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Fill in the blank.... "I was shocked to find out my dc never knew..."

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We just moved from a place where you can opt out of getting the phone book to a near-in suburb. My son walked into the living room clutching the phone book and announced that "they have a new thing they do here! It's a book with all the phone numbers!" I explained that in our house the phone book belonged in the recycling bin. And that phone books were not in any way new. I don't think he had seen one since he was like 4 or so.

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These stories are so funny!


A few geography related stories...My ds8 thought that our map of North America was a representation of the entire world. When I showed him the world map, he was shocked at all the other countries that are on the planet. He also thought that Alaska is part of Canada, since it's far up there away from the rest of the US.


My ds6 had a hard time understanding that you say can't give directions to a person by saying "go up" instead of "go north".

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My Dd14 holds her scissors in a really strange way. She would not have passed kindergarten in our district because holding her scissors properly was required! Yes I knew someone whose child did get held back for that. It would probably not be a problem except we belong to a patchwork group and she demonstrates frequently. Unfortunately it usually turns into how she holds her scissors not how to make this block!!! I sit there and explain that she is very accurate...and if it isn't broken don't fix it...the "old ladies" look at us and whisper that she is home ed.


I apologise in advance if my spacing is a nightmare. I am having huge problems posting with a kindle fire. The program is not spacing automatically for me. If I space it I end up with lines with two words. Trying a new idea.


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We just moved from a place where you can opt out of getting the phone book to a near-in suburb. My son walked into the living room clutching the phone book and announced that "they have a new thing they do here! It's a book with all the phone numbers!" I explained that in our house the phone book belonged in the recycling bin. And that phone books were not in any way new. I don't think he had seen one since he was like 4 or so.


I was looking through the phone book the other day to look up a number and my DS9 was looking over my shoulder and asked me if was a dictionary. Huh.

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I learned today that my 4th grader did not know that Thanksgiving is always on a Thursday. We were talking about my mom coming to visit today (Monday) and she asked, "Is Thanksgiving tomorrow?". Guess we need that 1st Thanksgiving unit study after all.


Well, I'm almost 40 and I didn't know this!! Our Thanksgiving is always on a Monday!

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This is slightly different, but for crying out loud, if I have to try and explain daylight savings time ONE MORE TIME...


"But mommy, what time is it *really*? You know, in REAL life."


Every. single. year.



We watched this video more than once this year. Perhaps it will help her understand, or confuse her so much that she will stop asking.


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My kids were at my office recently and the fire alarm went off. They had no clue what that sound was or what to do! Oooppsss....must have missed that unit on fire safety.


My 14 yo had no clue was a busy signal was or how to use a phone book.


And the best one: I'd written A+ on the top of a siblings paper and my 12 year old wanted to know what "At" meant at the top of the page. "At what, Mommy?"

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I found out my 6 yo didn't understand how magnets work. He was doing an art project with the library and asked the instructor whether they were going to use tape or glue, and she, being a little perturbed as his interruption just said "no" and kept explaining. So he looks at the two pieces of construction paper dubiously and says..."Soooo, magnets?"


Ended up being glue.

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Package store is definitely a regional thing... hadn't heard the term until I went to college. It took a few weekends of people asking if anyone wanted something from the package store to twig on.


It seems to be most common in the South and the Northeast.



It's called a package store in the Boston area...also referred to as a "Packie"

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My mom, the Baby Boomer who spent the early Seventies in Berkeley for goodness' sake, and then moved here, so has no excuse -


Me: I need a balance scale for chemistry, and some of the other homeschool moms told me they sold them at Oat Willie's. why didn't I think of that?


Mom: What's Oat Willie's? A science store?


Me: Mom? Oat Willie's? The head shop on 29th?


Mom: What's a head shop?



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My dh is currently working a job that requires him to leave all electronics at home. So, he bought a big planner, the ones in the leather zip case, with calendar pages and so on.


Ds: oh, wow, what is that, dad?

Dh: it's a planner.


Dh: a planner. You write down your future plans, appointments, stuff like that.

Ds: .......

Dh: see, look, here all my phone numbers and email addresses in this part, and over here look! Pictures of you! And-

Ds: oh, ok! It's a paper iPad!


So now we call it the "paper iPad".

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A few years ago my oldest DS (not homeschooled) came out with our house phone looking confused. I asked what the problem was and he said he couldn't figure out how to text from it. After laughing hysterically, I asked why he thought he could text from it. He said that was what the letters above the numbers were for.



oh that is hilarious! You should send it in to Reader's Digest!

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My best friend's daughter (public schooled) was applying for college last year. She was working on her financial aid forms and asked, "Mom, were you born in 1965 or 1865?" My friend thought she was joking at first, but she wasn't! Not sure how she missed out on that concept, but fortunately she's doing well in college.

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My dh is currently working a job that requires him to leave all electronics at home. So, he bought a big planner, the ones in the leather zip case, with calendar pages and so on.


Ds: oh, wow, what is that, dad?

Dh: it's a planner.


Dh: a planner. You write down your future plans, appointments, stuff like that.

Ds: .......

Dh: see, look, here all my phone numbers and email addresses in this part, and over here look! Pictures of you! And-

Ds: oh, ok! It's a paper iPad!


So now we call it the "paper iPad".


Not really a what they don't know, more of a tech thing, but whenever my kids are playing together and someone needs to stop for something, like going to the bathroom or getting more blocks etc, they will say "Pause it". Everytime. From pausing dvds I guess. They have also asked Grandma to pause the tv so they can get something not understanding that you can't pause it. The first time my son watched a show with commercials in it, he was mad because he thought his program was over when it went to commercial and went off to do something else only to realize he had missed the ending of the show. He was like 9 at the time.

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When I told my boys at the beginning of the school year that we would be learning some french this year my 5yo said, "Well, that will be easy." I asked him why he thought that and he said, "We already know french." As I questioned further I found out he had put together a rather elaborate story in his mind:


1. His aunt and uncle live in Nebraska, which in his mind is "far away".

2. "Far away" places speak other languages. French came to mind. (Why french specifically I don't know.)

3. Since we can understand what his aunt and uncle say to us, we must know how to speak french. You know- cause they speak french in Nebraska.



And my 7 year old is learning how to use a dictionary this term- "It's so you don't have to always google everything," he said.



I'm a music teacher and a few years ago I had a student who was a very bright home-schooled 8-year-old. The day I first introduced her to the concept of each note having a letter name she looked very confused. I told her "It's like you have a first name that you are called. Each note has it's own name also." She looked even more confused and her mom said, "Sweetie, what's your first name?" in an attempt to help her draw a connection and the poor girl stared at us for a full minute before she finally said, "What do you mean by first name?"

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