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My baby girl is in the ER--without me

La Condessa

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I know that it makes more sense for my husband to take her, and me to be here with the other two in case the baby wakes up hungry. I know that. But my baby girl is hurting, and I'm not there with her.


She slipped and hit her head a few hours ago, and seemed okay afterwards. But then she was having an unusually difficult time going to bed and started crying, and I was just thinking that something was not quite right with the way she was acting and maybe we should take her in when she puked all over me. My poor little girl.

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Hugs to you. You did the right thing by having her looked at. What you did (having dh take her while you stay with your others) makes complete sense but does not make it easier on Mom. Trust that dh is taking excellent care of your dd. You will be able to give dd extra love when she returns home.

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:grouphug: I've BTDT with my older boy. I started frantically cleaning the house to deal with my stress. Once I got the house clean I was starting to call around for babysitters so I could join them at the ER (at 10pm). But then dh called to say they were on the way home and I could relax again.


How is she doing today?

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Thank you all. She is okay now. She had a mild concussion, but is totally fine now. (I keep wanting her to rest and take it easy, and she wants to jump on the beds and run around with her sister. So I'm making an exception and letting them watch movies in the morning today to get her to hold still.)

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