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Show me your timelines (on the wall, in a book, any timeline!)


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We just did this. My friend gave me the idea. Hers are strung up her stairway wall. This is in the dining room where we do our work. I love that I can easily point to them, take them down to read the backs, and put them back up again.



So, are the cards clipped to string attached to the wall with thumbtacks? I like that. :D I was considering hanging the cards somehow.

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It is a little cheaper at Rainbow, and you could get free shipping if you needed a few other things:




I laminated it for 25 cents a foot at Mardel. I don't have a Lakeshore store near me, but I hear it's cheap there too. So the lamination was about 3-4 bucks for me. The timeline is pricey, but I figure it costs me 10 a year, since we can use it for the whole history cycle for 4 years. I also love that I didn't have to make it :)


So, these are $40, and they are not laminated? Are they glossy? I like them, but I'm not sure I want to spend that kind of money. Tempting, though.
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I am basing my Ancient timeline off of the clothesline one that Angela at SatoriSmiles did. You can see it here.


Luckily I printed off the cards from Lizards and Ladybugs before it went down. To me the clothesline approach just seems simple and easy for now.


Next year though I plan on doing something a little more- I posted about my friend's timeline book here and will be modeling after it.

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You are very convincing. :). I didn't know lamination could be so cheap!


It is a little cheaper at Rainbow, and you could get free shipping if you needed a few other things:




I laminated it for 25 cents a foot at Mardel. I don't have a Lakeshore store near me, but I hear it's cheap there too. So the lamination was about 3-4 bucks for me. The timeline is pricey, but I figure it costs me 10 a year, since we can use it for the whole history cycle for 4 years. I also love that I didn't have to make it :)

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We just did this. My friend gave me the idea. Hers are strung up her stairway wall. This is in the dining room where we do our work. I love that I can easily point to them, take them down to read the backs, and put them back up again.




I have this type of timeline as well. May I ask you, how do you keep your string nice and taut like that? Mine is sagging. I just have it tacked on each end though- how did you secure it to the wall? And are those just plain wooden clothespins? I tried that, but they seemed too heavy. I would love to use them though and write the dates on the pins.

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Where did you get those cards?


They are the new timeline cards from Classical Conversations. They are expensive, but after receiving them I am SO glad I got them. They are so worth it to us! I love the size, artwork, info on the back, etc. They are very nice quality laminated. These are the first two sets. We will do these this semester. Next semester when we do the last two sets, I will string the first semester's cards at the top of the wall, towards the ceiling. That way we can still see them and point to them when we sing the song, but we won't need to take them down. The 2nd semester's cards will go on the wall where these are now.

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Love the timeline but wow, looks like it takes up a fair amount of space. But I really love the colors and such involved with it. May have to find space for a one when we reach that point.


It measures about 3 1/2' X 4 1/2' if you stack them on top of each other. You could just hang up one at a time if you don't want to be obnoxious like me :) I have ours hanging in the hall. Our house is pretty tiny, and there really isn't another place. I do have to say that every grown-up who has ever come over says, "WOW! That is SO cool!" It's not really the kind of decorating I want. We're moving in a few months, so I look forward to having our basement schoolroom with lots of wall space.

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I have this type of timeline as well. May I ask you, how do you keep your string nice and taut like that? Mine is sagging. I just have it tacked on each end though- how did you secure it to the wall? And are those just plain wooden clothespins? I tried that, but they seemed too heavy. I would love to use them though and write the dates on the pins.


What we did was DH (my amazing handyman!!) put a nail in every spot that had a stud (only a few spots per row). When he put the nail in, he hammered it through the clothesline (we used actual clothesline). Then, because it was nailed in so tightly in the wall, he was able to pull tight on the clothesline and nail it into the next stud. And yes, they are just regular, very cheap, wooden clothespins.


I LOVE how these cards color up the room! We are in military housing and cannot paint anything. I've gotten really sick of looking at white walls for years, lol! So this has been so nice to look at when we walk into the room! My kids absolutely love the cards. My 3 yr old is constantly looking at the artwork and it has become his little ritual every night at dinner to point to at least 3 or 4 and ask me what they say. :001_smile:

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We just did this. My friend gave me the idea. Hers are strung up her stairway wall. This is in the dining room where we do our work. I love that I can easily point to them, take them down to read the backs, and put them back up again.



I do love your timeline! I've been considering a clothesline timeline of sorts for quite a while. I found this link a couple of years ago which was my original inspiration: http://buntglas.wordpress.com/2010/01/23/timeline-middle-and-south-america-history/#comment-1490


I've also considered doing a "Post-It" timeline by running a line/stripe of Post-it tape down one long wall and then sticking Post-it notes, flags, etc. all around it.

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These are timelines for Beautiful Feet's History of Science. We also have Winter Promise timelines, but those are not enjoyed the way I had hoped (used, but not loved iykwim).


I'm loving all these pictures! Keep them coming, please!!

Edited by helena
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It measures about 3 1/2' X 4 1/2' if you stack them on top of each other. You could just hang up one at a time if you don't want to be obnoxious like me :) I have ours hanging in the hall. Our house is pretty tiny, and there really isn't another place. I do have to say that every grown-up who has ever come over says, "WOW! That is SO cool!" It's not really the kind of decorating I want. We're moving in a few months, so I look forward to having our basement schoolroom with lots of wall space.



I think I want it for me too. I don't have a good understand of when things happened in history and it'd be fun to have something I could easily add to, especially with a photo/card that would be easier for me to remember the details versus just writing it in. The stickers that are sold for that timeline also look interesting too. Thank you for sharing the cards you made.

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I think I want it for me too. I don't have a good understand of when things happened in history and it'd be fun to have something I could easily add to, especially with a photo/card that would be easier for me to remember the details versus just writing it in. The stickers that are sold for that timeline also look interesting too. Thank you for sharing the cards you made.


I think if I had bought the stickers, I would laminate them (because I have a laminating problem) and cut them out rather than sticking them on. I had read somewhere that someone regretted sticking them to the timeline.

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Both your ideas are top-notch!


Thanks! My dd is going on year 3 of using her Book of Centuries and she loves it. I'm thinking of starting my twins with their own BOC next year. Our timeline is around 4 years old at this point and it's holding up pretty well considering it's made of cardboard.

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What we did was DH (my amazing handyman!!) put a nail in every spot that had a stud (only a few spots per row). When he put the nail in, he hammered it through the clothesline (we used actual clothesline). Then, because it was nailed in so tightly in the wall, he was able to pull tight on the clothesline and nail it into the next stud. And yes, they are just regular, very cheap, wooden clothespins.


I LOVE how these cards color up the room! We are in military housing and cannot paint anything. I've gotten really sick of looking at white walls for years, lol! So this has been so nice to look at when we walk into the room! My kids absolutely love the cards. My 3 yr old is constantly looking at the artwork and it has become his little ritual every night at dinner to point to at least 3 or 4 and ask me what they say. :001_smile:


Well, it looks wonderful :) Mine is not a handyman, but he does put up with my hanging stuff all over the place for school LOL I think I will make some modifications. We have been making our own index cards for each event or person, but I have the Classical Conversations cards as well...I love how yours looks, so uniform. I like letting them create the cards, but sometimes their drawings are a little...indiscernible ;)

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Well, it looks wonderful :) Mine is not a handyman, but he does put up with my hanging stuff all over the place for school LOL I think I will make some modifications. We have been making our own index cards for each event or person, but I have the Classical Conversations cards as well...I love how yours looks, so uniform. I like letting them create the cards, but sometimes their drawings are a little...indiscernible ;)


Thank you! :001_smile:

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I am basing my Ancient timeline off of the clothesline one that Angela at SatoriSmiles did. You can see it here.


Luckily I printed off the cards from Lizards and Ladybugs before it went down. To me the clothesline approach just seems simple and easy for now.


Next year though I plan on doing something a little more- I posted about my friend's timeline book here and will be modeling after it.


I LOVE this idea. What did your friend use for a cover?

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In case anyone wants to see what the sloppy homeschooler does - i made up a basic line on excel and taped it together, found pictures on the web and edited them in word with minimal captions. Above it you can see the evolution timeline from Charlies Playhouse



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We just did this. My friend gave me the idea. Hers are strung up her stairway wall. This is in the dining room where we do our work. I love that I can easily point to them, take them down to read the backs, and put them back up again.



I bought the same cards last year and haven't used them. Thank you for the great idea! I would love to hang them for visual reminder.

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I am basing my Ancient timeline off of the clothesline one that Angela at SatoriSmiles did. You can see it here.


Luckily I printed off the cards from Lizards and Ladybugs before it went down. To me the clothesline approach just seems simple and easy for now.


Next year though I plan on doing something a little more- I posted about my friend's timeline book here and will be modeling after it.



I'm the creator of those timeline cards. Anyone wanting to download those cards can visit me at my new home blog at



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I LOVE this idea. What did your friend use for a cover?


She picked up fabric on sale from the local fabric store. This was the friend who turned me onto binding my own books and it has been an awesome resource in my house.


I'm the creator of those timeline cards. Anyone wanting to download those cards can visit me at my new home blog at




OH THANK YOU!! I will add your new site to my list. Thanks again for this awesome resource!!

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For my kids, I take cardstock and tape it together landscape fashion.....I fold it accordion style, then it fits in the pocket of their 3 ring binder. I have them start in 5 th grade, and add to it until they finish high school. My kids do not part with their timelines! They go off to college with them...lol.


I will try to get some pictures.

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Here is our Wall Timeline. I like that it only took me a week to get ready (cutting, labeling, and laminating) I printed out timeline figures from History Through the Ages Cd that I knew we would need. I also encourage my kids to draw their own figures and cut from National Geographic. Now, I just sit back and watch the kids fill it up! Bam! Done!


This is a link to my pinterest page showing you our timeline wall in progress: http://pinterest.com/pin/218002438183405484/


I still haven't gotten my "grease pencils" yet, also know as China Markers, to draw lines from the figure to the date.


You can look on our blog to see what we did in making it under the Schoolroom tab.


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Here is our Wall Timeline. I like that it only took me a week to get ready (cutting, labeling, and laminating) I printed out timeline figures from History Through the Ages Cd that I knew we would need. I also encourage my kids to draw their own figures and cut from National Geographic. Now, I just sit back and watch the kids fill it up! Bam! Done!


This is a link to my pinterest page showing you our timeline wall in progress: http://pinterest.com/pin/218002438183405484/


I still haven't gotten my "grease pencils" yet, also know as China Markers, to draw lines from the figure to the date.


You can look on our blog to see what we did in making it under the Schoolroom tab.



That's great!! Thank-you for sharing that.

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I'm the creator of those timeline cards. Anyone wanting to download those cards can visit me at my new home blog at




I'm so glad you posted this! I had posted a pic of them on my blog, and people were asking where I got them. I no longer had the file, so this is great! Thank you :)

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I don't have a picture, but my friend used the Kingfisher Encyclopedia as her history spine, and had her daughters make their own timeline - I'm not sure if they took turns doing a piece, but it was the neatest thing - and something she - and they - will treasure because it was all done by her daughters (approx grades 2-4?). She used index cards - they drew a picture of the person or event, including the date(s), and wrote a little about it. She may have written dates on the wall (like in real timeline fashion), but I don't think so - just the dates on the cards. For several years, it adorned the stairwell of their home - it probably stretched 10-12 feet or so, perhaps more.

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You can see mine here:


Timelines and Book of Centuries


This is a link to my pinterest page showing you our timeline wall in progress: http://pinterest.com/pin/218002438183405484/



Both of these are fantastic ideas. I've wanted to do a timeline with my boys for years but couldn't quite make it work. I will definitely do one of these ideas this week...thanks for the inspiration!

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