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If you have a problem take it up with the adult leaders and leave my kid alone!

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I understand people have opinions about boy scouts and that's fine, but if my 8 yr old asks you if you'd like to buy some popcorn can't you just say "no thanks" and move on.


Take up your issue with gay people in scouts with the adult leaders and leave my kids out of it. My boys have done so much for our local community and it's such a shame that I have to worry so much about haters when they spend so much time on the weekends selling popcorn to pay their dues for the year.


I'm just venting!!

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Thanks! It's funny because the community is really pretty supportive of their efforts, but we had some local news at a boy scout camp having to do with this issue so I think it's fresh in some people's minds.


It's just that I really do worry sometimes that they are targets in their uniforms because some people can't control themselves.


One bad experience shouldn't effect me at all but it just bugs me so much!

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I'm sorry your sons had that experience. Are they OK? I've known a person who has talked triumphantly about reducing Scouts to tears over this issue, so hopefully it wasn't that!


Aww that's just so sad!


Yes they are fine and their dad moved the person along and handled it. I think the hardest part is I worry that they will be targets in their uniforms and I hate feeling like that.

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Every side of every issue has some nasty people in it.

I am so sorry those people harassed your sons! Picking on kids is a low thing to do.

I was always apprehensive of such

people, so I would stand right next to my group of Scouts and smile nicely at the people. They would know there was an adult there looking out for them.

Scouts don't make the rules anyway. They just work hard.

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:glare: The same thing happened to my friend's daughter when she was selling GS cookies for the *opposite* reason :rolleyes:. I have a son in Boy Scouts and a daughter in Girl Scouts. We're not taking on any group's "agenda". We're learning skills and making friends. Sheesh.

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Wow. My kids aren't in Scouts because I disagree with their policies. It would never occur to me to attack an 8 year old (or anyone for that matter) selling popcorn.


What is the world coming to? :confused:


I'm glad the nutbunny was moved along and the boys are ok.

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Wow. My kids aren't in Scouts because I disagree with their policies. It would never occur to me to attack an 8 year old (or anyone for that matter) selling popcorn.


What is the world coming to? :confused:


I'm glad the nutbunny was moved along and the boys are ok.



:iagree: Me too. DS isn't in Boy Scouts because I don't agree with their policies, but it would never occur to me to take it out on a little kid. I always say, "No thank you," and leave it at that.

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Well, I'm an adult Cub Scout leader and I don't intend to discuss the Boy Scout policies with random strangers either. If they don't want to support Boy Scouts they can say "no thank you" and move on. I don't agree with many current Girl Scout policies (and I'm a former GS), so my dd joined a different organization. I'm always polite to girls selling cookies and sometimes I just can't resist buying a few.

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Wow. My kids aren't in Scouts because I disagree with their policies. It would never occur to me to attack an 8 year old (or anyone for that matter) selling popcorn.


What is the world coming to? :confused:


I'm glad the nutbunny was moved along and the boys are ok.


:iagree: send a letter or something. Yikes! Sorry you had this experience.

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The most I have ever said was to a door-to-door scout. He asked me to please help support Boy Scouts by buying some popcorn. I got down on my knees and said "I'm so sorry honey but just can't do that. Some adults in Boy Scouts have made some choices I just don't agree with. I do hope you have a great evening, though!" The boy was confused but his Dad called him on to the next house after mouthing a heartfelt "Thank you" to me.

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Wow. My kids aren't in Scouts because I disagree with their policies. It would never occur to me to attack an 8 year old (or anyone for that matter) selling popcorn.


What is the world coming to? :confused:


I'm glad the nutbunny was moved along and the boys are ok.


:iagree:That is terrible. The kids don't set the policies.

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How rude! I'm sorry that happened. My son isn't in Boy Scouts and I won't buy anything from them because of their policies. However, I can't imagine verbally attacking a Scout over it. A simple, polite "No, thank you." is all that's necessary.




(And I'm one of those people who will go thirsty at a craft fair rather than buy a soda from a scout-sponsored booth. I would never lecture a kid, though.)

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How rude! I'm sorry that happened. My son isn't in Boy Scouts and I won't buy anything from them because of their policies. However, I can't imagine verbally attacking a Scout over it. A simple, polite "No, thank you." is all that's necessary.


I'm really struggling with this right now. We're in Cub Scouts though we're pro-gay and atheist. This is our first year. Son loves camping, hiking, etc, and this is a wonderful troop, and my son needs some friends--he's so lonely, so we decided to do Scouts (though it kills my soul :()


We don't sell popcorn, apparently, but sell candy bars from a local chocolate maker. I was chatting with one of our lesbian neighbors across the street yesterday and asked her whether we could send our son, or whether she'd prefer we not. She was perfectly kind, as I knew she would be, and she said that she and her partner supported the Scouts forever, and that her partner was a devoted Girl Scout, and that they didn't see the point in punishing little boys for the bigotry of their club's leadership. (I see that as really admirable.) So, we'll be going over there to sell candy bars in a couple of months. There's one other lesbian couple on the block I'll go have a chat with before we hit their house. I don't know that they'll feel the same way, but I feel it's decent of me as an adult to approach them first before sending my son there hoping/expecting them to support a group that discriminates against people like them.


And, I agree, treating kids badly for any reason is despicable! Not their fault!

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I'm really struggling with this right now. We're in Cub Scouts though we're pro-gay and atheist. This is our first year. Son loves camping, hiking, etc, and this is a wonderful troop, and my son needs some friends--he's so lonely, so we decided to do Scouts (though it kills my soul :()


We don't sell popcorn, apparently, but sell candy bars from a local chocolate maker. I was chatting with one of our lesbian neighbors across the street yesterday and asked her whether we could send our son, or whether she'd prefer we not. She was perfectly kind, as I knew she would be, and she said that she and her partner supported the Scouts forever, and that her partner was a devoted Girl Scout, and that they didn't see the point in punishing little boys for the bigotry of their club's leadership. (I see that as really admirable.) So, we'll be going over there to sell candy bars in a couple of months. There's one other lesbian couple on the block I'll go have a chat with before we hit their house. I don't know that they'll feel the same way, but I feel it's decent of me as an adult to approach them first before sending my son there hoping/expecting them to support a group that discriminates against people like them.


And, I agree, treating kids badly for any reason is despicable! Not their fault!


Don't feel bad. We're there, too. :grouphug: This was not an easy decision for our family, but I make no apologies for doing what is right for our son. Period.


After trying many varieties of activities and groups, Boy Scouts was the ONE place my son made friends and had fun. He loves it. Will we take that away from him? No. I've said it before, and I'll say it again, BSA is not going to change if all they have are like-minded individuals involved. My son is solid in the values we raised him with, including equality and acceptance to everyone. I'm sure yours is, too.


Just had to let you know, you're not alone in the trenches :001_smile:.

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Don't feel bad. We're there, too. :grouphug: This was not an easy decision for our family, but I make no apologies for doing what is right for our son. Period.


After trying many varieties of activities and groups, Boy Scouts was the ONE place my son made friends and had fun. He loves it. Will we take that away from him? No. I've said it before, and I'll say it again, BSA is not going to change if all they have are like-minded individuals involved. My son is solid in the values we raised him with, including equality and acceptance to everyone. I'm sure yours is, too.


Just had to let you know, you're not alone in the trenches :001_smile:.


I'm there with you too. My son is in Cub Scouts despite how I feel about their policies.


Last year at one of the pack meetings, a lesbian couple decided to come and stage their own protest by coming and vigorously making out during the meeting. And I do mean vigorously. I can't imagine that someone wouldn't have said anything if my husband and I had done the same, but nobody said anything and they eventually walked out. The pack leader said he had no idea what to do, but he didn't want to make even more of a scene and provoke a loud dialogue about it in front of the boys, so he said nothing.

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