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Ack! Parents blindsiding me with STUFF!

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If you think you will do something with it, keep it, if not, get rid of it. It's a great idea to make a memory quilt with different things. I know people who have done that and it turned out great. But, if you're like me, you will collect all the stuff and never get to having the quilt made or making it yourself! In *my* case, I would get rid of the sash and keep the badges (especially the ones that carry the most memories.) But, I'm a thrower not a keeper!

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You know, if you've got some stuff that you're sentimentally attached to, why not take a picture and start making a scrapbook? I have a friend who suggested that to me, and I thought it was a great idea. I don't know if you have other pictures from your childhood, maybe even of you doing Girl Scout stuff, but you could start making a memory book for yourself and put a picture of your sash in there.


For example, I have some weird trophies and stuff from high school - top ten academics, I think, and a band plaque, etc. I have not actually brought myself to get rid of these things yet (mostly because they are lost among the JUNK in my house right now) but when I find them, I will probably take a picture of them and then get rid of them. I cannot see that I would ever display them in my house, you know?


And really, if you just can't get rid of it, make a "special box" for yourself somewhere. You can decide on the size, and limit yourself to just that box, but there is no reason you can't keep a few things that are special to you. At some point, you may be ready to let them go, but if you're not there yet, it really is OK.

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Do you have good memories of girl scouts? I might keep the badges and ditch the sash. Could you put them in a little frame and sit it on a bookshelf? I like that nostalgic type of decorating. It would mean more than some random print to me.


If you didn't enjoy scouts I'd ditch the whole thing.

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At least your have the opportunity to weed through it. My dh's mother would send us home with BOXES of his old stuff every time we visited w/ them! I have 8-10 boxes of JUNK in my storage room right now that dh has yet to go through. My mother kept all my stuff, too, but she has me weed through it occasionally when we visit my folks. Take a sampling of momentos that are the most sentimental and toss the rest. It's tough, but when I did it...I never looked back. I kept hs stuff and some grade school stuff. I took a photo of all my trophies and tossed the real ones.

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My parents gave me my Girl Scout sash, too. And my Indian Princess vest. I have them in a box. I keep them for the memories of my parents, who are alive and well an on vacation in Alaska this week. But they took the time to do those things with me. My mom was my GS leader always. I know one day I won't have my parents, but I will have these two tangible things of their love. And these things also remind me to spend time with my kids. I won't be too busy to run the GS troop. DH is not too busy to coach three soccer teams and one tennis team.

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Is any of this stuff that you missed before it was given to you? If not, I'd just pitch the boxes unopened. Really.


If you feel you absolutely must sort, play this game with yourself: pretend that you've been asked to sort someone else's stuff into two piles - donate and toss. There are no other options. If something is really interesting, take a digital picture.


Sorting through my mother's things back in 2001 made me resolve not to leave a whole pile of carp for my heirs to deal with. Other than my small collection of books, all of which are in saleable condition, the only personal effects I intend to leave behind are my clothes (no more than one large trash bag full), my violin (if I haven't sold it or given it to dd by then), and one small box of mementos. Everything should fit easily into the trunk of a sedan so that it can be driven in one trip to someone's charity of choice. Anything remaining after that - toiletries, papers - can be recycled or thrown away without remorse.


This probably sounds terribly morbid, but I've found that thinking in these terms helps me keep a handle on what material things worth keeping. The answer for me is: very few indeed.

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If you want to keep it, it might look good in a shadow box. I'm going to eventually do this with DH's eagle scout stuff. Even the badges in a small shadowbox would look nice. I'm sentimental about stuff like that so I'd keep it just for future grandaughers or daughter-in-laws could look through it.

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Do you have good memories of girl scouts? I might keep the badges and ditch the sash. Could you put them in a little frame and sit it on a bookshelf? I like that nostalgic type of decorating. It would mean more than some random print to me.


If you didn't enjoy scouts I'd ditch the whole thing.


This is a great idea. My dh made Eagle and his mom framed his sash - it makes a *great* conversation piece.

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If it were me I would sort through it for the memories and take pics of those things that have the most meaning. Then I'd trash it all. It is about the memories really and it is stuff you haven't missed up until now so why reintroduce it back into your life and complicate things.


My mom saved two books of mine from my childhood. That is all. Nothing else. I would have liked the opportunity to sort through some memories, but she threw them all away. At least you have a chance to revisit those memories, but a picture is worth a thousand words. You don't need the stuff to trigger the memories if you have photos.


Again, look through it, take pics, let it go.

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I would probably have boxes at the ready so I could just put stuff into them and then ship them home...unless you drove and can put them in your vehicle. Then I would go through the stuff at home, at my own pace. On the bright side, at least they're asking you before pitching stuff. I wish my step-mom had, or my mom's mom (in Korea) had.



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You know, if you've got some stuff that you're sentimentally attached to, why not take a picture and start making a scrapbook? I have a friend who suggested that to me, and I thought it was a great idea. I don't know if you have other pictures from your childhood, maybe even of you doing Girl Scout stuff, but you could start making a memory book for yourself and put a picture of your sash in there.


For example, I have some weird trophies and stuff from high school - top ten academics, I think, and a band plaque, etc. I have not actually brought myself to get rid of these things yet (mostly because they are lost among the JUNK in my house right now) but when I find them, I will probably take a picture of them and then get rid of them. I cannot see that I would ever display them in my house, you know?



This is a fabulous idea. My parents are moving, and sent me home when I last visited with boxes full of stuff. Things I haven't thought of in 8 years. Trophies and medals from math and latin competitions (yes, I was very much a geek in high school), that I am proud of, but can't imagine what I would do with them. Thank you. :)

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My parents save everything. Their house is bigger than ours and my dad keeps having to build more shelving and closets because they have so much stuff. They're getting older, and I'm dreading the day that their children (read, I have to sort through everything for them in a state of grief. Much better to be rid of things gradually through the years. It has to be done sometime.

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Australian guides have a very strong tradition of badge blankets. Even now I buy souvenier badges. I even bought one last weekend. My aim in life is to nearly fill up the blanket. I wouldn't know what to do with my life if I did completely fill it up, so I'm hoping I die when there is room for one or two more. :) Woolen blankets insulated with a layer of badges are very nice for sitting around campfires with, and are very good conversation starters whether out camping or lying over the couch.



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My mom had me go through stuff this summer when we were there, I whittled it down to two small boxes, which had papers and some favorite toys. She had one huge box of school stuff -- a lot of artwork/crafts, but also all my grade reports (from first grade onwards), and even some worksheets and all, remember those ditto machines? lol.


I was struck by a few things when I was going through them. First about the grade reports, my grades were Bs and mostly Cs, I may have gotten one A... and the parent and teacher comments were always "pleased with her progress", etc. I think these days I would have been viewed as lackluster, lol.


The other thing was how much they recycled. My artwork was done on the backs of old calendar pages, or old school newsletters, or whatever recycled bits of paper. And the crafts were so simple -- like ghosts made from a tissue and a small piece of yarn, lol. I sometimes feel like I expend way too much energy (and money) these days on materials.


I don't know, I agree with the helpfulness of taking photos or scanning some of the papers, but somehow it's also nice to be able to go back every now and then and actually hold it in your hands, kwim? I was going through this stuff, and it was amazing to me how I would pick up something and get a flashback to when I did it -- I don't know if I'd have the same reactions if it was a "copy", maybe I would.

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