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Valentine Exchange!


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Guest 3 Angels & a Sammy

This sounds like so much fun. Could you sign us up too? Three girls ages 6, 8 & 10. A list of 25 sounds perfect. Thank you so much!

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Ok. At 6:00 p.m. EST, I am closing this down. I keep warning you all but I'm a sucker for worrying that some little kid isn't going to get any cards. But I cannot get a final count on the big list until I do shut 'er down.


So far we've got a big list of 60-70 and two small lists of 20-25.


The big list will definitely close tonight. All edits will hopefully be done tonight too. At least one of the the smaller lists should be done too.


What I can do for stragglers is hold people in reserve on another small list and see who we get. So don't outright panic if you missed this. I am worried I'm giving mamas heart attacks based upon some of my PMs.


And one more thing - if you have questions, ask them here. Last year's participants probably know the answers and my PM box is almost filled to the top. I don't want to delete stuff until I'm sure everything is good. :)

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We took part in a valentine swap last year, but I hadn't thought to look yet this year. My dd8 just asked me if she'd get to do it again this year, so I came to look. Unfortunately, I see you've closed out the list. If you have room for another, or if anyone else is interested in starting a new list, she'd love to participate!

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Ok. I am waiting on complete address information for three more moms for the last list. So if anyone else wants to jump in QUICKLY, go for it.


So far, we have had 117 kids participating this year. And I don't know how many moms that is. A LOT. That's about all I can say. lol


We will have four distinct lists floating around out there.


And I'm still looking for the St Petersburg, FL mom!!

FOUND HER!! Nevermind...


I cleared out my inbox as much as I could this afternoon. It was full again.

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The fourth list so far will be:













And two other moms who want to remain anonymous.


So if you are wondering where your list is and you are NOT on the above list, PM me so we can either find your list copy or make sure you are on this one!!

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A few more things...


I have tried like CRAZY to keep screenames and addresses seperate so no one knows who is who. Last year, I had two board members in a war over kilts or cupcakes or the ingredients of GS cookies or whatever strongly request that they not have to send to each other. <insert deep sigh here> We tried to accomodate them last year by going as anonymously as possible. I did the same this year, just in case there's a secret or not-so-secret board war brewing betweens mamas or factions or time zones or whatever. So you may indeed be sending a Valentine to the children of your arch enemy in another time zone but unless you know that arch enemy's address from a previous interaction; you should not know it now. Have a few chocolate-marshmallow hearts and keep quiet.


This new board has two mailing options; "invitation" which means everyone who gets the message can reply and see everything else or "copy" which seems to mean everyone gets one individual copy. I tried like crazy to always use copy but sometimes I forgot to change the format. I apologize. I know I at least once used the "invitation" option and a small group of people saw each others' names and addresses and screenames. I'm very sorry.


Invitation made a pure MESS. Then I didn't have to read one message, I had to scroll down through a sometimes 15 message long thread. Argh, mateys as one of our screenames made me think.


Between that and the cap of no more than six people on a message; I had a wee bit of a pileup between new people coming on, edits to information, and people flipping on and off different lists. Oh and my mailbox kept filling up. We're going straight to email next year!!


So one more time, if you do not have in your message box an email called something like, "Valentine List - one, two, or three" and you do NOT see your screename on the one post up, PM me immediately and we will find you or place you.



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Jen, seriously. You are simply amazing. Thanks again for your hard work on this. It is going to make so many kids happy on Valentine's Day.


One question: I was sent a "big list" part one and part two. Is that the end of the big list? Or will we still have more addresses coming?

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Just so I am sure, if I have 3 girls and we are mailing valentines to 2 boys, does that mean we put 2 valentines or 6 valentines in the envelope?




I think everyone does it differently, but we are sending each child his or her own envelope. For instance, both of my kids would make valentines for your 1st dd and we would put both in an envelope and address it to her. Then we would do the same for your second dd, and again for your third. That way the kiddos each get to open their own letter. :) Last year, though, people did it all different ways and they were all fine.

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The board is slow tonight so I'm going to try messaging tomorrow but if you have two boys from Carthage, TX on your lists - please remove them!!


And the board is putting a line through everything I write! Cool! :laugh:


Your strikethru confuses me! :D This is on the "big list," right?

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All of ours are out too and I sent Valentines to every single kid. :)


They have started to roll in here too and my kids are thrilled when they go to the mailbox. Feel free to post how you are giving them to your kids.


I save them for the actual day and on that morning, they get to go to their boxes and pull them all out. Then they get their presents from Dad and I. The kids will then spend the day stuffing them back into the box and taking them back out and looking at them all over again. DS will count his carefully and DD will scream happily about all the friends she has. :laugh:

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All of ours are out too and I sent Valentines to every single kid. :)


They have started to roll in here too and my kids are thrilled when they go to the mailbox. Feel free to post how you are giving them to your kids.


I save them for the actual day and on that morning, they get to go to their boxes and pull them all out. Then they get their presents from Dad and I. The kids will then spend the day stuffing them back into the box and taking them back out and looking at them all over again. DS will count his carefully and DD will scream happily about all the friends she has. :laugh:


Ours were finished today and ready to go. They'll go out on Monday when I get stamps.


I do the same thing, Jennifer. I hide them as they come in and then they get to open them all on Valentines Day. They love it!!!


That is so awesome that you sent one to everyone! I bet that was a lot of addresses to write out. :)

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