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Pls tell me how dumb it is to get a dog a week before Thanksgiving!

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Why did I even look on the shelters website this wee? And why would I have taken my children to go meet this dog this morning?!?! He's the same breed as the last dog I had, and we loved him. Treeing Walker Coonhound, so good with kids! Obviously will need lots of exercise. But I hate the idea of traveling for the holidays with a dog, let alone the week after we get him. Why did I look?!?!

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Meh, I think it's fine. Can you hire a pet-sitting service and leave him home if you think the stress of travel is too much (for either you or the dog)? I think a bad idea is the impulse purchase of a dog as a Christmas gift, but this is definitely not that type of situation. If it's the right dog and you were ready to adopt a new dog anyway, well...I think you should go for it. :D


We got a cat around Christmastime last year. Getting the cat was a really bad idea, but it had nothing to do with the fact that it was Christmastime.

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I can't, because that's exactly when we got our dog last year!


We adopted her from PetSmart on the Sunday before Thanksgiving. It ended up being no big deal....we do Thanksgiving at our house, and everybody loved her and wanted to hold her. She was only 2.5 pounds at the time, so the only challenge was making sure nobody stepped on her!!


She's been the best thing that has happened to our family in a few years, so we have no regrets. And as another poster mentioned, the Christmas pictures are extra-cute! :D

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We bought our collie a few days before Thanksgiving. We weren't traveling, though, so it was no big deal.


I wouldn't leave a shelter dog with a pet sitter; it takes them long enough to get used to a new environment and family, and I don't think it would be ideal for the dog.


I'd get the dog, no matter what, if he appealed to us, which is why I don't visit shelters, except online. I'm pretty picky about dogs, and the instant I felt one was the right dog, I would have to have it. I would make the situation work.

Edited by RoughCollie
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We're meeting DH at the shelter right after he's done with work. I think I'm crazy but I haven't had a dog for more than 3 years now, and I think it's time. I have been randomly looking at the shelters website every other month or so and never felt the need to GO there. Until today. And today he's officially been there 2 months, which means he's half-price. Not that I was looking for a bargain, but I feel like that's my final sign!:D We'll just take him with us and hope we get a little bit of sleep between him and the three kids.

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Meh, I think it's fine. Can you hire a pet-sitting service and leave him home if you think the stress of travel is too much (for either you or the dog)?


I don't think this would be a good idea at all with a brand new dog. I'd opt for taking him vs. leaving him in a new environment with a pet sitter.


We got a kitten last week. Which admittedly is a ton easier than a dog, but the first few days were stressful figuring out where he'd sleep (he's very tiny and I didn't want him squashed in bed w/ anyone), where he'd potty, eat etc.


I think it'll be stressful -- but "fun stressful." :)



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We're meeting DH at the shelter right after he's done with work. I think I'm crazy but I haven't had a dog for more than 3 years now, and I think it's time. I have been randomly looking at the shelters website every other month or so and never felt the need to GO there. Until today. And today he's officially been there 2 months, which means he's half-price. Not that I was looking for a bargain, but I feel like that's my final sign!:D We'll just take him with us and hope we get a little bit of sleep between him and the three kids.


:hurray: If the people you're staying with (or hotel, or whatever) don't mind you bringing him, I'd totally drag him along. I've adopted cats, dogs, and my son (:D) and we pretty much just kept living our life with all of them. And it all works out!


So excited....love, love, love Coonhounds. Of course, I was a Where the Red Fern Grows addict as a kid. :lol:

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It reminds me of when my brother was little (about 2). Mom had put him down for a nap, and she thought he had went right to sleep. He had actually snuck outside. We were all freaking out, and looking all over the neighborhood. We ended up finding him ten minutes later. Inside the doghouse with our coonhound...both sound asleep. :)


I have to say theres something about sleeping next to a warm dog...


and the way they hang their head out the car window. I wouldnt miss either one for the world. :001_wub:

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Meet Owen. It's a blurry pic, but the best we can get his first night home:Dpost-17169-13535087864197_thumb.jpg


It was kind of amazing when we adopted him tonight, the shelter was very busy and there were quite a few people adoping dogs. They would wait, a woman would bring their dog out and give them all the information they needed and then it was next in line. After we finished all the paperwork we went to the waiting area. I noticed a lot of workers/volunteers seemed to be gathering there as well. Finally, right before he was brought out to us, one of the women caught my attention and informed me that they were all waiting to say goodbye to Owen. 11 people came out to take pictures and give him one last hug, it was amazing. They practically begged us to post photos on their FB page so they could see how he was doing. I'm thinking we definitely made the right decision, thank you all for telling me I wasn't crazy to think about doing this!!!!

Edited by ksr5377
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Meet Owen. It's a blurry pic, but the best we can get his first night home:D[ATTACH]10944[/ATTACH]


It was kind of amazing when we adopted him tonight, the shelter was very busy and there were quite a few people adoping dogs. They would wait, a woman would bring their dog out and give them all the information they needed and then it was next in line. After we finished all the paperwork we went to the waiting area. I noticed a lot of workers/volunteers seemed to be gathering there as well. Finally, right before he was brought out to us, one of the women caught my attention and informed me that they were all waiting to say goodbye to Owen. 11 people came out to take pictures and give him one last hug, it was amazing. They practically begged us to post photos on their FB page so they could see how he was doing. I'm thinking we definitely made the right decision, thank you all for telling me I wasn't crazy to think about doing this!!!!



:hurray::hurray: He looks so sweet.

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Meet Owen. It's a blurry pic, but the best we can get his first night home:D[ATTACH]10944[/ATTACH]


It was kind of amazing when we adopted him tonight, the shelter was very busy and there were quite a few people adoping dogs. They would wait, a woman would bring their dog out and give them all the information they needed and then it was next in line. After we finished all the paperwork we went to the waiting area. I noticed a lot of workers/volunteers seemed to be gathering there as well. Finally, right before he was brought out to us, one of the women caught my attention and informed me that they were all waiting to say goodbye to Owen. 11 people came out to take pictures and give him one last hug, it was amazing. They practically begged us to post photos on their FB page so they could see how he was doing. I'm thinking we definitely made the right decision, thank you all for telling me I wasn't crazy to think about doing this!!!!


Awwwww. He looks like a cutie! Have fun with your new addition!

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If you get the dog, I'd stay home for the holidays and let people come to you (or not). Traveling with a recently-adopted dog is a BAD idea. Recently-adopted dogs are more likely to try to run away. Traveling dogs are more likely to bolt at rest stops or unfamiliar places. Add them both together, and if that dog has a chance to get away, he will. You don't want to deal with a scared, lost dog away from your home.


This may have been asked, but is there any way they will hold the dog until after Thanksgiving? Maybe you can officially adopt and pay for the dog and then pay to board it there until after the holidays? The whole adoption process is very stressful for a dog. Traveling less than a week after is really unfair to the animal.


Edited to add: I read through and see that you adopted Owen (congratulations!). Seriously, stay home. Don't travel with him. It will be far too stressful for him, as will having a pet sitter come in or boarding him at this point.

Edited by jujsky
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