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About my brother....

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He did a good job at the birthday party, and has been as helpful as he is capable of being.


We all had a good time with no drinking or drama at all. Now the visit is over, and I'm supposed to drop him at a bus stop downtown tomorrow. He has no home.


My husband and sister think that this is a step in the right direction. He acted like an adult, and I'm treating him like an adult by dropping him where he wants to go without butting into his business or trying to fix anything.


My best friend was pretty shocked when I told her the plan. She doesn't think family should just drop homeless siblings at bus stops. She offered for me to bring him to her house, but my sister and husband said no way. That would be a step in the wrong direction.


If you have experience with alcoholic loved ones, would you be able to butt out and let them figure out their own solutions....or not find them?


It is not going to be easy.

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I have a homeless brother. he's not alcoholic but he is mentally ill. And yes, after many, many efforts to help him, we've reached the conclusion that without his cooperation, there is nothing that we can do.


:grouphug:It can be so painful. And behaviors that work in normal and mildly dysfunctional relationships do not work at all with the addicted/mentally ill, though many don't realize that.

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I can understand why your friend would be shocked, because she doesn't know the details, and she hasn't walked in your shoes.


It's very easy to have a knee-jerk, "I would never do that to my brother" reaction, without realizing that her brother is not your brother. Chances are pretty good that, if her brother was a nice, well-adjusted guy with no addiction issues, you wouldn't drop him off at the bus stop, either. Then again, that brother probably has a job and a home of his own, so homelessness wouldn't be an issue.


I think your brother is doing the right thing by trying to take responsibility for himself in his own way, without trying to mooch off of you or other family members. I'm sure that if he ever seriously asks for help in getting back on his feet and finding a job and a home, you will be there for him, but right now, I think you're doing all you can and should do for him.


I'll pray for him, Amy. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:

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My dh's youngest brother, M, was a homeless drug user for years. He would eat dinner with my SIL and her family sometimes and she was trying not to drop him off in the street one day when they went by a halfway house she had heard about. She saw there was some kind of line, she stopped and they got in the line. When they got to the front of the line a woman there helped M enter a different halfway house and quit heroin. Now he is married with three children and he is the sole breadwinner for his little family. There is hope, but M was wanting to make a change. SIL would not let a heroin addict spend the night in her house, and she was right.


Amy, I think you have done the right thing.:grouphug: I'm sure it's still hard.

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:grouphug: I think you're doing the right thing. It's such a hard spot for you to be in. I hope he continues to take steps in the right direction.

I wish my parents could be this strong with my sibling. For now, I have to be the bad guy, but get nowhere because I'm the only one standing up to him.

Good luck to you, Amy, and your brother.

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The hardest thing we can ever do as humans is to practice "tough love". In this case, I think it is the best thing you can do for your family and your brother. Praying for you, Amy. :grouphug:




I am on the other side . . . 22 years clean and sober. Trust me, as hard as it is for you to do this, this is exactly what is needed. :grouphug:

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