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Bananas, just curious, what would you have done?

Would you have taken them or left them?  

  1. 1. Would you have taken them or left them?

    • Heck yes, food is food, and free food is the best!
    • No way, just throw them away, my family has no use.
    • I don't know-I'm impartial!

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Last night at church, there were some bananas left that were given to our daycare and the director said, someone please take them and use them. Well I have bananas in the freezer, so I thought I would let others take them (there were about 12-14 bananas, they were starting to brown and would have been good for bread) This was the result of trying to give away the bananas- Sally-well I can't use them until Saturday. Me-well put them in the fridge, they'll be fine. Sally-no that's ok, see if someone else wants them. Next Sheryl-no, we can't use them, you want me to throw them away? Me-no, I'll see if Mary wants them (thinking throw them out? There are people starving in this world and you want to throw them out?) Mary-no we can't use them, go ahead and take them.(me thinking, you have 7 kids living at home and a vitamix and you don't want them for smoothies?) Ok, fine, I hate seeing things go to waste, I didn't "need" them, but I brought the bananas home and threw them in the fridge last night, I put about 5 in the smoothie for fruit leather and then the rest I sliced up to dehydrate, I can't remember how well bananas dehydrate, I know they are totally different then what you buy in the store, those are fried. Still the bananas have me shaking my head. So What would you have done?

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Last night at church, there were some bananas left that were given to our daycare and the director said, someone please take them and use them. Well I have bananas in the freezer, so I thought I would let others take them (there were about 12-14 bananas, they were starting to brown and would have been good for bread) This was the result of trying to give away the bananas- Sally-well I can't use them until Saturday. Me-well put them in the fridge, they'll be fine. Sally-no that's ok, see if someone else wants them. Next Sheryl-no, we can't use them, you want me to throw them away? Me-no, I'll see if Mary wants them (thinking throw them out? There are people starving in this world and you want to throw them out?) Mary-no we can't use them, go ahead and take them.(me thinking, you have 7 kids living at home and a vitamix and you don't want them for smoothies?) Ok, fine, I hate seeing things go to waste, I didn't "need" them, but I brought the bananas home and threw them in the fridge last night, I put about 5 in the smoothie for fruit leather and then the rest I sliced up to dehydrate, I can't remember how well bananas dehydrate, I know they are totally different then what you buy in the store, those are fried. Still the bananas have me shaking my head. So What would you have done?


I'm not 100% sure of what you're asking. Are you asking about dehydrating the bananas or ??


If no one wanted the bananas and offered them, then I would have taken them without a thought. Obviously, for one reason or another, no one had a need for the bananas, or perhaps they don't love bananas or don't add them to their smoothies. I've recently started freezing ours for smoothies. Now, I don't add ice. I love extra bananas.


ETA: I started responding before the poll. :)

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I would have done the same as you.


But I think that I also have some food insecurity issues. I am hardly a hoarder, or one of those people with freezers full of food for the apocalypse, but I hate to see food go to waste and I'd rather take it home and use it somehow. I am very certain that this is related to the fact that in the past, I have had periods without enough money in my bank account to go grocery shopping for fresh food, and I always feel like that might creep up on me again.


Do you think that might be a difference between you and the other women? (You don't need to answer publicly :lol:. It's just what popped into my head.)

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Too many variables. One, we don't make smoothies. I only own a cheapo blender and it can't handle them if any ingredient is frozen. Even fresh, I have stopped making smoothies. The kids eat the fruit better as solid food. Two, it would depend on how brown is brown. Personally, I only eat bananas on the green side. Dh will eat them with some brown spots though. Three, I almost never bake banana bread so taking them home for that would be just silly. My family isn't that wild about it for some reason. I love it, but don't want to be the only person eating it.


Now, I might consider taking them to feed to my chickens and goats. The chickens love the inside and the goats love the peels. However, if I was at church and already holding my purse, Bible, dd's bag, dh's Bible, dd's Bible, the bulletin, and whatever else ended up in my arms, I likely couldn't hold the bananas and maintain my balance.

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As someone who is going to make banana bread this morning, I would have taken them! Knowing my friends and acquaintances, I probably would not have even offered to others, as I can imagine the same responses that you got.

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I'm not 100% sure of what you're asking. Are you asking about dehydrating the bananas or ??


If no one wanted the bananas and offered them, then I would have taken them without a thought. Obviously, for one reason or another, no one had a need for the bananas, or perhaps they don't love bananas or don't add them to their smoothies. I've recently started freezing ours for smoothies. Now, I don't add ice. I love extra bananas.


ETA: I started responding before the poll. :)


No about taking them.

Also, fruit leather is just dried fruit smoothie. Like these, but I used a dehydrator. http://www.ourbestbites.com/2011/09/how-to-make-homemade-fruit-roll-ups/ None of the people are well off, we are all about the same income, I guess just differences in how we view things/would use things. The person that would throw them out, is probably the least likely of a cook, she's commented to my husband before that she hates cooking cause she doesn't know how. I believe a lot of cooking/baking is trial and error and you just gotta do it to learn.

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Just an FYI, but the more brown spots a banana has, the more cancer fighting properties it has! Brown bananas are healthier! :D

Unless you are diabetic. The more brown spots mean more sugar has been created. That is why really ripe ones are so good in banana bread - they are almost all sugar.

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i throw bananas in the freezer and put them in smoothies or banana pancakes or muffins.


I cant stand the idea of wasting food and I have NEVER gone hungry.


I also think a lot of people dont cook so if its not likely to be eaten in the next 24 hours, they dont want it


plus . . . some people get the pride thing going over 'i dont want them to think i need help feeding my family'


and some people get the germ thing going - how many people have touched those bananas? id' rather buy fresh, clean ones in the supermarket.


i definitely would have taken them.

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Too many variables. One, we don't make smoothies. I only own a cheapo blender and it can't handle them if any ingredient is frozen. Even fresh, I have stopped making smoothies. The kids eat the fruit better as solid food. Two, it would depend on how brown is brown. Personally, I only eat bananas on the green side. Dh will eat them with some brown spots though. Three, I almost never bake banana bread so taking them home for that would be just silly. My family isn't that wild about it for some reason. I love it, but don't want to be the only person eating it.


Now, I might consider taking them to feed to my chickens and goats. The chickens love the inside and the goats love the peels. However, if I was at church and already holding my purse, Bible, dd's bag, dh's Bible, dd's Bible, the bulletin, and whatever else ended up in my arms, I likely couldn't hold the bananas and maintain my balance.


:iagree: my family doesn't care for bananas lately. Who cares whether other people want old bananas or not?

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Too many variables. One, we don't make smoothies. I only own a cheapo blender and it can't handle them if any ingredient is frozen. Even fresh, I have stopped making smoothies. The kids eat the fruit better as solid food. Two, it would depend on how brown is brown. Personally, I only eat bananas on the green side. Dh will eat them with some brown spots though. Three, I almost never bake banana bread so taking them home for that would be just silly. My family isn't that wild about it for some reason. I love it, but don't want to be the only person eating it.


Now, I might consider taking them to feed to my chickens and goats. The chickens love the inside and the goats love the peels. However, if I was at church and already holding my purse, Bible, dd's bag, dh's Bible, dd's Bible, the bulletin, and whatever else ended up in my arms, I likely couldn't hold the bananas and maintain my balance.




My thought process would be a lot like this. I don't like bananas all that much, and I especially don't like aged bananas. I don't even like them in smoothies. I love banana bread but can't really eat too many carbs, and the kids get plenty of yummy carbs already. I could have taken them home to freeze, but odds are they would just sit in my freezer, taunting me and making me feel intense guilt (kind of like the ones that are sitting in there now :blushing:). I have enough stuff in my house that I'm not using; I don't need to add more bananas to it!

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Honestly it seems I am the only one taking home stuff like that. I hate to waste food, but it appears here it is a matter of arrogance that people don't want others to think they are needy. I have 8 kids so they pretend I *need* the food which has begun leading me to not take the food (some social issues in the community, but being the only one with many kids and concerned about wasting food, then I don't want people to keep feeling arrogant on my account).

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Do you mean what would I have done if you'd offered me the bananas?

Just as you passed on them the first time around, I would have passed.


My family likes bananas that aren't quite as ripe as the ones you've described. I have more than half a dozen in my freezer already. I've been making green smoothies and don't care for the taste of bananas in green smoothies. I don't need free bananas, and I would have left them for someone who would have been better blessed by them.


If NO ONE else would have taken them, I probably would have taken them and added to my freezer collection, but my dh would not have been pleased. He thinks we have too many in there already.:D

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They would go to waste here. I have one kid who will eat an occasional banana. But I'm talking I buy 1 or 2 about once a month when he asks. Nobody else will eat them. I don't bake stuff like banana bread nor make smoothies.


So I can imagine that some people just wouldn't have any use for a particular food item.


I do feel bad about throwing food out, but I'm not a trash can either. I can't eat certain foods because they have too much sugar. So better to throw them out than deal with the consequences of eating them.


Now if it was something I would eat, I'd take it home without hesitation.


This describes us, too. My declining them would have nothing to do with trying to pretend we don't need them. I just know they would go to waste here, and I'd end up throwing them away anyway.


:) Beachy

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My thought process would be a lot like this. I don't like bananas all that much, and I especially don't like aged bananas. I don't even like them in smoothies. I love banana bread but can't really eat too many carbs, and the kids get plenty of yummy carbs already. I could have taken them home to freeze, but odds are they would just sit in my freezer, taunting me and making me feel intense guilt (kind of like the ones that are sitting in there now :blushing:). I have enough stuff in my house that I'm not using; I don't need to add more bananas to it!


Exactly the same here.


I think some people are reading too much into the folks' reasons for not taking bananas. I don't see arrogance or a fear of looking needy. I see people who just don't want bananas.

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Probably the sleep deprivation talking, but I'm picturing this as a musical, with the OP's fellow church-goers singing:


"Yes, we want no bananas.... we want no bananas, today!!!"


And then a scene of the OP walking alone, looking pensive and singing to herself (to the tune of "Guantanamera"):


"Want no bananas? Why do they want no bananas? Want no bananas..."



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If I were out of fruit at home I might take them for the kids. But the kids usually won't eat bananas that are "bread level" brown, and I don't bake those sorts of things. I also don't eat bananas or smoothies because they have so much sugar. So I wouldn't think it odd that some people didn't want that specific thing.


Like WendyK, if it were a food item I ate, I'd take it, especially if no one else wants it. We are not needy and I would not consider someone who took free food to be needy. There's no point in wasting food if someone will eat it!

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Probably the sleep deprivation talking, but I'm picturing this as a musical, with the OP's fellow church-goers singing:


"Yes, we want no bananas.... we want no bananas, today!!!"


And then a scene of the OP walking alone, looking pensive and singing to herself (to the tune of "Guantanamera"):


"Want no bananas? Why do they want no bananas? Want no bananas..."





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