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Mine never really did. She got it from some ladies at church (sweet women!) and just dressed it up a few times.

I would say, in general, many girls give up dolls around age 12 or younger. AG dolls seem a little different, but I'm talking tea parties and pretend conversations and such.

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I really can't imagine my oldest giving up her dolls until she goes to college! Even then I doubt she'll actually give them up just store them somewhere. She doesn't exactly *play* with them as much but she loves dressing them up and making/decorating their house. Her best friend has a digital camera and they make little skits with the dolls too. I know of quite a few older teens (16+) who still have them as more of a collection.

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Dd just turned 11 and still plays with dolls daily. I don't see that changing for several years. She may change the way she plays with them, like sewing clothes and styling them, but she'll still play with dolls.


I played with dolls almost daily until at least 13.

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My dd stopped playing with them when she was 12.5 or so. We moved when she was 13, and she did not unpack them into her room (they are in storage bins). She is talking about selling them which makes me sad; they represent her girlhood to me, I guess. She has three dolls and two horses and they were a MAJOR love for a long time.

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She's almost 13 and no longer plays with them daily. She does "play" (dress them, arrange the furniture and other items) for hours at a time maybe once or twice a month.


Dd17 likes to dress her dolls still.


They've made us promise to not sell any of the dolls or accessories :)

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My dd12 put them in the attic this year...where we put toys we're not ready to get rid of, but that we don't play with enough to keep in our rooms. She's taken them down several times (has one good friend who also still plays with AG). So she's phasing them out, but I imagine for the next year or two they will still get some love :)

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My 8 year old DD refers to her dolls as her "girls" and says they are her children. She has begged me never to sell them or get rid of them, because she wants to give them to her daughters one day.


My 18 year old neice just left for college a few months ago and left her AG dolls in her closet at home, but still hasn't parted with them. In fact, she loaned my DD her "Felicity" movie DVD, with the expectation that we return it.


I think it has been quite a few years, however, since my neice actually played with her dolls, except for babysitting or when my DD visits.

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My 10 yr old got hers at 7. She slept with it, read aloud to it, and did everything with it for a couple of years. Now she just changes its clothes and such once in awhile. BUT she did just order a new one during yesterday's sale. I have a feeling the new one will stay in much better shape and will not actually get "played" with besides being dressed and displayed.


DD8 still does Barbies and dolls and dresses and undresses them and watches T.V. with them and brings them in to listen to me read aloud and all of that good stuff. She has many more years of playing I think.


But I don't think we will ever get rid of the favorite dolls. I still had dolls on my bed at my apt. when I began dating dh at 20. I finally stopped having them there when we got married (I was then 25!)

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I really can't imagine my oldest giving up her dolls until she goes to college! Even then I doubt she'll actually give them up just store them somewhere. She doesn't exactly *play* with them as much but she loves dressing them up and making/decorating their house. Her best friend has a digital camera and they make little skits with the dolls too. I know of quite a few older teens (16+) who still have them as more of a collection.



My dd12 is exactly like this! She designs her own furniture and accessories out of odds and ends and makes skits, too!

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