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A warning for those of you who use Amazon!

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I just received the following message from Amazon: " Important messages for items in your Cart: 1 item has been deleted from the Saved Items section of your Cart. You've exceeded the maximum number of items that can be stored in the Saved Items section of your Cart."




You mean now I have to go through ALL 600 of my "save this item for later" items and decide which ones I am NEVER GOING TO BUY and DELETE THEM so I have room for all the new things people recommend that I MIGHT want to buy one day?!?!




Side note: Can you imagine if there was ever a glitch at Amazon and all of those things were actually sent to me?


Additional side note: It's fun to look back through those really old ones and see what sorts of things we were interested in then. :)

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Wow, I only have 276 items saved for later, at the moment. But that's because less than a year ago I went through, bought a huge amount of stuff that I wanted, deleted things I really didn't want, etc.


Want to hear a funny story? At that time, less than a year ago, I had some extra cash and I thought "I'm going to buy all the stuff I want right now". I think I had more than 200 items in my cart, ready to purchase. The amount was somewhere around $800. I went to check out, and it wouldn't let me. I kept getting error messages. When I emailed Amazon to ask why, they said I was trying to purchase too many items at one time. Then I put everything back in my "save for later" cart, came to my senses, and purchased a much more reasonable order.


At that time, I also, stupidly, didn't realize it was better to group all buy four for the price of three together (only $7.99 at one time, or $6.99, or $8.99).


Ah Amazon. I'd probably be a rich woman without you. :lol:

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THere is an option to move items from the save for later list to your wish list.


Oh, that is new!! I've been wanting that feature for a long time! Before, it was a tedious process to move stuff from the cart to a wish list then delete, then refresh. Blah, blah, blah.


I have many different wish lists set up but you only get the notification of a price change if the item you're monitoring is in the cart. I keep all the expensive stuff in there and check regularly, especially as Christmas approaches. The rest of it goes to the wish list.

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Oh, that is new!! I've been wanting that feature for a long time! Before, it was a tedious process to move stuff from the cart to a wish list then delete, then refresh. Blah, blah, blah.


I have many different wish lists set up but you only get the notification of a price change if the item you're monitoring is in the cart. I keep all the expensive stuff in there and check regularly, especially as Christmas approaches. The rest of it goes to the wish list.


This was always my main motivation for keeping certain things in the saved for later part of the cart. Of course, it may have gotten out of hand with over 200 items in there now, but I have saved some serious $$ by being patient and buying when prices are reduced.

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So 600 is the magic number then?

I'm wondering this, too! I have almost 500 things in mine.


The reason I use the Save for Later feature instead of just the Wishlist feature is because it lets me know if the price of the item increases or decreases. I am only willing to spend a certain amount on certain items, so watching for the price to drop can be very helpful! A wishlist doesn't have that feature.

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I only use the "save for later" function in my cart for items I actually intend to buy within the next month or so. Usually, I put the item in my cart planning to buy it that day, then decide my order is large enough, and there are a few things I could put off until the next credit card cycle. So, I narrow it down to the items I really need immediately and put the others in "save for later" so I don't forget to buy them next time.


Everything else (as in, things I might want to buy eventually, some day, or at least not next month) goes in my wish lists.

Edited by AHASRADA
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I'm wondering this, too! I have almost 500 things in mine.


The reason I use the Save for Later feature instead of just the Wishlist feature is because it lets me know if the price of the item increases or decreases. I am only willing to spend a certain amount on certain items, so watching for the price to drop can be very helpful! A wishlist doesn't have that feature.


It may be a newer feature, but the wishlist does tell you that.



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It may be a newer feature, but the wishlist does tell you that.




Wow! It must be brand new then, just like the ability to move something directly from your saved cart items to the wish list. They probably knew why so many of us had giant carts and fixed it for us. Happy about this, especially if it also alerts others who shop from our wish lists. My mom and MIL both buy from our wish lists for birthdays and Christmas, so it will be great if it lets them know about price changes.


ETA: Oh, yes, it tells you a percentage or amount changed + or - for each item, at its place in the list. It doesn't do the big banner announcement across the top of the wish list page like it does for changes in the cart. I greatly prefer the cart type announcement to having to scroll through each wish list.

Edited by Alte Veste Academy
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ETA: Oh, yes, it tells you a percentage or amount changed + or - for each item, at its place in the list. It doesn't do the big banner announcement across the top of the wish list page like it does for changes in the cart. I greatly prefer the cart type announcement to having to scroll through each wish list.


That would be helpful. Maybe we could all ask them for that to be added to the Wishlists since they already have the feature to show a change in price.



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I'd have a hard time going through a 600 item cart list. there is also the wishlist, and I'm pretty sure that can be divided by subject to make it easier to find things. then when ready to purchase, you just click on the item and click on move it to cart.

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