probably auto techs looking to move up with no other experience) and therefore would probably fall in the level 3 category (though this is on our list of questions). However, even at level 3, the base rate is $6,000/yr less than he is currently making. We need some STRONG reassurance that the "average" number they threw out in the ad (and subsequently in the interview) is a confident and fairly accurate number. The bonus is based on the performance of your region.....we can't afford to be in a position where he doesn't make bonus regularly. (Bonuses are paid monthly at the end of the month following the month in which they were earned)


Second, schedule. He'd be working 7am - 6pm 5 days a week. Fine....except those 5 days rotate on a schedule and will include Saturdays as often as weekdays - even once promoted to manager. Sundays they are closed. This wouldn't bother me, except that all of DD5's gymnastics meets will be on weekends, all of DD12's softball tournaments are weekends, and all of DD12's show choir competitions are on weekends. I don't want to be doing all that by myself with 3 other children. I could also see the schedule posing a problem with DH's school. His classes all start at 5:30pm. We've put too much time and money into getting him to this degree to give up on it now. We need them to be able to accommodate that - even if it's a compromise where he is off at 5:30 and shows up 15min late to class.


Third, location. It sounds like he would be here in town for the training portion. Once he's completed the training he doesn't HAVE TO take the first manager position open, but in the meantime, he will be rotated among stores - wherever they need help. I want to know what that means. Is that here in town (we have 2 stores) or would that include travel to other locations? If it includes travel, is the mileage on us? Also, what are the chances he will be able to secure a management job here in town? How often do management positions open up? How long is the training process? If he'll be done with school by the time the training process is done and there isn't a local management position available within a reasonable amount of time, he might be able to secure another position with his new degree anyway and it won't matter.


I also want to know when and how vacation time is accrued - all we know is that it is offered. I want DH to at least be able to stay in the hospital with me when the baby is born.


The management position is DH's dream job and I really want this to work for him. I'm so NOT a risk taker and this all makes me VERY nervous, but it could also be a REALLY good thing for us if it all worked out. I just don't know how to make that call.


So.....that's the update :)

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Guest inoubliable

It sounds like you've got some good questions to ask. I hope you get some clear answers tomorrow! I think you've got a LOT going on right now, a LOT on your plate. This sounds like a good deal for your DH so long as the money situation is realistic and it doesn't interfere with his school - those seem to be the non-negotiable things. :grouphug:


Sending more good juju over.

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It sounds like you've got some good questions to ask. I hope you get some clear answers tomorrow! I think you've got a LOT going on right now, a LOT on your plate. This sounds like a good deal for your DH so long as the money situation is realistic and it doesn't interfere with his school - those seem to be the non-negotiable things. :grouphug:


Sending more good juju over.


LOL.....I kinda feel that way too. My head is swimming.

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