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Do you have many duplicate names in your extended family?


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My side isn't bad but dh's is pretty bad.


His mother's maiden name was Williams and her and 3 of his sisters all married guys named William and they all 4 had sons they named William so we have her brothers all with the last name of Williams, 4 Uncles Bills and 4 Billies or Bill Jrs. Then there is Louie, Little Louie and our son Louis.


My son's bio dad is named Louis and our son was a Louis Jr in bio family BUT he also has an older brother who is named Louis who is also Louis Jr........yes, bio dad named 2 of his sons Louis Jr.


Friends of mine have all 3 sisters married to guys named Eric and one has a son Eric.....who is now engaged to Emily (same name as his sister).


Just wondering how common this is?

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In Dh's family, yes. There are five children in his family - 4 boys and 1 girl. The oldest brother married Kristin. The 3rd brother married Christa. Dh married me - Kristen. Their sister is Christine. Then, of our children "Anna" is a common theme - JoAnna, Annalena, Annabeth, Anna.

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Wow....I can't imagine THAT situation.


We have normal-ish duplications like:


My great grandfather and uncle both have the same name. My mom's middle name is the same with a Y at the end (no, it is not really a name).

My grandfather, uncle, and uncle's son all have the same name; but that is pretty normal. Only thing abnormal about it is that the uncle with grandfather's name was the 3rd kid, not the first.


We don't have many duplicates and those we have are distant enough that no one notices.


I did plan on using a certain name but my aunt (married to uncle up above) used it so I didn't...

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We've got some duplicates in my family. I come from a big family and everybody had two children to five children. Now those nieces and nephews are having children. When we all get together there are about 60 of us (we are about to welcome two new additions in early 2013). We've got three Joshuas, two Stephanies, two Mikes, three Johns and two Pauls. The funniest thing is that my two oldest sisters each had one boy and one girl. Those cousins grew up very close to each other. One of the girls married a guy named Earl and the other married a guy named Merle. Of the two boys, one married a girl named Stacey and the other married a girl named Tracey. LOL! They are always hanging out together and I think it is so funny. I'm always calling the spouses the wrong names by accident. Oh and we've got a Sean and a Shane too. So that's a near duplicate.

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No duplicates. Only vague similarities. My late grandmother, my aunt and my daughter all have names that come from the root Mary, but each of them came through a different branch of the Indo-European language tree so none of them are similar enough to confuse (& none of them are actually Mary).

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We have a boatload of Davids. Just about every family unit has one, if not by birth, then by marrying into the family. Marks are pretty thick on the ground, too. Which means we have a lot of David - Mark brothers.


Kokotg's post reminded me of being in Irish Dance, which is heavily Catholic. If we didn't know a female's name, we figured we had a good chance if we guessed "Mary", which was followed in popularity by some permutation of "Katherine".

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My side of the family is pretty good about not duplicating names. We make sure that the name has not been used for awhile. In fact, I can't think of any duplicates and I've got a large extended family -- 13 cousins who mostly have 3-4 kids each.


Dh's side of the family isn't as strict about it. He has 2 cousins with the same name and several uncle/cousin Sr, Jr pairs. But the best is his sister married a man with the same name as my DH. AND... her ex's brother had the same name. So my nephew (from that previous marriage) has 2 Uncles and a stepfather all with the same name.

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