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When it doesn't go right

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A year ago my daughter was starting college. She finished high school with an A average. She was beautiful, vivacious, and a joy to be around.


Now she wants nothing to do with us, has dropped out of college, and is living in her car. Her choices are so wrong and I don't know why. She will not let us help. She will not even answer her phone.


Sometimes life is hard.

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I'm so sorry! Do you think she has a substance abuse problem or a mental illness? (I'm just talking out loud here, please don't feel the need to respond)





Keep telling her you love her when you do talk, and keep telling her that there is nothing she can do that will make you love her less.



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But she was living with us and going to school from here. Suddenly she was spending more and more time away from home and now this!


Well, something else must be going on - not that you need to share that here.


It probably relates to a relationship, a friendship, or an addiction.


I hope you find the answers and can help her find her way.

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A year ago my daughter was starting college. She finished high school with an A average. She was beautiful, vivacious, and a joy to be around.


Now she wants nothing to do with us, has dropped out of college, and is living in her car. Her choices are so wrong and I don't know why. She will not let us help. She will not even answer her phone.


Sometimes life is hard.

I am so, so sorry. How heartbreaking. I pray that she turns around soon.

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I'm so sorry! Do you think she has a substance abuse problem or a mental illness? (I'm just talking out loud here, please don't feel the need to respond)



This is what I would be worrying about. Or perhaps she has been victimized in some way that she doesn't feel able to deal with or talk about with anyone else.


A very dear friend of mine had a similar phase of her life right after college, and it was terrifying to all of us. My thoughts are with your daughter.

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I agree. Drugs, alcohol, or a boy. To drastically change that much in such a short time is screaming that something is going on. Think back to all that you have seen in her. Does anything unusual stick out? Something you might have dismissed before but now makes you wonder? Did her attitude change over time or was it a quick thing? Quick would make me think something traumatic, over time would make me lean toward addiction. Clearly something is going on that she is ashamed of or doesn't want you to know about.

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I sooo feel for you. But I do not think this is as simple as making poor choices. She is having a breakdown of some kind. It could be due to drugs/ alcohol/ a boy as other posters suggested, I would have guessed campus rape, which is rampant, until you said she was living with you, so I would think you would have noticed a very sudden change. I do not think this was brought on by bad parenting, I do not think this is your fault. I think something extreme has happened.

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But she was living with us and going to school from here. Suddenly she was spending more and more time away from home and now this!


She met someone who was a really bad influence there or has suffered a trauma, like others said, I think.

Can you follow her and find out where she is and with whom? If she is underage and the other person or persons are not, maybe the police will extract her?

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