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Migraine misery


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Is there anything to be done? I haven't had one in over 3 years so I don't remember what I did for them before. The come so infrequently. I think I've had 6 in my lifetime. Usually they are brought on by stress. But I don't have any real stress right now. No immediate money problems, no school happening right now, the house is not a flaming disaster. I was making my bed and, Wham!


If I call the doctor it will be 3 days before I can get in. It will be gone in 3 days. It will be a miserable 3 days though. Then I'll get a 'script for a med I might not need for another 3 years. (Which didn't actually work last time.)


So what can I do to relieve this? Accupressure somewhere? A good OTC drug cocktail? Any suggestions?

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I'd get some caffine and at least 600mg of Ibuprofin along with some magnesium in me. Then try to sleep it off. Repeat as required.

Sorry you have a migraine. If you have a ride and insurance, the ER can hook you up with a cocktail of medicine that should break your migraine. I usually go if mine lasts more than 3 days or if I've had too many in a row and just don't have the will to endure another one.

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Migraines are miserable


I agree with the caffeine recommendations. I usually take a HEFTY dose of Excedrin. Next, turn off your computer and close your eyes. Try to get somewhere dark. Cover your eyes with a mask if you can. Try to block out as much sound as possible, too. And then...sleep, if you can. If you have a sleep aid, even if it's over the counter, take it.


Feel better!

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I'd get some caffine and at least 600mg of Ibuprofin along with some magnesium in me. Then try to sleep it off. Repeat as required.

Sorry you have a migraine. If you have a ride and insurance, the ER can hook you up with a cocktail of medicine that should break your migraine. I usually go if mine lasts more than 3 days or if I've had too many in a row and just don't have the will to endure another one.


I agree with Karen, except I'd also add some Tylenol. Tylenol and Ibuprofen are ok to take together. Magnesium should take the edge off.

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I'd get some caffine and at least 600mg of Ibuprofin along with some magnesium in me. Then try to sleep it off. Repeat as required.

Sorry you have a migraine. If you have a ride and insurance, the ER can hook you up with a cocktail of medicine that should break your migraine. I usually go if mine lasts more than 3 days or if I've had too many in a row and just don't have the will to endure another one.

I'm afraid I'm going to have to go with something stronger than tea. I've sent dh out for a mocha latte from Tim Hortons. Maybe the chocolate and coffee will help. Thanks for the suggestion.


I'm not sure about the ER. I'm not over the last fiasco that I had to deal with over my allergy. That wlll be an absolute last resort.

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Imitrex is the only thing that works for me. If you can't get good meds though I'd try Excedrin Migraine. Going to the Chiropractor and getting an adjustment and spending time on the muscle stim machine works too! Hope you feel better soon!

That is the stuff I had a prescription for - Imitrex. It was expensive and did nothing. Although that was the last time I've had on in 3 years.

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Migraines are miserable


I agree with the caffeine recommendations. I usually take a HEFTY dose of Excedrin. Next, turn off your computer and close your eyes. Try to get somewhere dark. Cover your eyes with a mask if you can. Try to block out as much sound as possible, too. And then...sleep, if you can. If you have a sleep aid, even if it's over the counter, take it.


Feel better!

I just can't mess up my sleep cycle. With my insomnia taking a nap in the middle of the day will take weeks to re-regulate.


Sometimes it sucks being me.

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I'm afraid I'm going to have to go with something stronger than tea. I've sent dh out for a mocha latte from Tim Hortons. Maybe the chocolate and coffee will help. Thanks for the suggestion.


I'm not sure about the ER. I'm not over the last fiasco that I had to deal with over my allergy. That wlll be an absolute last resort.


I have found that ERs are generally better at treating pain than they are allergies. Although it is always a crap shoot as to what kind of a doctor you will get. I used to fear getting labeled as "drug seeking," but I really only go there maybe once every couple of years for a migraine and never demand opiates so I figure that while I am technically drug-seeking, it isn't the kind of thing they're trying to stop.


Good call on the mocha - tea isn't a treatment for anything :ack2:


Feel better. ANd turn off the computer and sleep

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Is there anything to be done? I haven't had one in over 3 years so I don't remember what I did for them before. The come so infrequently. I think I've had 6 in my lifetime. Usually they are brought on by stress. But I don't have any real stress right now. No immediate money problems, no school happening right now, the house is not a flaming disaster. I was making my bed and, Wham!


If I call the doctor it will be 3 days before I can get in. It will be gone in 3 days. It will be a miserable 3 days though. Then I'll get a 'script for a med I might not need for another 3 years. (Which didn't actually work last time.)


So what can I do to relieve this? Accupressure somewhere? A good OTC drug cocktail? Any suggestions?



When I've had them, I drank heavy duty caffeine (when I could keep it down) and used Advil Migraine. It's always worked, but there was that one time that I threw up for 12 hours, off an on. That was a day in bed, basically. But that only happened once.


Anything can bring it on. Weather change, hormonal change, a food you don't typically eat. Sorry this happened to you and I hope you find relief!

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I have found that ERs are generally better at treating pain than they are allergies. Although it is always a crap shoot as to what kind of a doctor you will get. I used to fear getting labeled as "drug seeking," but I really only go there maybe once every couple of years for a migraine and never demand opiates so I figure that while I am technically drug-seeking, it isn't the kind of thing they're trying to stop.


Good call on the mocha - tea isn't a treatment for anything :ack2:


Feel better. ANd turn off the computer and sleep


The tea is actually calming the nausea.


Dh stopped at tractor supply.


I'd either read a book or read the forums. I can't go to sleep in the middle of the day with my sleep disorder. That would mess things up worse than the migraine.

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When I've had them, I drank heavy duty caffeine (when I could keep it down) and used Advil Migraine. It's always worked, but there was that one time that I threw up for 12 hours, off an on. That was a day in bed, basically. But that only happened once.


Anything can bring it on. Weather change, hormonal change, a food you don't typically eat. Sorry this happened to you and I hope you find relief!


Oh, dear! The nausea is bad enough. To have to actually toss cookies with this kind of head is one sadistic joke.

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Migraines are miserable


I agree with the caffeine recommendations. I usually take a HEFTY dose of Excedrin. Next, turn off your computer and close your eyes. Try to get somewhere dark. Cover your eyes with a mask if you can. Try to block out as much sound as possible, too. And then...sleep, if you can. If you have a sleep aid, even if it's over the counter, take it.


Feel better!


Yes-Excedrin is amazing and the only thing that saves me. Better than Vicodin!

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Well along with some kind of pain relief you could try some sort of traction for your neck. I'm trying to think of how else you'd do it....but I know if you take two tennis balls and tape them together you can lie on them and rock your neck around and it relieves pressure.


Or if you have someone that can do that to your neck while you lie down with your head in their lap it can be incredibly relieving. How do you explain how to do that?.....you sort of massage the neck region while pulling a bit like you are trying to pull your head off. LOL not really, but I'm trying to put it in to words.



Oh here this shows it. It's not rocket science. I've done it for plenty of people. I'm sure there is a point you could hurt someone if you don't know what you're doing but it's not lilke you are going to start by using all of your force.
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Well along with some kind of pain relief you could try some sort of traction for your neck. I'm trying to think of how else you'd do it....but I know if you take two tennis balls and tape them together you can lie on them and rock your neck around and it relieves pressure.


Or if you have someone that can do that to your neck while you lie down with your head in their lap it can be incredibly relieving. How do you explain how to do that?.....you sort of massage the neck region while pulling a bit like you are trying to pull your head off. LOL not really, but I'm trying to put it in to words.


Oh here this shows it. It's not rocket science. I've done it for plenty of people. I'm sure there is a point you could hurt someone if you don't know what you're doing but it's not lilke you are going to start by using all of your force.


Thank you.


I'll try to get dd to do that for me when she gets home. If I ask dh to do it he would pull my head off.

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In addition to the caffeine and pain medicine, make sure you eat something, preferably something with protein in it. I know it sounds stupid, but sometimes I get a migraine when I forget to eat, and while eating doesn't take the migraine completely away, it can help a lot if that was part of the original trigger.


I hope you feel better soon -- I get multi-day migraines, too, and in addition to being very painful (and nauseating,) they are also tremendously depressing.



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In addition to the caffeine and pain medicine, make sure you eat something, preferably something with protein in it. I know it sounds stupid, but sometimes I get a migraine when I forget to eat, and while eating doesn't take the migraine completely away, it can help a lot if that was part of the original trigger.


I hope you feel better soon -- I get multi-day migraines, too, and in addition to being very painful (and nauseating,) they are also tremendously depressing.



Well, I'm eating chocolate candies. Does that count?


I had broccoli fritatta and English muffin a couple hours ago so I'm not really hungry. I'll have dh make me some scrambled eggs in a bit. If he ever gets home.

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I know you don't want to mess up your sleep cycle, but if it is still bad this evening, or if it gets bad enough before then, crush up a Dramamine - regular, NOT non drowsy - and stir it into a small cup of water or juice and drink it. This will both help settle your stomach and knock you out so you can sleep it off. This is the only thing short of prescription meds that will work for ds9. He gets terrible migraines with vomiting, poor guy. Fortunately he doesn't get them often.

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I've never tried Excedrin, but that Vicodin stuff is pretty useless. I have some left from a surgery last year. Just makes you feel heavy like cold medicine.

I took it a couple times when I had oral surgery. Then I had a reaction. All I remember is the sleepiness. Dh has some left over from his surgery last week. If I wasn't allergic I'd have already tried some.

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Haven't found anything that really works for me yet, besides chiro as a preventative. (But we can't really do that now.) Been dealing with them for years and I get them ... well, it's fairly often and usually a three-day ordeal. And it's horrible. I hope you feel better soon.

I'm so sorry. I can't imagine having to deal with this more than once every couple of years.

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I just remembered something to try. Move your lower jaw forward slightly, like you're a bulldog. Do it several times over the course of the next hour or so and see if that helps. Helps my mom.

OMGness! That helps. It is like the accupressure point on the skin between ones index finger and thumb.


But when I stop the jaw thing it hurts worse for a few minutes. I'd have to hold that position continuously. I wonder if my face will freeze like this.

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Usually i get warning signs...I see the 'aura'...dots, flashes, whirling whatever- and that is my cue to take a blend of Excedrin Migraine (Aspirin, Tylenol & Caffiene). I've never tried anything stronger, just basically driven to bed & rest until it passes- once it was 2 days, but usually if I rest in 4-5 hours it will ease up.


Anyway- my point, Get Away from your Computer! :) You don't have to sleep, but don't read or watch tv or be at a screen. At least for me, a true migraine will beg you to close your eyes and be in the dark. For me, a dark room almost calls me :)

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I'd get some caffine and at least 600mg of Ibuprofin along with some magnesium in me. Then try to sleep it off. Repeat as required.

Sorry you have a migraine. If you have a ride and insurance, the ER can hook you up with a cocktail of medicine that should break your migraine. I usually go if mine lasts more than 3 days or if I've had too many in a row and just don't have the will to endure another one.

:iagree: Also, if you can get your hands on some peppermint oil, (essential oil, not the baking extract) rub a drop or two on your temples, or wherever your pain is. (Mine is usually just above my ears.) Be very careful not to get peppermint oil anywhere near your eyes! I usually wrap ice packs around my head, use the peppermint oil, and dose up with ibuprofen, then lie down in a very dark, quiet room. I find that if I can sleep off the worst of the pain, it breaks the nausea cycle.


I am so sorry. Migraines stink!! :grouphug:

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OMGness! That helps. It is like the accupressure point on the skin between ones index finger and thumb.


But when I stop the jaw thing it hurts worse for a few minutes. I'd have to hold that position continuously. I wonder if my face will freeze like this.


We'll still love you if it does.


Mom says not to hold it continuously but to move it back and forth periodically. But she doesn't have rebound pain like you're describing. Do what works for you.

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Ugh, I hope it goes away soon. Last week, I was absolutely fine, and then we stopped for dinner somewhere that must've used some MSG. Within 30 min., I knew I was in for a horrible, ugly migraine. It almost sent me to the hospital it got so bad.


Drink a lot of water, lower the lights, Excedrin for sure, slow, deep breathing. When you see your Dr. next, maybe mention that you get infrequent migraines that sometimes need something stronger than OTC stuff, but you don't want narcotics. Migraine meds are such a personal thing. Imitrex did nothing for me at all. It was like I'd swallowed a TicTac. I tried several others before I found Zomig. It works for me 95 percent of the time, within an hour.


Hope you have relief soon!

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:iagree: Also, if you can get your hands on some peppermint oil, (essential oil, not the baking extract) rub a drop or two on your temples, or wherever your pain is. (Mine is usually just above my ears.) Be very careful not to get peppermint oil anywhere near your eyes! I usually wrap ice packs around my head, use the peppermint oil, and dose up with ibuprofen, then lie down in a very dark, quiet room. I find that if I can sleep off the worst of the pain, it breaks the nausea cycle.


I am so sorry. Migraines stink!! :grouphug:



There is a fabulous little product called "Migrastick" that has peppermint oil and eucalyptus etc...you get the fragrance, but also the cooling sensation on your skin- it is AMAZING and has really helped to relieve tension & sinus headaches when used at the first sign. I have one in my purse at all times. :) Amazon has it, but Whole Foods etc does too :)



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Usually i get warning signs...I see the 'aura'...dots, flashes, whirling whatever- and that is my cue to take a blend of Excedrin Migraine (Aspirin, Tylenol & Caffiene). I've never tried anything stronger, just basically driven to bed & rest until it passes- once it was 2 days, but usually if I rest in 4-5 hours it will ease up.


Get Away from your Computer! :) You don't have to sleep, but don't read or watch tv or be at a screen. At least for me, a true migraine will beg you to close your eyes and be in the dark. For me, a dark room almost calls me :)

I found out last week that the squiggles I see occasionally are optic migraines. I had no idea. I told my mom about it after the first one and she said it was caused by stress. So I learned to deep breath my way out of it. I'll get them 5 or 6 times a year without any head pain.


I had squiggles two evenings ago and told my friend (who told me what they are) that I ought to monitor them in the future.


Now I wonder if the optic migraine two evenings ago was a precursor to this. How close do your auras come to the migraine?


If I get off the computer I'll go to sleep. Yes, my eyes are begging to close. It is getting to the point that I may have to say the heck with the sleep schedule. (That will be a nightmare to deal with.)

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There is a fabulous little product called "Migrastick" that has peppermint oil and eucalyptus etc...you get the fragrance, but also the cooling sensation on your skin- it is AMAZING and has really helped to relieve tension & sinus headaches when used at the first sign. I have one in my purse at all times. :) Amazon has it, but Whole Foods etc does too :)



Ordering it now.

I paid for one day shipping. It will be here tomorrow. Thank you very much.

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There is a fabulous little product called "Migrastick" that has peppermint oil and eucalyptus etc...you get the fragrance, but also the cooling sensation on your skin- it is AMAZING and has really helped to relieve tension & sinus headaches when used at the first sign. I have one in my purse at all times. :) Amazon has it, but Whole Foods etc does too :)




Good idea! My drug store stocks these, so Chucki, have your dh check your local pharmacy!


Feel better soon!

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You can get magnesium at any drug store or target or even grocery store. It's best to use chelated magnesium or magnesium glycinate. Not the cheapest stuff, the citrate, or your stomach will be really upset. It's also used as a preventative, up to 300mg per day to help prevent them. It might make you sleepy.

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You can get magnesium at any drug store or target or even grocery store. It's best to use chelated magnesium or magnesium glycinate. Not the cheapest stuff, the citrate, or your stomach will be really upset. It's also used as a preventative, up to 300mg per day to help prevent them. It might make you sleepy.

Thank you.

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You should take 2 Benadryl along with the excedrin. It sounds crazy, but It helps me tremendously. An ice pack wll also help with pain while you give the medicine time to work.

Due to my weirdness I can only take one Benedryl at a time or I end up hyper. I can't use ice either due to my cold urticaria. I did find that holding my hot coffee cup to my head helped. I wish I had two cups - one for each side.

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I had two fall semesters where I struggled migraines for months at a time. It was miserable, so I feel for you! Imitrex did squat for me as well, and what helped depended on the trigger.


Peppermint oil is a lifesaver. Have someone rub that on your neck and temples. A hot compress (I use a rice bag), on my head and or neck would help, too. My mom and I both notice that if our feet get cold that can trigger a migraine. Mine always seemed to originate in my neck, so YMMV on some of these, but I hope they help!

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I had two fall semesters where I struggled migraines for months at a time. It was miserable, so I feel for you! Imitrex did squat for me as well, and what helped depended on the trigger.


Peppermint oil is a lifesaver. Have someone rub that on your neck and temples. A hot compress (I use a rice bag), on my head and or neck would help, too. My mom and I both notice that if our feet get cold that can trigger a migraine. Mine always seemed to originate in my neck, so YMMV on some of these, but I hope they help!


Thankls. Heat does seem to help.


Right now I just want to go to bed.


The caffeine did seem to help.

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