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What are you planning for Halloween?

What are your plans for Halloween? (you can pick more than one)  

  1. 1. What are your plans for Halloween? (you can pick more than one)

    • Trick or Treating in neighborhood
    • Trunk or Treat at a church
    • giving out candy
    • Halloween party
    • an event as an alternative
    • a Halloween event at a museum, zoo, etc.
    • nothing
    • other

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DD7 is planning to be an earth dragon. No idea how I'm going to accomplish that!


We'll have a halloween party with our co-op, and we actually have a Latin class that day at my house that will be at least somewhat seasonal. DD will trick or treat in the neighborhood. Our church doesn't do a Trunk or Treat, but if she's invited to go to one with a friend, she'll probably do that as well.


She could care less about the candy-it's the going around, seeing costumes, and just the whole party feel that's important to her. I'll end up throwing most of the candy away a day or two later, and she'll never notice.

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I voted 'other' and 'planned event'. Halloween isn't big around here, but the base does plan a fall fest/trick or treat stations on the weekend before. However, while the kids are doing that, dh and I will be going to spend the weekend at Vlad's castle in Romania. And trust me, I wish I could take them with!

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We are most likely going to go to a local attraction that is basically an outdoor museum. It is a Victorian/ Edwardian Village (it's in the BBC series Edwardian farm) they basically get people dressed up in a variety of costumes and kids go from house to house telling jokes and trick or treating. They also have a train that goes into a copper mine and then they tell local ghost stories. It was fun last year. We may trick or treat in the street but I might just do a little party at home. We used to do a kids samhain thing with friends but they've moved away now.

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We are most likely going to go to a local attraction that is basically an outdoor museum. It is a Victorian/ Edwardian Village (it's in the BBC series Edwardian farm) they basically get people dressed up in a variety of costumes and kids go from house to house telling jokes and trick or treating. They also have a train that goes into a copper mine and then they tell local ghost stories. It was fun last year.
That sounds cool! I wish we could come.
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