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What's on your Christmas menu?


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Christmas Eve: Ribs, roasted potatoes, steamed broccoli with shaved parm, dinner rolls, big green salad and all the cookies and junk food the neighbors have brought to us.


Christmas Breakfast: Orange cinnamon rolls, scrambled eggs, turkey smokies or turkey bacon


Christmas Dinner: Tri-Tip roast, another big salad, BBQ slathered sourdough bread.


Amber in SJ

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This is our first Christmas where we haven't been with extended family. We didn't really get a sit down Thanksgiving meal this year because we drove to NC on Thanksgiving day to visit family and arrived late in the evening (they had Thanksgiving at noon). So, we are having....


Turkey (already brining) and gravy

Cornbread and sausage stuffing

Mashed potatoes

Greens of some kind

Maybe some home-made rolls if I feel like making them tomorrow


I have a lot of it pre-made like all the ingredients for the stuffing. I am making the gravy complete with hard boiled eggs just like DH's mom used to make. She passed away just before Christmas 13 years ago.

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I love love thanksgiving day food...do we repeated it for Christmas lol

Fried turkey


Beef medallions

Sweet potato casserole

Mashed potatoes

Green bean casserole

corn casserole



Wine, iced tea, soda, juice


Pecan pie

Cheery pie

Cookies (sugar and chocolate chip)

Peach cobbler



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Breakfast is bagels.


After that, it'll be snacks until dinner. I've laid in chips, dip (for my husband), crackers, hummus, some nice olives and a loaf of good bread.


We dithered a bit on the dinner plan this year. Our usual routine is to do one slightly more traditional (although vegan) menu on Thanksgiving and then have a Indian-inspired feast on Christmas day. This year, though, we weren't home on Thanksgiving and had our dinner that day at a nice Indian restaurant. So, the plan was to do our "traditional" Thanksgiving meal on Christmas, instead. When we talked about the grocery list the other day, though, there was general agreement that we'd all prefer to have Indian stuff again.


As a result, our Christmas day dinner will be:


Vegetable samosas (I cheated and bought frozen this year.)

Channa masala

Onion chutney

Mint chutney


Basmati rice


I will possibly add either curried potatoes or puri, because I'm being lobbied by one kid for one and the other kid for the other. I'm hoping to avoid having to make both.


The chickpeas are going in the crockpot tonight, and I'm making the onion chutney ahead, too. The rest won't be difficult to pull together tomorrow after we finish with presents.

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Christmas picnic at the park:

Dips and spreads with fancy bread

cold chicken tika masala cooked yesterday

Fresh cherries and strawberries and cherry tomatoes and avacado

mince meat pies

Cheese course


Frisbee and swimming at the beach! And NO clean up!


Ruth in NZ

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Here's mine:


Prime Rib

Roasted Veggies

Lettuce Salad


Waldorf Salad


(maybe dessert)


Simple. Thanksgiving is a 2-day marathon of prepping, baking, etc as much in advance so that on Thursday there is less to do. Christmas meal planning has always been less hectic to prepare. In fact, it will only take about 2 hours to prep. The oven does the rest! :D JOY!!!


Prime rib and roast veggies! I want to spend Christmas with you. My roasts are always dry and my veggies burn. Tips?

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We live several hours from all of our family, so it's not a day trip, and we prefer to have people come to us for Christmas. My mom and MIL both do big TG dinners (and we travel to their houses for that, as they live in the same town). My ILs are here for Christmas this year, and what MIL and I realized is that if we cook a big dinner, she and I have a much harder time enjoying seeing the children play with their gifts. So we have opted for more casual food and a more relaxing day.


Last night we had chili (DH's request), and today is "eat what you want, when you want it, and just have fun." We have:

cranberry bread

sticky buns

sausage and ham

more chili

spinach artichoke dip

rolls and sandwich fixings

pasta salad

cheese balls and crackers

cake and lots of cookies

root beer from a local place


The best part is that I made it all yesterday or Sunday so all I have to do today is cook the breakfast meat (which DH will do) and heat the spinach artichoke dip. (I wrapped everything early too. I'm normally a last-minute person, but I could get behind this prep-early stuff!)


We don't generally do a lot of grains or sugas, so it's fun to indulge once in a while. I totally love the PP who said that she buys sugary cereal for her kids -- genius, and I may have to steal that next year, because my kids would love it!

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Christmas picnic at the park:

Dips and spreads with fancy bread

cold chicken tika masala cooked yesterday

Fresh cherries and strawberries and cherry tomatoes and avacado

mince meat pies

Cheese course


Frisbee and swimming at the beach! And NO clean up!


Ruth in NZ


That sounds delicious and SO fun! As a Christian, I normally appreciate the symbolic celebrating of the Light of the World at the darkest and coldest time of the year, but a picnic, frisbee, and swimming sounds like a wonderful way to celebrate the Greatest Gift too! I love reading about other people's traditions!

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Instead of me being in the kitchen all day cooking a meal that people pick at and having weeks worth of leftovers that go to waste we decided to do holiday dinner's different this year. Thanksgiving the boys had Costco huge pizzas and we had grilled tri-tip.


Christmas Eve: Crockpot chicken and dumplings

Christmas Morning: Cinnamon roll tree

Christmas dinner: Costco pizzas for the boys (their request) and hamburgers and hot dogs on the grill. (Dh's request) We made cookies, cake and cheeseball last night so we're good on munchies.


I remember all the years of Mom slaving away in the kitchen and being exhausted. I figure now we'll just do what feels right every year now that we don't have extended family that expects a huge to do.

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baked apples

mashed potatoes

green bean casserole



carrot cake


Really simple menu this year. I cooked the ham in the crockpot with brown sugar. It turned out moist and yummy. Fixed the mashed potatoes early and put those in another crockpot. Everything came together nicely. We have this Christmas Eve then eat leftovers on Christmas Day.


Christmas morning, we had scones (King Arthur Flour recipe that sits in the freezer overnight). I have cheese and cracker type appetizers to munch on throughout the day and I might make a loaf a bread in the bread machine later.

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Christmas Day is my middle child's sixteenth birthday, so...since recently declared he's vegetarian, but doesn't really like vegetables (LOL) we're having a vegetarian lasagne recipe that I've never made before. It's spinach and cheese-sounds good, so I hope it turns out OK. Plus Brie en croute (my Christmas present from 2 of them-yum! and a white birthday cake with chocolate frosting.

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Here's mine:


Prime Rib

Roasted Veggies

Lettuce Salad


Waldorf Salad


(maybe dessert)


Simple. Thanksgiving is a 2-day marathon of prepping, baking, etc as much in advance so that on Thursday there is less to do. Christmas meal planning has always been less hectic to prepare. In fact, it will only take about 2 hours to prep. The oven does the rest! :D JOY!!!




Very similar:

Prime Rib

Fresh Green Beans

Green Salad

Scalloped Potatoes



Last night we had pizza and desserts - it's a tradition!

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