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Would you be willing to pay full price for a used program if:


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the seller was providing you with ALL the printed material? There are 5 workbooks, 4 readers and 1 reference book bound with ProClick binders, have laminated covers, cardstock backs, and all the pages are unused - ready to go. Even the first 18 games have been made and are ready to go.


I'm considering selling this almost new product, but I've put a lot MORE money and time into printing and binding all of the material (which is the bulk of the program). I don't want to charge above what I paid but curious if anyone would pay the same price as what they could get it new.



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the seller was providing you with ALL the printed material? There are 5 workbooks, 4 readers and 1 reference book bound with ProClick binders, have laminated covers, cardstock backs, and all the pages are unused - ready to go. Even the first 18 games have been made and are ready to go.


I'm considering selling this almost new product, but I've put a lot MORE money and time into printing and binding all of the material (which is the bulk of the program). I don't want to charge above what I paid but curious if anyone would pay the same price as what they could get it new.




No, I will never pay full price to a private seller with whom there is no recourse. I will pay a good price but if something goes wrong or doesn't work, there are many sellers who would not refund (I would).

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Okay, what percentage of the original cost would you be willing to pay?


I usually price the things I sell at 50% or less of the new price. I've never had anything this new and relatively unused to sell. Would 75% of new price be fair, including the shipping (which will be about $8-10)?

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I am not sure, but I would like to say that I did once receive (unanticipated!) a whole bunch of nicely prepared material from the program, and to this day I am grateful. So I can see that someone would pay to avoid the hassle.


If you do want to try to do this online, I'd have lots of clear photos to help convince people.

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If you do want to try to do this online, I'd have lots of clear photos to help convince people.


I did take photos in anticipation of placing it for sale ... even if I didn't ask for what I paid for it (which I'm thinking now I won't) I know people would feel better about actually seeing what I printed and bound.




Ugh, I've never had this expensive of an item that didn't work as anticipated...it is painful! The only visibly used part is a few lines of highlighting in the TM and the sticker folder has been partially used. Hmm, off to see if the publisher will still accept a return (it's IEW).

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I would definitely not pay even close to full price, especially online. I am always looking for a deal and am happy to do the work myself.


But, since you did so much work, I would put pictures and explanations of what you did and how much you spent over the original cost of the materials. That might help convince people!


I hope you are able to sell it for a good price!

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My understanding is IEW has lifetime returns.


I thought that was the case. I suppose I could return the original product and then see if anyone would want to buy all the material I printed for a cost far less than what they would spend to print and bind it themselves. Hmmm, still thinking.


Not one bloody chance. :001_smile:


:tongue_smilie: You know, I probably wouldn't either...but it was soooo much paper, and sooooo much hole punching, and sorting and laminating and, and, and, and .... I'm just mad at myself for spending that much money and not wanting to just suck it up and use it.:lol:


I thought this was going to be THE program for this dc and the next. He loved it, now hates it and it is turning into a battle every time I pull it out to use it. AND it's time intensive to boot. Okay, whine over.:001_smile:

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I thought that was the case. I suppose I could return the original product and then see if anyone would want to buy all the material I printed for a cost far less than what they would spend to print and bind it themselves. Hmmm, still thinking.


I would think that if you returned the program, you would not legally be allowed to sell the items you printed from it.


ETA: I am sympathetic to your situation. I've lost more money than I care to admit through curriculum that did not "work out." :)

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I would think that if you returned the program, you would not legally be allowed to sell the items you printed from it.


ETA: I am sympathetic to your situation. I've lost more money than I care to admit through curriculum that did not "work out." :)


Oh, your right! I didn't even think of that.:glare: Don't you think it might be considered that they are paying for a service? If they already have the main product and are just paying me for printing it out and binding it for them. (?) I don't know anyone that would buy the books from me without having the program...they wouldn't be able to use them without the TM. That's probably walking a fine line though. Oh, bother...that just makes me even crankier.

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I thought this was going to be THE program for this dc and the next. He loved it, now hates it and it is turning into a battle every time I pull it out to use it. AND it's time intensive to boot. Okay, whine over.:001_smile:


Could you maybe put it aside for a month or so? (perhaps until after Christmas?) Then you could bring it out again and see if he might want to do it then since he loved it originally.

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I'd just post it all for sale and see if you get a buyer. I for one....hate, hate, hate to print anything. I can't afford printer ink for just basic stuff. I don't even consider curriculum that will take a lot of printing (I am not a lover of Currclick, like most are). Sooo....I'd probably jump at the chance to get an item barely used with all the work done for me. Full price?? Not so sure. But, I'd pay close to it because I'd know all the time, ink, paper, etc put into all of that. Just my .02.

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Could you maybe put it aside for a month or so? (perhaps until after Christmas?) Then you could bring it out again and see if he might want to do it then since he loved it originally.


Possibly.;) This would be the logical thing to do since 6yo boys are often fickle.


I'd just post it all for sale and see if you get a buyer. I for one....hate, hate, hate to print anything. I can't afford printer ink for just basic stuff. I don't even consider curriculum that will take a lot of printing (I am not a lover of Currclick, like most are). Sooo....I'd probably jump at the chance to get an item barely used with all the work done for me. Full price?? Not so sure. But, I'd pay close to it because I'd know all the time, ink, paper, etc put into all of that. Just my .02.


I could just post it. The worst that will happen is no one will want it. Then I would know for sure that route won't work.




I hate being wishy washy about a decision.

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Possibly.;) This would be the logical thing to do since 6yo boys are often fickle.


Definitely think this is worth a shot! ALSO...you said that you thought this would also work for your next child...since IEW's guarantee is LIFETIME, it might be worth keeping to see. I've seen so many people buy something, sell it, and then have to rebuy later...consider carefully!


I could just post it. The worst that will happen is no one will want it. Then I would know for sure that route won't work.



Absolutely! And...I suggest that you add up how much it cost to print and bind everything. Is this something that many people would have to do or want to do? If it is, then these are costs they would have to pay later. Also, if you have assembled items that would take someone else time, I would include that info as well.


Make sure that your price is less than the total you spent, but see what's reasonable. (For example--if IEW's product cost you 90 but you spent 60 on printing/binding, you could try selling for 100 or 110.)


I really do think your best bet is to return it to IEW (they even pay for shipping, they are really amazing). But it can't hurt to list it if you think you might get a bit more out of it.


This may not be the best time--I tend to find January is a pretty good month for selling used--not sure if as many are looking in Nov-Dec.


I have a friend who likes to have things printed & bound, and also values time highly....so if your pictures are good & the materials look like new, someone like her might actually buy it. Tough call though, I think most people with the time and inclination to buy used are going to want more of a deal.


The other tough part about selling IEW--people might want the guarantee, and you don't get that when you purchase used.


Try to look at it as teacher education--you probably spent less on printing than you would on a class!


I'm sure we've all been there.... Merry :-)

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Okay, first, thanks to all of you who offered suggestions and opinions. It helped me rethink some things.


I'm going to go through the reading portion and tweak some things that have been bothering me and start this fresh next week. (We haven't actually used it in the last two weeks..been using my tried and true, but also disliked by ds, PP and RP...but I don't want to hold off any longer or I will have to re-teach a lot of what I already did.) I will give it until Christmas and if he still dislikes it and I haven't been able to tweak it to usefulness I will just send it back for a full refund and offer the workbooks (which I will actually re-print the portions we used) and games to whoever is willing to pay shipping and handling costs. The more I thought about it the more I realized that it wasn't so much about recouping the cost of supplies and time as it is that I can't stand all of that work to go to waste. They would be of no use to me and I couldn't stand the thought of throwing them away. If someone else could use it and it would save them all the time and effort then that would make me feel good.


I am going to send the writing portion of the program back to IEW as I really just don't care for it and know I won't use it with my next dc. So, if you know anyone who wants to pay s&h for those three workbooks send them my way! EDITED TO ADD: THESE ARE SPOKEN FOR ALREADY. :)


Again, thanks for all your input.:D

Edited by 5LittleMonkeys
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