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How far in your pregnancy do you travel?

Teresa in MO

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my dd and her family are traveling to our house this weekend so we can celebrate Christmas. She is 33 1/2 weeks pregnant with her 3rd. It is a 4 to 4 1/2 hour drive one way. Her doctor said not to travel the last 5-6 weeks. She is fine with it, I am a little nervous for her. How far in your pregnancy would you travel that far?

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For flying (international flight), it would be by 36 weeks pregnancy on your country's national carrier. For driving, as long as medical facilities are near along the route, I won't be worried. I would be worried if the pregnant person is having pregnancy induced high blood pressure or gestational diabetes. Ultimately it is your daughter's choice as she would know how safe it is for her pregnancy.

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When I was pregnant with DD, I traveled 4 hours to my niece's wedding when I was 33.5 weeks. DD was born 1 week later when I was 34.5 weeks (no indication that she was coming early). DD was transferred to a large Children's hospital after she was born, needed surgery and was in the NICU for 11 days. I was pretty freaked out that that could have happened while we were traveling.


When I was pregnant with DS I didn't get more than about 30 miles away from the hospital where I was delivering after about 28 weeks. :tongue_smilie:

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Ultimately it is your daughter's choice as she would know how safe it is for her pregnancy.


Absolutely it is her choice and I am thrilled they are coming!!! I guess its just the mother in me that worries. I have not said anything to her except to let her know they do not have to come if she gets to feel it would be too much for her. She has a 2 yo and 3 yo dd's. I let her know that if for any reason she feels like it would be better to stay home, I would not be upset. She just got over a bad cold that left her with a cough for over three weeks. She is pretty worn out. I decided long ago that I would never be the mother that pressure my kids to come home on any certain date and I have stuck to that. They all know that they are welcomed here at any time that they are able to make it. My mom was very adamant that we go to her house on certain dates, mainly all holidays and I was determined I was not going to do that to my kids. My dd and her dh said from the beginning that it was important to them that their dc wake up at their house on Christmas morning, so I know they will never be here on Christmas. I completely support and respect that decision. So if we don't get together until January or even February, that is okay.

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When I was pregnant with DD, I traveled 4 hours to my niece's wedding when I was 33.5 weeks. DD was born 1 week later when I was 34.5 weeks (no indication that she was coming early). DD was transferred to a large Children's hospital after she was born, needed surgery and was in the NICU for 11 days. I was pretty freaked out that that could have happened while we were traveling.


When I was pregnant with DS I didn't get more than about 30 miles away from the hospital where I was delivering after about 28 weeks. :tongue_smilie:


she has delivered both her dd's at exactly 38 weeks.

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With my last I travelled from Florida to DC at almost 33 weeks. I wound up going to the hospital the day we were supposed to drive home to get checked because I didn't feel well. My ds was born within an hour and a half. A very stressful two weeks in the PICU (with dh and the others back home in Florida). Wouldn't make that mistake again!


None of my others were early.

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I am almost 29 weeks now. I am flying to Florida in 4 weeks when I'll be 33 weeks. My doctor said all travel is okay up to 36 weeks. When I was pregnant with dd 7 we had a trip scheduled when I was right at 36 weeks (company incentive trip that we didn't have control over dates). She suggested I not go because there was a chance of going on to labor. She said flying wasn't dangerous and wouldn't cause me to go in to labor but there was a chance I would deliver in Florida. Because it was so far away from home (Texas) dh took his dad instead. I went in to labor about 10 days after he was home from the trip so I probably would have been safe but since I was huge and uncomfortable and didn't get off the couch the entire 4 days he was gone I didn't regret staying home.


If I were your daughter I wouldn't be concerned about driving to see you at all. In the unlikely event she went in to labor there's family around and driving with a newborn is not as big of an issue as flying.




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I've always wondered about travel recommendations. I mean, you can go into labor at 22ish weeks and have a baby survive. However, it would be a heck of a lot worse to be out of town and deliver a micro preemie than it would to go into labor somewhere random with a 35-37 weeker. I was nervous to travel with one of my babies because I had a midwife I loved. However, with the rest, I wasn't that crazy about the ob and there was a large chance they wouldn't be the one to deliver anyways with their call schedule.

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I would fly someplace up to 30 weeks or so....but long car rides are out after 20 weeks or so for me. I won't go more than an hour out from a decent hospital.


You never know when you might have a preemie....I delivered my baby last month at 33 weeks...all of my other babies had been term. She had the full NICU team working on her in the delivery room and just got home after a month in the hospital.

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We moved out of state when I was pregnant with dd. My husband's insurance didn't kick in until I was about 3-4 weeks from delivering. I continued driving 5 hours to my old doctor for appointments until it kicked in. So, not only was I traveling, but I had moved and was living that 5 hours away!

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Travel means different things to different people. I wouldn't even think twice about driving four hours to visit family at 33 weeks if I were living in a developed country. I wouldn't even consider that travelling.


Absolutely. I wouldn't give it a second thought, as long as I was feeling up to it and didn't have any serious health issues like high blood pressure etc.


My babies have not made an appearance until 41+ weeks, though, and I have had very easy, comfortable pregnancies.

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