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I am freezing! What's your temperature?


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28 degrees here and I'm FREEZING. Not exactly the picture everyone has of AZ ;)


Unfortunately, the apartment is so poorly insulated I can't get warm anywhere. In fact, I can see the curtains ruffling from the breeze coming through the closed door. Thankfully we're moving soon, or I'd have to put up plastic over the windows or something.


For the moment, I just. can't. get. warm.

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Here at my office in Houston, it's 39*F with the windchill and rain. It's actually a little chillier at home, which is unusual since we're near the water and usually it's warmer there than here in town. I'm just thankful we have NO freezing temps forcasted right now.

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It's about 30 here right now. I am in northern Colorado. With the breeze though, it is very chilly. And this is the warmest day we have had in about a week. Yesterday it was less than 20 and was only about 10 the day before that. It got down to 4 last night and we are expecting the same tonight.

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The mornings have been around 40, the daytime high around 55. That's cold for here (desert) - I prefer around 65-70. I hear it's going to be 65 by this weekend - I'm ready! We spend most of our days on our outdoor furniture, and although we have heat lamps and a fire pit, it's just not the same.


All our company from the midwest & Buffalo seems to have enjoyed it, though! :)

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28 degrees here and I'm FREEZING. Not exactly the picture everyone has of AZ ;)


Unfortunately, the apartment is so poorly insulated I can't get warm anywhere. In fact, I can see the curtains ruffling from the breeze coming through the closed door.

Yikes! Our visiting friend from AZ found CA cold, and that's when the temp was 60F.


But you brought up a good point about insulation. Many of the houses here (Bay Area, CA) were built for moderate climates, and the insulation is poor. So that's why we complain even though our temperatures are a good 20+ F higher than other parts of the US. :) Also, by mid-day, it's warmer outside the house than inside the house.

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28 degrees here and I'm FREEZING. Not exactly the picture everyone has of AZ ;)


Unfortunately, the apartment is so poorly insulated I can't get warm anywhere. In fact, I can see the curtains ruffling from the breeze coming through the closed door. Thankfully we're moving soon, or I'd have to put up plastic over the windows or something.


For the moment, I just. can't. get. warm.



It's 28F here today, too, and I was just thinking how warm it feels :D It's been so very cold since October. My husband and daughter, crazy people that they are went skating on Christmas day in -24F weather :o I miss AZ.

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It was -17*F here last night. My furnace couldn't keep up, and it was 55* in the house when I woke up. I brought the kids out for their ski lesson; the high was 19*F. We got home this evening and the house had only warmed up to 60*. Blech. I just turned on the backup oil furnace to get the temperature back up.

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I am hot hot hot. And I was in one of the cooler parts of the state. It topped 41 C today here that is close to 106 F Some places in the next state were 47 C that is nearly 117 F.

Let me tell you that in Aus anything over 40 C is considered hot by everyone. It is like stepping into a furnace, extremely dry and intensely hot, everything outside gets very crispy. We have had no electricity of most of the day, and now only have one phase. Fortunately we don't have any fires near us, but some people in other states have not been so fortunate.

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Yikes! Our visiting friend from AZ found CA cold, and that's when the temp was 60F.


But you brought up a good point about insulation. Many of the houses here (Bay Area, CA) were built for moderate climates, and the insulation is poor. So that's why we complain even though our temperatures are a good 20+ F higher than other parts of the US. :) Also, by mid-day, it's warmer outside the house than inside the house.


Your friend must be from the Valley somewhere. 60 sounds divine to me. Can I come visit too? ;)

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