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Just heard the mousetrap snap under the kitchen sink

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Our house isn't THAT old, but we live out a bit and we get those field mice in our house frequently. However, that isn't the worst of it.....the worst is getting a rat snake in your basement coming in to get the mice!


Sing along with me, "There was an old lady who swallowed a fly......"

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My dh and I lived in an older home when we first got married, and of course I kept hearing "scurrying" in my walls. DH thought I was nuts, but he consented to putting out traps anyway. Never caught a thing.


The first night my MIL spent with us, I heard a "snap" which really woke me up. A few moments later, I heard squeaking and something dragging down the hallway. Never have I woken dh up so fast.


And, of course, MIL is a light sleeper and mentioned hearing some noises the next morning. At least she didn't investigate during the night! :D

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Yuck! I would definitely call dh or one of the kids. Totally not my job.


:iagree: Wouldn't touch it with a 10 foot pole! We had a few mice when we first moved to our house (it's almost 100 years old). We went around and figured out where they might be able to get in, and we started sealing holes and along the bottom of doors. We haven't had a mouse since.


I will say, when we did have mice, our cats did get them!

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BARF. We caught a rat and I literally almost vomited. DH put the trap by my garden outside because it was living between there and the garage eating our stuff. It was the size of a freaking cat and I saw it the next morning laying there on the ground. I shut all the blinds and made DH take it out in a dark bag to the trash

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When my FIL was still alive, he took care of everything mice in the home. After he passed on very unexpectedly, my MIL just couldn't do the traps. I think it was more because it reminded her of FIL than anything. She said she would just miss Dad so much when she had to deal with the mice. Anyways, she went the d-con route. It was everywhere. One evening my DH and I where down visiting and she had fallen asleep on the couch. We watched as this mouse came staggering out from under the couch and keeled over dead right in front of it. We let it lay until we knew she was really asleep and then DH disposed of it. It really was pretty funny in an icky sort of way.:lol:

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BARF. We caught a rat and I literally almost vomited. DH put the trap by my garden outside because it was living between there and the garage eating our stuff. It was the size of a freaking cat and I saw it the next morning laying there on the ground. I shut all the blinds and made DH take it out in a dark bag to the trash


See, now this is my approach too. If one of my cats kills something in the backyard I do not go back there for anything until either DH takes care of it, or I can bribe a child to do it for a few bucks. Ewww ewww ewww ... I do not do dead animals under any circumstances! :ack2: It was totally implied in our wedding vows!

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Mice come in our basement in the winter. The basement has rough field stone walls, and the mice can climb them. The boys delight in telling me basement mouse stories. Every time I go down there to do laundry, I have to meow the whole time to keep the mice away from me. It makes for a very long winter, and I'm lucky with all the laundry I have to do, that I don't get laryngitis.


I actually saw a mouse on the kitchen floor last night. It didn't wake up the dog, but I made sure he came upstairs with me because he sleeps in our closet and I didn't want him to catch the mouse. I closed the dog in the bedroom, and then got DS1 to sneak up on the dark kitchen with a little flashlight to make sure we weren't overrun with mice. By then, the mouse had disappeared.


The dog is a good mouser. The trouble is, he catches them, shakes them to death very quickly, and then chases me as I run away. He still has the mouse -- the tail hanging out of one side of the dog's mouth. It is really yucky and horrifying to be chased by a dog who wants to give me a corpse. Then he wants to lick me with his mouse germy tongue, and I have to brush his teeth and wait 3 days before I will let him near me. By then, I figure the mouse germs have been replaced by dog food germs.


We'd use D-con, but I'm afraid the dog will get a mouse and then get poisoned with it himself. Traps -- same thing. My luck, the dog would end up attached to the trap.


I am terrified of all rodents. Until we moved here, to the country, I didn't have any experiences with mice in the house.

Edited by RoughCollie
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