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Really struggling with my health- prayers needed

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I hesitate to post this because I have whined a lot on here and that's not really how I am IRL but I have nobody to turn to.


On top of all my difficulties with my toddler and preschooler I am really struggling with several health issues. To be honest I have been sick and/or in extreme pain almost every single day since summer. :( I have been to several doctors but have yet been able to figure everything out.


As you can imagine, this is greatly impacting my ability to homeschool my kids effectively and as a result I have a great deal of anxiety over that. Things have been very difficult over all and I am losing hope.


I could really use some prayers for my health that I can pull it together and find out what is wrong with me so I can be the mother and teachers kids deserve. I am so sick of being sick every single day. :(. I'm so worn out.

Edited by plain jane
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:grouphug: praying for you.


My sister has long suffered from GI issues. More than 7 years ago she was diagnosed (at age22) with esophageal varices (a mass of veins in her esophagus). These generally indicate liver disease but her biopsy came back normal. In recent years she has suffered from debilitating migraines, insomnia (zero deep sleep), mental fogginess and more GI issues. Oh and btw the varices can rupture and be deadly. She finally found a doctor who was determined to figure out what was wrong. The doctor was truly concerned about the varices and sent her case to medical conference after medical conference. She finally sent her to a liver specialist who suggested a rare procedure to put a shunt in her liver. I think the doctor had only ever performed 2 of them. My sister was hesitant, but went ahead with the surgery. They got a better liver biopsy sample and she was officially diagnosed with a rare liver disease that she was likely born with. In any case, though the process has been long, she found the right doctor who cared enough to find the answer. She had her surgery about 6 weeks ago and is doing well. She has not had a migraine since surgery and other symptoms get better as her liver continues to heal.


All this to say, hang in there. If your doctor isn't trying to find the answer, get another opinion. The answer is out there and so is that doctor determined to find it.


In the meantime, I will pray that you find your answer much more quickly than my sister did. :grouphug:

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I hesitate to post this because I have whined a lot on here and that's not really how I am IRL but I have nobody to turn to.


On top of all my difficulties with my toddler and preschooler I am really struggling with several health issues. To be honest I have been sick and/or in extreme pain almost every single day since summer. :( I have been to several doctors but have yet been able to figure everything out.


As you can imagine, this is greatly impacting my ability to homeschool my kids effectively and as a result I have a great deal of anxiety over that. Things have been very difficult over all and I am losing hope.


I could really use some prayers for my health that I can pull it together and find out what is wrong with me so I can be the mother and teachers kids deserve. I am so sick of being sick every single day. :(. I'm so worn out.


:grouphug: I can relate....my poor dh has been sick for months and the doctor can't figure it out. This is the 6th week of no work because he is so sick. He goes to a specialist tomorrow and I am hoping against hope they figure it out and get him well.

Edited by Scarlett
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:grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:The not knowing is so difficult. I would try to keep your diet as clean as possible and remove all the common allergens to see if you feel any better whatsoever.:grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:


:iagree: Eliminate grains/dairy for 60 days and see how you feel. If better, try adding one thing back in to find your trigger. I'm so sorry you're going through this.


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